swMATH7327CRANarulesMaRDI QIDQ19363
Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
Michael Hahsler, Bettina Gruen, Christian Buchta, Kurt Hornik
Last update: 29 November 2023
Copyright license: GNU General Public License, version 3.0
Software version identifier: 1.7-6, 0.1-0, 0.1-1, 0.1-3, 0.1-4, 0.2-1, 0.2-2, 0.2-3, 0.2-4, 0.2-5, 0.2-6, 0.2-7, 0.3-0, 0.3-1, 0.4-0, 0.4-1, 0.4-2, 0.4-3, 0.4-4, 0.5-0, 0.6-0, 0.6-1, 0.6-2, 0.6-3, 0.6-4, 0.6-5, 0.6-6, 0.6-7, 0.6-8, 1.0-0, 1.0-1, 1.0-2, 1.0-3, 1.0-5, 1.0-6, 1.0-7, 1.0-8, 1.0-9, 1.0-10, 1.0-11, 1.0-12, 1.0-13, 1.0-14, 1.0-15, 1.1-0, 1.1-1, 1.1-2, 1.1-3, 1.1-4, 1.1-5, 1.1-6, 1.1-7, 1.1-9, 1.2-0, 1.2-1, 1.3-0, 1.3-1, 1.4-0, 1.4-1, 1.4-2, 1.5-0, 1.5-2, 1.5-3, 1.5-4, 1.5-5, 1.6-0, 1.6-1, 1.6-2, 1.6-3, 1.6-4, 1.6-5, 1.6-6, 1.6-7, 1.6-8, 1.7-0, 1.7-1, 1.7-2, 1.7-3, 1.7-4, 1.7-5, 1.7-7
Source code repository:
Provides the infrastructure for representing, manipulating and analyzing transaction data and patterns (frequent itemsets and association rules). Also provides C implementations of the association mining algorithms Apriori and Eclat. Hahsler, Gruen and Hornik (2005) <doi:10.18637/jss.v014.i15>.