Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Simpler and higher lower bounds for shortcut sets | 2024-11-28 | Paper |
New bounds for matrix multiplication: from alpha to omega | 2024-11-28 | Paper |
Improved roundtrip spanners, emulators, and directed girth approximation | 2024-11-28 | Paper |
Fast 2-approximate all-pairs shortest paths | 2024-11-28 | Paper |
A refined laser method and faster matrix multiplication | 2024-09-10 | Paper |
Algorithmic trade-offs for girth approximation in undirected graphs | 2024-07-19 | Paper |
Better lower bounds for shortcut sets and additive spanners via an improved alternation product | 2024-07-19 | Paper |
Listing 6-cycles | 2024-05-29 | Paper |
Improved girth approximation in weighted undirected graphs | 2024-05-14 | Paper |
Fredman's trick meets dominance product: fine-grained complexity of unweighted APSP, 3SUM counting, and more | 2024-05-08 | Paper | | 2024-01-15 | Paper | | 2024-01-15 | Paper |
Limits on All Known (and Some Unknown) Approaches to Matrix Multiplication | 2023-12-19 | Paper |
Hardness for triangle problems under even more believable hypotheses: reductions from real APSP, real 3SUM, and OV | 2023-12-08 | Paper |
Subcubic Equivalences between Graph Centrality Problems, APSP, and Diameter | 2023-10-23 | Paper |
Quasipolynomiality of the Smallest Missing Induced Subgraph | 2023-09-20 | Paper |
Factorization and pseudofactorization of weighted graphs | 2023-06-15 | Paper |
Dynamic Parameterized Problems and Algorithms | 2023-04-26 | Paper |
Isometric Hamming embeddings of weighted graphs | 2023-04-17 | Paper | | 2022-07-21 | Paper | | 2022-07-21 | Paper |
Tight Approximation Algorithms for Bichromatic Graph Diameter and Related Problems | 2022-07-21 | Paper |
Better Distance Preservers and Additive Spanners | 2022-02-22 | Paper |
Limits on All Known (and Some Unknown) Approaches to Matrix Multiplication | 2022-01-07 | Paper |
Faster Replacement Paths and Distance Sensitivity Oracles | 2021-12-16 | Paper |
Isometric Hamming embeddings of weighted graphs | 2021-12-13 | Paper |
Graph Pattern Detection: Hardness for all Induced Patterns and Faster Noninduced Cycles | 2021-11-19 | Paper |
Toward Tight Approximation Bounds for Graph Diameter and Eccentricities | 2021-08-06 | Paper |
Further Limitations of the Known Approaches for Matrix Multiplication | 2021-06-15 | Paper |
Truly Subcubic Min-Plus Product for Less Structured Matrices, with Applications | 2021-02-02 | Paper |
New algorithms and hardness for incremental single-source shortest paths in directed graphs | 2021-01-19 | Paper | | 2020-11-12 | Paper |
Limits on All Known (and Some Unknown) Approaches to Matrix Multiplication | 2020-09-10 | Paper | | 2020-08-25 | Paper |
Dynamic Parameterized Problems and Algorithms | 2020-05-27 | Paper | | 2020-05-27 | Paper |
Public-key cryptography in the fine-grained setting | 2020-03-09 | Paper |
Graph pattern detection: hardness for all induced patterns and faster non-induced cycles | 2020-01-30 | Paper |
Towards tight approximation bounds for graph diameter and eccentricities | 2019-08-22 | Paper |
Better Approximation Algorithms for the Graph Diameter | 2019-06-20 | Paper | | 2019-05-10 | Paper |
Truly Subcubic Algorithms for Language Edit Distance and RNA Folding via Fast Bounded-Difference Min-Plus Product | 2019-05-07 | Paper |
Subcubic Equivalences Between Path, Matrix, and Triangle Problems | 2019-02-25 | Paper |
If the Current Clique Algorithms Are Optimal, so Is Valiant's Parser | 2018-12-19 | Paper |
Subtree Isomorphism Revisited | 2018-11-13 | Paper |
Approximation and Fixed Parameter Subquadratic Algorithms for Radius and Diameter in Sparse Graphs | 2018-07-16 | Paper |
Better Distance Preservers and Additive Spanners | 2018-07-16 | Paper |
Subtree Isomorphism Revisited | 2018-07-16 | Paper |
Matching Triangles and Basing Hardness on an Extremely Popular Conjecture | 2018-07-04 | Paper | | 2018-05-03 | Paper | | 2018-03-15 | Paper | | 2018-03-15 | Paper |
Optimal Vertex Fault Tolerant Spanners (for fixed stretch) | 2018-03-15 | Paper |
A 7/3-Approximation for Feedback Vertex Sets in Tournaments | 2018-03-02 | Paper | | 2017-12-19 | Paper |
Finding Four-Node Subgraphs in Triangle Time | 2017-10-05 | Paper |
Subcubic Equivalences Between Graph Centrality Problems, APSP and Diameter | 2017-10-05 | Paper |
Simulating branching programs with edit distance and friends: or: a polylog shaved is a lower bound made | 2017-09-29 | Paper |
Hardness of Easy Problems: Basing Hardness on Popular Conjectures such as the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (Invited Talk) | 2017-09-29 | Paper | | 2017-09-29 | Paper |
Who Can Win a Single-Elimination Tournament? | 2017-08-18 | Paper |
Very Sparse Additive Spanners and Emulators | 2017-05-19 | Paper |
Matching Triangles and Basing Hardness on an Extremely Popular Conjecture | 2015-08-21 | Paper |
Finding, minimizing, and counting weighted subgraphs | 2015-02-04 | Paper |
Finding a maximum weight triangle in n 3-Δ time, with applications | 2014-11-25 | Paper |
Finding heaviest H -subgraphs in real weighted graphs, with applications | 2014-11-18 | Paper |
Nondecreasing paths in a weighted graph or | 2014-11-18 | Paper |
Finding heaviest \(H\)-subgraphs in real weighted graphs, with applications | 2014-11-18 | Paper |
Nondecreasing paths in a weighted graph or: how to optimally read a train schedule | 2014-11-18 | Paper |
Fast approximation algorithms for the diameter and radius of sparse graphs | 2014-08-07 | Paper |
Minimum Weight Cycles and Triangles: Equivalences and Algorithms | 2014-07-30 | Paper |
Consequences of Faster Alignment of Sequences | 2014-07-01 | Paper |
Listing Triangles | 2014-07-01 | Paper |
Multiplying matrices faster than coppersmith-winograd | 2014-05-13 | Paper |
Finding, Minimizing, and Counting Weighted Subgraphs | 2013-09-25 | Paper | | 2011-05-24 | Paper |
Confronting hardness using a hybrid approach | 2010-08-16 | Paper | | 2010-08-06 | Paper |
Efficient algorithms for clique problems | 2010-06-16 | Paper |
Finding the Smallest H-Subgraph in Real Weighted Graphs and Related Problems | 2009-03-12 | Paper | | 2009-01-05 | Paper |
A New Combinatorial Approach for Sparse Graph Problems | 2008-08-28 | Paper |
Uniquely Represented Data Structures for Computational Geometry | 2008-07-15 | Paper |
Finding nonoverlapping substructures of a sparse matrix | 2007-03-16 | Paper |
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2005 | 2006-10-20 | Paper |