
From MaRDI portal
lat long presidentLabel
48.847222222222 2.3444444444444 Jacques Chirac
48.856666666667 2.3522222222222 Nicolas Sarkozy
49.443055555556 1.1025 François Hollande
50.631944444444 3.0575 Charles de Gaulle
50.359722222222 7.5977777777778 Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
45.681388888889 -0.17583333333333 François Mitterrand
47.007222222222 4.4713888888889 Patrice de Mac Mahon
48.771666666667 5.1672222222222 Raymond Poincaré
44.643611111111 4.8730555555556 Émile Loubet
43.296666666667 5.3763888888889 Adolphe Thiers
48.856666666667 2.3522222222222 Napoléon III
48.725555555556 2.4211111111111 Alain Poher
49.494166666667 0.10805555555556 René Coty
43.458611111111 2.0041666666667 Vincent Auriol
44.925277777778 2.4397222222222 Paul Doumer
45.371388888889 2.7313888888889 Georges Pompidou
49.367777777778 5.8255555555556 Albert Lebrun
45.043333333333 3.885 Charles Alexandre Dupuy
49.891944444444 2.2977777777778 Emmanuel Macron
48.856666666667 2.3522222222222 Eugène Cavaignac
48.856666666667 2.3522222222222 Alexandre Millerand
48.856666666667 2.3522222222222 Félix Faure
46.564722222222 3.3325 Georges Bidault
50.8675 4.3736111111111 Paul Deschanel
44.056666666667 0.25833333333333 Armand Fallières
46.980277777778 5.6022222222222 Jules Grévy
45.834444444444 1.2616666666667 Sadi Carnot
43.739444444444 4.1805555555556 Gaston Doumergue
47.346388888889 -3.1552777777778 Louis Jules Trochu
48.870128 2.320808 Jean Casimir-Perier
48.856666666667 2.3522222222222 Frédéric François-Marsal
17:15:29 02/25/2025 -- Refresh -- Duration of query :0.416s -- CSV

publication_date work workLabel workUrl
2024-01-11 Computational reproducibility of Jupyter notebooks from biomedical publications /work/Q124254609
2022-04-04 WikiProject Clinical Trials for Wikidata /work/Q111507314
2022-02-28 WikiProject Clinical Trials snapshot February 2022 /work/Q111145762
2017-07-20 A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review /work/Q33269085
2014-06-16 Enriched biodiversity data as a resource and service /work/Q22064488
17:15:29 02/25/2025 -- Refresh -- Duration of query :0.194s -- CSV