lat | long | presidentLabel |
48.847222222222 | 2.3444444444444 | Jacques Chirac |
48.856666666667 | 2.3522222222222 | Nicolas Sarkozy |
49.443055555556 | 1.1025 | François Hollande |
50.631944444444 | 3.0575 | Charles de Gaulle |
50.359722222222 | 7.5977777777778 | Valéry Giscard d'Estaing |
45.681388888889 | -0.17583333333333 | François Mitterrand |
47.007222222222 | 4.4713888888889 | Patrice de Mac Mahon |
48.771666666667 | 5.1672222222222 | Raymond Poincaré |
44.643611111111 | 4.8730555555556 | Émile Loubet |
43.296666666667 | 5.3763888888889 | Adolphe Thiers |
48.856666666667 | 2.3522222222222 | Napoléon III |
48.725555555556 | 2.4211111111111 | Alain Poher |
49.494166666667 | 0.10805555555556 | René Coty |
43.458611111111 | 2.0041666666667 | Vincent Auriol |
44.925277777778 | 2.4397222222222 | Paul Doumer |
45.371388888889 | 2.7313888888889 | Georges Pompidou |
49.367777777778 | 5.8255555555556 | Albert Lebrun |
45.043333333333 | 3.885 | Charles Alexandre Dupuy |
49.891944444444 | 2.2977777777778 | Emmanuel Macron |
48.856666666667 | 2.3522222222222 | Eugène Cavaignac |
48.856666666667 | 2.3522222222222 | Alexandre Millerand |
48.856666666667 | 2.3522222222222 | Félix Faure |
46.564722222222 | 3.3325 | Georges Bidault |
50.8675 | 4.3736111111111 | Paul Deschanel |
44.056666666667 | 0.25833333333333 | Armand Fallières |
46.980277777778 | 5.6022222222222 | Jules Grévy |
45.834444444444 | 1.2616666666667 | Sadi Carnot |
43.739444444444 | 4.1805555555556 | Gaston Doumergue |
47.346388888889 | -3.1552777777778 | Louis Jules Trochu |
48.870128 | 2.320808 | Jean Casimir-Perier |
48.856666666667 | 2.3522222222222 | Frédéric François-Marsal |
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publication_date | work | workLabel | workUrl |
2024-01-11 | | Computational reproducibility of Jupyter notebooks from biomedical publications | /work/Q124254609 |
2022-04-04 | | WikiProject Clinical Trials for Wikidata | /work/Q111507314 |
2022-02-28 | | WikiProject Clinical Trials snapshot February 2022 | /work/Q111145762 |
2017-07-20 | | A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review | /work/Q33269085 |
2014-06-16 | | Enriched biodiversity data as a resource and service | /work/Q22064488 |
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publication_date | work | workLabel | workUrl |
18:18:45 02/17/2025 -- Refresh -- Duration of query :0.173s -- CSV |