| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Reduced density matrices and entanglement entropy in free lattice models / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement entropy in free quantum field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement entropy in extended quantum systems / rank |
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| Property / cites work: <i>Colloquium</i>: Area laws for the entanglement entropy / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Holographic entanglement entropy / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On single-copy entanglement / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Quantum source of entropy for black holes / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entropy and area / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Holographic Derivation of Entanglement Entropy from the anti–de Sitter Space/Conformal Field Theory Correspondence / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Geometric and renormalized entropy in conformal field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement entropy and quantum field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: A finite entanglement entropy and the c-theorem / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Holographic Fermi surfaces and entanglement entropy / rank |
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| Property / cites work: A refinement of entanglement entropy and the number of degrees of freedom / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Aspects of quantum information in finite density field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement does not generally decrease under renormalization / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Schrödinger invariance and strongly anisotropic critical systems / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Field theory on Newton-Cartan backgrounds and symmetries of the Lifshitz vacuum / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Quantum Phase Transitions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4842688 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The Luttinger model: Its role in the RG-theory of one dimensional many body Fermi systems / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Renormalization group for one-dimensional fermions. A review on mathematical results / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Quantum Physics in One Dimension / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Topological order and conformal quantum critical points / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Scaling of entanglement entropy at 2D quantum Lifshitz fixed points and topological fluids / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Correlation functions in theories with Lifshitz scaling / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement entropy in generalised quantum Lifshitz models / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement entropy in non-relativistic field theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement in Lifshitz-type quantum field theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Gravity Duals for Nonrelativistic Conformal Field Theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Lifshitz holography / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Holographic entanglement entropy: near horizon geometry and disconnected regions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Lifshitz entanglement entropy from holographic cMERA / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On shape dependence of holographic entanglement entropy in \(\mathrm{AdS}_4/\mathrm{CFT}_3\) with Lifshitz scaling and hyperscaling violation / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Triviality of entanglement entropy in the Galilean vacuum / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty - I / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty - II / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty-III: The Dimension of the Space of Essentially Time- and Band-Limited Signals / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions, Fourier Analysis and Uncertainty - IV: Extensions to Many Dimensions; Generalized Prolate Spheroidal Functions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Some comments on Fourier analysis, uncertainty and modeling / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Prolate spheroidal wave functions of order zero. Mathematical tools for bandlimited approximation / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Free-fermion entanglement and spheroidal functions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Quantum spin chain, Toeplitz determinants and the Fisher-Hartwig conjecture / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Random matrix theory and entanglement in quantum spin chains / rank |
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| Property / cites work: How instanton combinatorics solves Painlevé VI, V and IIIs / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Irregular conformal blocks and connection formulae for Painlevé V functions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On Painlevé/gauge theory correspondence / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Density matrix of an impenetrable Bose gas and the fifth Painlevé transcendent / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Monodromy problem and the boundary condition for some Painlevé equations / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Connection formulae for Painlevé V functions. II: the \(\delta\) function Bose gas problem / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4284356 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3574974 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Conformal field theory of Painlevé VI / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The Fisher-Hartwig conjecture and Toeplitz eigenvalues / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3941925 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Wiener-Hopf operators in higher dimensions: the Widom conjecture for piece-wise smooth domains / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q5569399 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Advanced Quantum Mechanics / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4396177 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Free states of the canonical anticommutation relations / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q5724171 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Quantum fluctuations of one-dimensional free fermions and Fisher–Hartwig formula for Toeplitz determinants / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4066072 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3999241 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Prolate spheroidal wave functions, an introduction to the Slepian series and its properties / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Analytic results on the geometric entropy for free fields / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Reduced density matrix and internal dynamics for multicomponent regions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q5821083 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3244534 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q5558293 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Approximate formulae for certain prolate spheroidal wave functions valid for large values of both order and band-limit / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On the evaluation of prolate spheroidal wave functions and associated quadrature rules / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The Eigenvalue Behavior of Certain Convolution Equations / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Non-asymptotic behavior of the spectrum of the sinc-kernel operator and related applications / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Calculation of reduced density matrices from correlation functions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On the entanglement entropy for an XY spin chain / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The asymptotics of a continuous analogue of orthogonal polynomials / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3944063 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Geometric entropy, area and strong subadditivity / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Some Asymptotic Expansions for Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4891080 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Modular structure of the local algebras associated with the free massless scalar field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Towards a derivation of holographic entanglement entropy / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement Hamiltonians in two-dimensional conformal field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The role of relative entropy in quantum information theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Relative entropy and holography / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Relative entropy and the Bekenstein bound / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3522465 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Geometry of Quantum States / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q5690490 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Positivity, entanglement entropy, and minimal surfaces / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Towards the \(F\)-theorem: \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) field theories on the three-sphere / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Modular Hamiltonians on the null plane and the Markov property of the vacuum state / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On the modular operator of mutli-component regions in chiral CFT / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Modular Hamiltonians for the massless Dirac field in the presence of a boundary / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Modular Hamiltonians for the massless Dirac field in the presence of a defect / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On entanglement Hamiltonians of an interval in massless harmonic chains / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement Hamiltonians for non-critical quantum chains / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Zero temperature correlation functions for the impenetrable fermion gas / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On the asymptotic behavior of a log gas in the bulk scaling limit in the presence of a varying external potential. I / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Asymptotics of Toeplitz, Hankel, and Toeplitz+Hankel determinants with Fisher-Hartwig singularities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Counting free fermions on a line: a Fisher–Hartwig asymptotic expansion for the Toeplitz determinant in the double-scaling limit / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Holographic c-theorems in arbitrary dimensions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Holographic spontaneous anisotropy / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Large-scale behaviour of local and entanglement entropy of the free Fermi gas at any temperature / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Trace formulas for Wiener-Hopf operators with applications to entropies of free fermionic equilibrium states / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement entropy of two disjoint intervals in conformal field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement entropy of two disjoint intervals in conformal field theory: II / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On Rényi entropies of disjoint intervals in conformal field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Spin structures and entanglement of two disjoint intervals in conformal field theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement entropy and negativity of disjoint intervals in CFT: some numerical extrapolations / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement entropy of two disjoint intervals separated by one spin in a chain of free fermion* / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Separability Criterion for Density Matrices / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement negativity in extended systems: a field theoretical approach / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Finite temperature entanglement negativity in conformal field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On the partial transpose of fermionic Gaussian states / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Partial transpose of two disjoint blocks in XY spin chains / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Towards the entanglement negativity of two disjoint intervals for a one dimensional free fermion / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Entanglement negativity in a two dimensional harmonic lattice: area law and corner contributions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Eigenvalue distribution of time and frequency limiting / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Improved bounds for the eigenvalues of prolate spheroidal wave functions and discrete prolate spheroidal sequences / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Aspects of Toeplitz Determinants / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Two soluble models of an antiferromagnetic chain / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3136728 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Correlation function of the spin-\(\frac 12 XXX\) antiferromagnet / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Determinant representation for correlation functions of spin-1/2 XXX and XXZ Heisenberg magnets / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Emergence of a singularity for Toeplitz determinants and Painlevé V / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Emptiness formation probability, Toeplitz determinants, and conformal field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Transition asymptotics of Toeplitz determinants and emergence of Fisher–Hartwig representations / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Emptiness formation probability and Painlevé V equation in the XY spin chain / rank |
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