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Adjoint-based surrogate optimization of oil reservoir water flooding ⋮ Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method for Highly Heterogeneous Compressible Flow ⋮ Model-Order Reduction for Coupled Flow and Linear Thermal-Poroplasticity with Applications to Unconventional Reservoirs ⋮ A multiscale restriction-smoothed basis method for high contrast porous media represented on unstructured grids ⋮ Mixed-hybrid and vertex-discontinuous-Galerkin finite element modeling of multiphase compositional flow on 3D unstructured grids ⋮ Active-Set Reduced-Space Methods with Nonlinear Elimination for Two-Phase Flow Problems in Porous Media ⋮ A simplified enhanced MPFA formulation for the elliptic equation on general grids ⋮ Flow-based dissimilarity measures for reservoir models: a spatial-temporal tensor approach ⋮ Novel numerical techniques based on mimetic finite difference method for pricing two dimensional options ⋮ Prediction of permeability of porous media using optimized convolutional neural networks ⋮ Dual Virtual Element Method for Discrete Fractures Networks ⋮ CO2 flow in saline aquifer with salt precipitation ⋮ A Comparison of Consistent Discretizations for Elliptic Problems on Polyhedral Grids ⋮ Parallel reservoir simulators for fully implicit complementarity formulation of multicomponent compressible flows ⋮ Scalable fully implicit methods for subsurface flows in porous media with fractional derivative ⋮ An Introduction to Reservoir Simulation Using MATLAB/GNU Octave ⋮ DUNE — The Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment ⋮ Hybrid mimetic finite-difference and virtual element formulation for coupled poromechanics ⋮ Nonlinear convergence in contact mechanics: immersed boundary finite volume ⋮ Velocity of viscous fingers in miscible displacement: comparison with analytical models ⋮ Accelerating the solution of linear systems appearing in two-phase reservoir simulation by the use of POD-based deflation methods ⋮ Inexact methods for sequential fully implicit (SFI) 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