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Bifurcation Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equation Systems

Andre M. de Roos

Last update: 4 December 2023

Software version identifier: 0.1.7, 0.1.0, 0.1.5, 0.1.8

Copyright license: GNU General Public License, version 3.0

Shiny application that performs bifurcation and phaseplane analysis of systems of ordinary differential equations. The package allows for computation of equilibrium curves as a function of a single free parameter, detection of transcritical, saddle-node and hopf bifurcation points along these curves, and computation of curves representing these transcritical, saddle-node and hopf bifurcation points as a function of two free parameters. The shiny-based GUI allows visualization of the results in both 2D- and 3D-plots. The implemented methods for solution localisation and curve continuation are based on the book "Elements of applied bifurcation theory" (Kuznetsov, Y. A., 1995; ISBN: 0-387-94418-4).