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| Property / cites work: Q4509127 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Lectures on supersymmetric gauge theories and electric-magnetic duality / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Mirror symmetry in three-dimensional gauge theories, quivers and D-branes / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Mirror symmetry in three-dimensional gauge theories, SL\((2,\mathbb{Z})\) and D-brane moduli spaces / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Three-dimensional gauge theories and monopoles / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Type IIB superstrings, BPS monopoles, and three-dimensional gauge dynamics / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Instantons, three-dimensional gauge theory, and the Atiyah-Hitchin manifold / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Coulomb branch Hilbert series and three dimensional Sicilian theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Four-dimensional wall-crossing via three-dimensional field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The Coulomb branch of 3d \({\mathcal{N}= 4}\) theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Vortices and vermas / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Gauge theory and mirror symmetry / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Towards a mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of \(3\)-dimensional \(\mathcal{N}=4\) gauge theories. I. / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Towards a mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of 3-dimensional \(\mathcal{N} = 4\) gauge theories. II. / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Coulomb branches of \(3d\) \(\mathcal{N}=4\) quiver gauge theories and slices in the affine Grassmannian / rank |
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| Property / cites work: \(N=4\) dualities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Sicilian gauge theories and \(\mathcal{N} = 1\) dualities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: New \(\mathcal{N}=1\) dualities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: \( \mathcal{N} =1\) dynamics with \(T_N\) theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Mass-deformed \(T_N\) as a linear quiver / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Chiral algebras for trinion theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Ring objects in the equivariant derived Satake category arising from Coulomb branches / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Nilpotent orbit Coulomb branches of types \(AD\) / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Mirrors of 3d Sicilian theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Wall-crossing, Hitchin systems, and the WKB approximation / rank |
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| Property / cites work: An \(N=2\) superconformal fixed point with \(E_6\) global symmetry / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Argyres-Seiberg duality and the Higgs branch / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Aspects of \(N_T\geqslant 2\) topological gauge theories and D-branes / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Hyper-Kähler geometry and invariants of three-manifolds / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Secondary products in supersymmetric field theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Seiberg-Witten prepotential from instanton counting / rank |
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| Property / cites work: \(\Omega\)-deformation and quantization / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Deformation quantization and superconformal symmetry in three dimensions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: A one-dimensional theory for Higgs branch operators / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3597344 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Refined, motivic, and quantum / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Quantization of Integrable Systems and Four Dimensional Gauge Theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Framed BPS states / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Gauge theory loop operators and Liouville theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: An Algebro-Geometric Realization of the Cohomology Ring of Hilbert Scheme of Points in the Affine Plane / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Highest weights for truncated shifted Yangians and product monomial crystals / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q2956551 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Boundaries, mirror symmetry, and symplectic duality in \(3d \mathcal{N}=4 \) gauge theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: S-duality in \(N = 2\) supersymmetric gauge theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Tinkertoys for Gaiotto duality / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Tinkertoys for the \(D_N\) series / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Infinite chiral symmetry in four dimensions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Chiral algebras of class \( \mathcal{S} \) / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Hyperkähler metrics and supersymmetry / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Erratum: ''Electric-magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confinement in \(N=2\) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory'' / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Monopoles, duality and chiral symmetry breaking in \(N=2\) supersymmetric QCD / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Seiberg-Witten integrable systems / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Localization of gauge theory on a four-sphere and supersymmetric Wilson loops / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Exact results for 't Hooft loops in gauge theories on \(S^4\) / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Line operators on \(S^1\times\mathbb R^3\) and quantization of the Hitchin moduli space / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Equivariant homology and K-theory of affine Grassmannians and Toda lattices / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Nil-Hecke algebras and Whittaker \(\mathfrak{D}\)-modules / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Yangians and quantizations of slices in the affine Grassmannian / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Supersymmetric boundary conditions in \(\mathcal{N}=4\) super Yang-Mills theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: \(S\)-duality of boundary conditions in \({\mathcal N}=4\) super Yang-Mills theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Discrete gauging in Coulomb branches of three dimensional \( \mathcal{N}=4 \) supersymmetric gauge theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Tri-vertices and SU(2)'s / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Electric-magnetic duality and the geometric Langlands program / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The algebra of Wilson-'t Hooft operators / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Supersymmetry and Morse theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3994593 / rank |
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