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Simulation of Plot Errors and Phenotypes in Plant Breeding Field Trials

Christian Werner, Daniel J Tolhurst

Last update: 3 November 2023

Copyright license: GNU General Public License

Software version identifier: 1.1.0, 1.0.0, 1.2.0

Simulates plot data in field trials for multiple traits across multiple environments. Its core function generates plot errors comprising 1) a spatially correlated error term, 2) a random error term, and 3) an extraneous error term. Spatially correlated errors are simulated using either bivariate interpolation or a two-dimensional autoregressive process of order one (AR1:AR1). The three error terms are combined at a user-defined ratio. Plot phenotypes can be generated by combining the simulated errors with genetic values (e.g. true, simulated or predicted). 'FieldSimR' provides wrapper functions to simulate genetic values for multiple traits across multiple environments using the 'R' package 'AlphaSimR'.