Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
\(H(\operatorname{curl}^2)\)-conforming triangular spectral element method for quad-curl problems | 2025-01-16 | Paper |
Fast implementation of FEM for integral fractional Laplacian on rectangular meshes | 2024-10-16 | Paper |
Efficient spectral methods for eigenvalue problems of the integral fractional Laplacian on a ball of any dimension | 2024-10-09 | Paper |
An adaptive orthogonal basis method for computing multiple solutions of differential equations with polynomial nonlinearities | 2024-07-09 | Paper |
Exponential stabilization of stochastic memristive recurrent neural networks under periodically intermittent state feedback control | 2024-06-27 | Paper |
An exact divergence-free spectral method for incompressible and resistive magneto-hydrodynamic equations in two and three dimensions | 2023-12-19 | Paper |
Müntz ball polynomials and Müntz spectral-Galerkin methods for singular eigenvalue problems | 2023-07-28 | Paper |
Efficient Hermite Spectral-Galerkin Methods for Nonlocal Diffusion Equations in Unbounded Domains | 2023-04-04 | Paper |
Efficient space-time Jacobi rational spectral methods for second order time-dependent problems on unbounded domains | 2022-04-01 | Paper |
Sparse spectral-Galerkin method on an arbitrary tetrahedron using generalized Koornwinder polynomials | 2022-03-14 | Paper | | 2022-03-07 | Paper |
Nontensorial generalised hermite spectral methods for PDEs with fractional Laplacian and Schrödinger operators | 2022-02-21 | Paper |
Hermite–Sobolev orthogonal functions and spectral methods for second- and fourth-order problems on unbounded domains | 2022-02-16 | Paper |
H(curl2)-conforming quadrilateral spectral element method for quad-curl problems | 2022-01-31 | Paper |
A posteriori error estimates of spectral approximations for second order partial differential equations in spherical geometries | 2022-01-10 | Paper |
Event-triggered impulsive synchronization of discrete-time coupled neural networks with stochastic perturbations and multiple delays | 2021-12-07 | Paper |
A Mortar Spectral Element Method for Full-Potential Electronic Structure Calculations | 2021-11-03 | Paper |
\(H(\mathrm{curl}^2)\)-conforming spectral element method for quad-curl problems | 2021-10-28 | Paper |
Sharp error estimates of a spectral Galerkin method for a diffusion-reaction equation with integral fractional Laplacian on a disk | 2021-07-07 | Paper |
Impulse-based coupling synchronization of multiple discrete-time memristor-based neural networks with stochastic perturbations and mixed delays | 2021-02-04 | Paper |
A penalized weak Galerkin spectral element method for second order elliptic equations | 2021-02-03 | Paper |
New results on synchronization of fractional-order memristor-based neural networks via state feedback control | 2020-10-21 | Paper |
Numerical analysis on the mortar spectral element methods for Schrödinger eigenvalue problem with an inverse square potential | 2020-09-18 | Paper |
Spectral-Galerkin approximation and optimal error estimate for biharmonic eigenvalue problems in circular/spherical/elliptical domains | 2020-05-19 | Paper |
A new collocation method using near-minimal Chebyshev quadrature nodes on a square | 2020-04-27 | Paper |
Vectorial ball Prolate spheroidal wave functions with the divergence free constraint | 2020-04-08 | Paper |
Ball prolate spheroidal wave functions in arbitrary dimensions | 2020-02-28 | Paper |
Master-slave exponential synchronization of delayed complex-valued memristor-based neural networks via impulsive control | 2020-02-03 | Paper |
Jacobi-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials and spectral methods for elliptic boundary value problems | 2020-01-27 | Paper |
\(C^1\)-conforming quadrilateral spectral element method for fourth-order equations | 2020-01-27 | Paper |
Optimal error estimates for Chebyshev approximations of functions with limited regularity in fractional Sobolev-type spaces | 2019-08-01 | Paper |
A triangular spectral element method for elliptic and Stokes problems | 2019-06-21 | Paper |
Finite‐time synchronization of memristive neural networks with time‐varying delays via two control methods | 2019-06-06 | Paper |
Novel spectral methods for Schrödinger equations with an inverse square potential on the whole space | 2019-05-09 | Paper |
Exponential Stabilization of Time‐varying Delayed Complex‐valued Memristor‐based Neural Networks Via Impulsive Control | 2019-02-08 | Paper | | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
New space-time spectral and structured spectral element methods for high order problems | 2019-01-29 | Paper |
Finite‐time synchronization and adaptive synchronization of memristive recurrent neural networks with delays | 2018-12-21 | Paper |
Efficient spectral methods for some singular eigenvalue problems | 2018-12-13 | Paper |
Exponential stabilisation of memristive neural networks under intermittent output feedback control | 2018-09-17 | Paper |
Exponential Synchronization of Memristive Chaotic Recurrent Neural Networks Via Alternate Output Feedback Control | 2018-07-12 | Paper |
Jacobi-Galerkin spectral method for eigenvalue problems of Riesz fractional differential equations | 2018-03-09 | Paper |
Diagonalized Legendre spectral methods using Sobolev orthogonal polynomials for elliptic boundary value problems | 2018-02-15 | Paper |
A fully diagonalized spectral method using generalized Laguerre functions on the half line | 2018-01-31 | Paper |
Efficient space-time spectral methods for second-order problems on unbounded domains | 2017-11-10 | Paper | | 2017-10-20 | Paper |
Spectral methods using generalized Laguerre functions for second and fourth order problems | 2017-10-06 | Paper |
The triangular spectral element method for Stokes eigenvalues | 2017-07-03 | Paper |
Decoupled energy stable schemes for a phase field model of three-phase incompressible viscous fluid flow | 2017-06-06 | Paper |
Optimal spectral schemes based on generalized prolate spheroidal wave functions of order \(-1\) | 2017-04-03 | Paper |
Efficient Spectral and Spectral Element Methods for Eigenvalue Problems of Schrödinger Equations with an Inverse Square Potential | 2017-01-13 | Paper | | 2016-01-15 | Paper |
Spectral Approximation on the Unit Ball | 2015-04-08 | Paper |
Hexagonal Fourier-Galerkin Methods for the Two-Dimensional Homogeneous Isotropic Decaying Turbulence | 2014-11-03 | Paper |
Modeling and simulations of drop pinch-off from liquid crystal filaments and the leaky liquid crystal faucet immersed in viscous fluids | 2014-05-12 | Paper | | 2014-02-28 | Paper | | 2014-02-28 | Paper |
A new triangular spectral element method. I: Implementation and analysis on a triangle | 2013-12-04 | Paper |
Discrete Fourier analysis and Chebyshev polynomials with \(G_{2}\) group | 2013-07-04 | Paper |
Legendre Spectral Galerkin Method for Electromagnetic Scattering from Large Cavities | 2013-05-06 | Paper | | 2013-01-24 | Paper | | 2012-10-05 | Paper | | 2011-07-19 | Paper |
A New Spectral Method on Triangles | 2011-05-18 | Paper |
Discrete Fourier analysis on a dodecahedron and a tetrahedron | 2010-11-07 | Paper |
Discrete Fourier analysis with lattices on planar domains | 2010-10-13 | Paper |
Optimal error estimates in Jacobi-weighted Sobolev spaces for polynomial approximations on the triangle | 2010-08-30 | Paper |
A Triangular Spectral Element Method Using Fully Tensorial Rational Basis Functions | 2010-07-13 | Paper |
Cubature formula and interpolation on the cubic domain | 2010-07-08 | Paper |
Discrete Fourier analysis on fundamental domain and simplex of \(A_{d}\) lattice in \(d\)-variables | 2010-07-02 | Paper | | 2010-02-12 | Paper |
Discrete Fourier Analysis, Cubature, and Interpolation on a Hexagon and a Triangle | 2009-08-20 | Paper |
Chebyshev‐Legendre spectral method for solving the two‐dimensional vorticity equations with homogeneous Dirichlet conditions | 2009-06-02 | Paper |
Super spectral viscosity method for nonlinear conservation laws | 2006-10-04 | Paper |
Generalized Fourier transform on an arbitrary triangular domain | 2005-03-04 | Paper |
Optimal Error Estimates of the Chebyshev--Legendre Spectral Method for Solving the Generalized Burgers Equation | 2004-01-18 | Paper |
The Legendre Galerkin-Chebyshev collocation method for Burgers-like equations | 2003-10-06 | Paper |
Shifted Chebyshev collocation domain truncation for solving problems on an infinite interval | 2003-08-20 | Paper |
An Adaptive Orthogonal Basis Method for Computing Multiple Solutions of Differential Equations with polynomial nonlinearities | N/A | Paper |
Highly efficient Gauss's law-preserving spectral algorithms for Maxwell's double-curl source and eigenvalue problems based on eigen-decomposition | N/A | Paper |