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Compressive Learning for Patch-Based Image Denoising ⋮ A Spatial Color Compensation Model Using Saturation-Value Total Variation ⋮ Multiscale stochastic hierarchical image segmentation by spectral clustering ⋮ A novel active contour model for image segmentation using distance regularization term ⋮ Transform a simple sketch to a Chinese painting by a multiscale deep neural network ⋮ Gaussian Patch Mixture Model Guided Low-Rank Covariance Matrix Minimization for Image Denoising ⋮ An algorithmic framework for Mumford–Shah regularization of inverse problems in imaging ⋮ Robust path-based spectral clustering ⋮ Automatic colour–texture image segmentation using active contours ⋮ Direct Estimation of Appearance Models for Segmentation ⋮ Patch-Based Image Restoration Using Expectation Propagation ⋮ Efficient representation in spaces of plane curves ⋮ A Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation Model for Image Processing ⋮ Tensor CUR Decomposition under T-Product and Its Perturbation ⋮ Single Circuit in V1 Capable of Switching Contexts During Movement Using an Inhibitory Population as a Switch ⋮ SingleCross-clustering: an algorithm for finding elongated clusters with automatic estimation of outliers and number of clusters ⋮ Noise-robust image fusion with low-rank sparse decomposition guided by external patch prior ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ A three-stage approach for segmenting degraded color images: smoothing, lifting and thresholding (SLaT) ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Color Image Segmentation Using Semi-bounded Finite Mixture Models by Incorporating Mean Templates ⋮ Flexible Statistical Learning Model for Unsupervised Image Modeling and Segmentation ⋮ Unimodal thresholding for edge detection ⋮ Improving non-local means image denoising by correlation correction ⋮ LBCRN: lightweight bidirectional correction residual network for image super-resolution ⋮ On constrained spectral clustering and its applications ⋮ Proximal gradient algorithm for nonconvex low tubal rank tensor recovery ⋮ Spherical Mesh Adaptive Direct Search for Separating Quasi-Uncorrelated Sources by Range-Based Independent Component Analysis ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Expectation-maximization algorithms for inference in Dirichlet processes mixture ⋮ Range-Based ICA Using a Nonsmooth Quasi-Newton Optimizer for Electroencephalographic Source Localization in Focal Epilepsy ⋮ Smoothing techniques and difference of convex functions algorithms for image reconstructions ⋮ What Works Best When? A Systematic Evaluation of Heuristics for Max-Cut and QUBO ⋮ Compressing Images with Diffusion- and Exemplar-Based Inpainting ⋮ Combining Topological Maps, Multi-Label Simple Points, and Minimum-Length Polygons for Efficient Digital Partition Model ⋮ Community Detection for Hierarchical Image Segmentation ⋮ Low light image denoising solution with contrast enhancement in curvelet domain using Gaussian mixture adaptation model ⋮ Adaptive Rough Entropy Clustering Algorithms in Image Segmentation ⋮ Combining local belief from low-level primitives for perceptual grouping ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Mean shift spectral clustering ⋮ Fast Texture Segmentation Based on Semi-Local Region Descriptor and Active Contour ⋮ Fast Partitioning of Vector-Valued Images ⋮ Contour and texture analysis for image segmentation ⋮ Perception‐based image classification ⋮ Lattice-based high-dimensional Gaussian filtering and the permutohedral lattice ⋮ Learning Multiscale Sparse Representations for Image and Video Restoration ⋮ Deblurring Methods Using Antireflective Boundary Conditions ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Image Denoising with Generalized Gaussian Mixture Model Patch Priors ⋮ Solving inverse problems using data-driven models ⋮ A hybrid construction method based on weight functions to obtain interval-valued fuzzy relations ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Object Detection and Recognition in Digital Images ⋮ On Backwardp(x)-Parabolic Equations for Image Enhancement ⋮ Hierarchical clustering based on the information bottleneck method using a control process ⋮ SWGMM: a semi-wrapped Gaussian mixture model for clustering of circular-linear data ⋮ Image Denoising via Multiscale Nonlinear Diffusion Models ⋮ Theoretical Analysis of Active Contours on Graphs ⋮ Color Image Restoration by Saturation-Value Total Variation Regularization on Vector Bundles ⋮ A Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation for Relaxed Mumford--Shah Color and Multiphase Image Segmentation ⋮ Learning Maximally Monotone Operators for Image Recovery ⋮ Shared Prior Learning of Energy-Based Models for Image Reconstruction ⋮ SymNMF: nonnegative low-rank approximation of a similarity matrix for graph clustering ⋮ A fast and efficient mesh segmentation method based on improved region growing ⋮ Hierarchical Segmentation Based Upon Multi-resolution Approximations and the Watershed Transform ⋮ Attribute Operators for Color Images: Image Segmentation Improved by the Use of Unsupervised Segmentation Evaluation Methods ⋮ Quasi-Flat Zones for Angular Data Simplification ⋮ An Adaptive Self-Reduction Type-2 Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Pattern Recognition ⋮ An entropy based salient edge enhancement using fusion process ⋮ GPU-based supervoxel segmentation for 3D point clouds ⋮ Mean field models for large data-clustering problems ⋮ Lagrange-Chebyshev interpolation for image resizing ⋮ Fields of experts ⋮ Comparison of minimization methods for nonsmooth image segmentation ⋮ Multicuts and perturb \& MAP for probabilistic graph clustering ⋮ Tucker factorization with missing data with application to low-\(n\)-rank tensor completion ⋮ Perturbations of the \textsc{Tcur} decomposition for tensor valued data in the Tucker format ⋮ An efficient algorithm for computing the approximate t-URV and its applications ⋮ A global and local active contour model based on dual algorithm for image segmentation ⋮ SLEDGE: sequential labeling of image edges for boundary detection ⋮ Structure-sensitive superpixels via geodesic distance ⋮ Applied graph theory in computer vision and pattern recognition ⋮ Iterative ensemble normalized cuts ⋮ A new generalised \(\alpha\) scale spaces quadrature filters ⋮ Enabling scalable spectral clustering for image segmentation ⋮ Unsupervised image segmentation based on analysis of binary partition tree for salient object extraction ⋮ A regularized kernel CCA contrast function for ICA ⋮ Restoration for noise removal in quantum images ⋮ Direct sparse deblurring ⋮ The color monogenic signal: application to color edge detection and color optical flow ⋮ Heat equations on vector bundles -- application to color image regularization ⋮ One-class support vector ensembles for image segmentation and classification ⋮ Saturation-value total variation model for chromatic aberration correction ⋮ Experimental investigation on simultaneous measurement of temperature distributions and radiative properties in an oil-fired tunnel furnace by radiation analysis ⋮ Texture segmentation using independent-scale component-wise Riemannian-covariance Gaussian mixture model in KL measure based multi-scale nonlinear structure tensor space ⋮ Image deblurring with matrix regression and gradient evolution ⋮ A quaternion framework for color image smoothing and segmentation ⋮ Recovering occlusion boundaries from an image ⋮ Orientation-matching minimization for image denoising and inpainting
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