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Interface to the 'OpenBUGS' MCMC Software
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Last update: 25 February 2024
Copyright license: GNU General Public License, version 2.0
Software version identifier: 0.9-1, 0.9-2, 0.2-2, 0.2-3, 0.2-5, 0.2-6, 0.2-7, 0.3-1, 0.3-2, 0.3-3, 0.4-1, 0.7-4, 0.7-5, 0.8-0, 0.8-1, 0.8-2, 0.8-3, 0.8-4, 0.8-5, 0.8-6, 0.9-0, 0.9-2.1
Source code repository:
Fully-interactive R interface to the 'OpenBUGS' software for Bayesian analysis using MCMC sampling. Runs natively and stably in 32-bit R under Windows. Versions running on x86Linux and on 64-bit R under Windows are in "beta" status and less efficient.
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