Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Oracle-net for nonlinear compressed sensing in electrical impedance tomography reconstruction problems | 2024-10-29 | Paper |
Convex predictor-nonconvex corrector optimization strategy with application to signal decomposition | 2024-10-07 | Paper |
Convex non-convex variational models | 2024-09-16 | Paper |
JOT: a variational signal decomposition into jump, oscillation and trend | 2024-09-12 | Paper |
Deep-plug-and-play proximal Gauss-Newton method with applications to nonlinear, ill-posed inverse problems | 2023-08-10 | Paper |
Sparsity-Inducing Nonconvex Nonseparable Regularization for Convex Image Processing | 2023-07-25 | Paper |
Geometric texture transfer via local geometric descriptors | 2023-06-26 | Paper |
A unified surface geometric framework for feature-aware denoising, hole filling and context-aware completion | 2023-06-12 | Paper |
Fast and stable schemes for non-linear osmosis filtering | 2023-02-16 | Paper |
Ternary image decomposition with automatic parameter selection via auto- and cross-correlation | 2022-12-29 | Paper |
Quantum median filter for total variation image denoising | 2022-10-18 | Paper |
Convex Non-Convex Segmentation over Surfaces | 2022-06-03 | Paper |
A Unified Framework for the Restoration of Images Corrupted by Additive White Noise | 2022-06-03 | Paper |
Fast and stable schemes for non-linear osmosis filtering | 2022-03-29 | Paper |
Automatic parameter selection based on residual whiteness for convex non-convex variational restoration | 2022-02-01 | Paper |
A Variational Approach to Additive Image Decomposition into Structure, Harmonic, and Oscillatory Components | 2022-01-31 | Paper |
Learning nonlinear electrical impedance tomography | 2022-01-10 | Paper |
Sparsity-aided variational mesh restoration | 2021-12-20 | Paper |
Lagrangian evolution approach to surface-patch quadrangulation. | 2021-09-16 | Paper |
Non-convex total variation regularization for convex denoising of signals | 2020-10-06 | Paper |
Matrix completion for matrices with low-rank displacement | 2020-10-06 | Paper |
Spatially-adaptive variational reconstructions for linear inverse electrical impedance tomography | 2020-09-14 | Paper |
Convex Image Denoising via Non-Convex Regularization | 2020-07-28 | Paper |
A convex-nonconvex variational method for the additive decomposition of functions on surfaces | 2019-12-05 | Paper |
A Robust Group-Sparse Representation Variational Method With Applications to Face Recognition | 2019-10-28 | Paper |
Convex non-convex segmentation of scalar fields over arbitrary triangulated surfaces | 2019-01-24 | Paper |
Shape partitioning via \({L}_{p}\) compressed modes | 2018-10-19 | Paper |
Whiteness constraints in a unified variational framework for image restoration | 2018-10-19 | Paper |
Convex non-convex image segmentation | 2018-04-10 | Paper |
On multi-degree splines | 2018-01-23 | Paper |
Fractional Tikhonov regularization with a nonlinear penalty term | 2017-07-04 | Paper |
Majorization-minimization generalized Krylov subspace methods for \({\ell _p}\)-\({\ell _q}\) optimization applied to image restoration | 2017-06-22 | Paper |
Nonconvex nonsmooth optimization via convex-nonconvex majorization-minimization | 2017-06-09 | Paper |
Sparsity-inducing variational shape partitioning | 2017-03-14 | Paper |
Convex image denoising via non-convex regularization with parameter selection | 2016-11-01 | Paper |
Constrained TV\(_p\)-\(\ell_2\) model for image restoration | 2016-07-28 | Paper |
A Generalized Krylov Subspace Method for $\ell_p$-$\ell_q$ Minimization | 2015-10-30 | Paper |
Variational image restoration with constraints on noise whiteness | 2015-07-27 | Paper |
Remeshing by Curvature Driven Diffusion | 2015-06-23 | Paper |
Vessel Segmentation in Medical Imaging Using a Tight-Frame--Based Algorithm | 2014-01-23 | Paper |
Iterative Methods of Richardson-Lucy-Type for Image Deblurring | 2013-11-19 | Paper |
An Adaptive Strategy for the Restoration of Textured Images using Fractional Order Regularization | 2013-11-19 | Paper |
Alternating Krylov subspace image restoration methods | 2012-04-24 | Paper |
Implicit Shape Reconstruction of Unorganized Points Using PDE-Based Deformable 3D Manifolds | 2011-09-29 | Paper |
A hybrid multilevel-active set method for large box-constrained linear discrete ill-posed problems | 2011-05-11 | Paper | | 2010-07-08 | Paper |
Cascadic multilevel methods for fast nonsymmetric blur- and noise-removal | 2010-05-25 | Paper |
Segmentation of 3D Tubular Structures by a PDE-Based Anisotropic Diffusion Model | 2010-03-16 | Paper |
Noise-reducing cascadic multilevel methods for linear discrete ill-posed problems | 2010-02-24 | Paper |
Geometric surface evolution with tangential contribution | 2009-12-15 | Paper |
An interior-point method for large constrained discrete ill-posed problems | 2009-12-15 | Paper |
Feature-sensitive parameterization of polygonal meshes | 2009-11-13 | Paper |
Shape preserving surface reconstruction using locally anisotropic radial basis function interpolants | 2008-08-19 | Paper |
Cascadic Multiresolution Methods for Image Deblurring | 2008-04-01 | Paper |
The regularizing properties of anisotropic radial basis functions | 2007-09-19 | Paper |
Orthogonal projection regularization operators | 2007-08-20 | Paper |
A truncated projected SVD method for linear discrete ill-posed problems | 2007-03-15 | Paper |
An iterative Lavrentiev regularization method | 2006-10-31 | Paper |
An iterative method for linear discrete ill-posed problems with box constraints | 2006-10-20 | Paper |
INVERSE CIRCULAR CURVES | 2006-09-04 | Paper |
Iterative methods for ill-posed problems and semiconvergent sequences | 2006-06-16 | Paper |
Fast surface reconstruction and hole filling using positive definite radial basis functions | 2005-05-20 | Paper |
Inverse spherical surfaces | 2005-02-22 | Paper | | 2003-09-11 | Paper | | 2003-06-23 | Paper |
A regularizing L-curve Lanczos method for underdetermined linear systems | 2003-01-28 | Paper |
A cascadic geometric filtering approach to subdivision. | 2003-01-21 | Paper |
Partitioning a matrix with non-guillotine cuts to minimize the maximum cost | 2002-09-29 | Paper |
Degree elevation of \(p\)-Bézier curves | 2002-07-23 | Paper | | 2002-06-09 | Paper |
Tikhonov regularization and the L-curve for large discrete ill-posed problems | 2002-01-21 | Paper | | 2001-10-23 | Paper |
Computable error bounds and estimates for the conjugate gradient method | 2001-06-19 | Paper |
An \(L\)-ribbon for large underdetermined linear discrete ill-posed problems | 2001-06-19 | Paper |
An iterative method with error estimators | 2001-04-04 | Paper | | 2000-07-12 | Paper |
Some results for a class of generalized polynomials | 2000-03-21 | Paper | | 1999-04-26 | Paper |
Graphics in parallel computation for rendering 3D modelled scenes | 1997-02-28 | Paper |
Oracle-Net for nonlinear compressed sensing in Electrical Impedance Tomography reconstruction problems | N/A | Paper |