
From MaRDI portal

Basic Info

Attendees: Larissa, Tim, Eloi, Johannes, David, Olaf

Protocol: Eloi (some supplements by Johannes: marked as JS)

Organizational Topics

  • Literature review Meeting: Thursday 13:00. (Discuss metrics on which the technical review will be based (e..g does the platform include math datasets, does it adhere FAIR principles, etc.))
  • Discussion on data that can be published/reproduced on the portal (e.g. Authors from R packages): Send E-mail directly to the corresponding data sources to clarify permissions.


Discussion on the current technical status of the Milestones. Current Project Milestones can be found here.

JS: Current official project milestones definitions can be found here

  • Measure 5.1 (MaRDI Portal Technology)
    • Permissions set up: People can log in. Finished.
    • API Access Possible: Basic functionality is implemented based on MediaWiki.
    • Math specific data types implemented: Work in progress. Discussion on data types to be implemented, such as matrices, tensors, etc.
    • Mathematical formula search functional: Knowledge graph need to be integrated, Epics are in process (70%, Johannes).
    • External identifiers integrated: Wikibase IDs are assigned to new entities. SPARQL queries to be implemented.
    • Federated NFDI queries possible: TBD
    • Portal performance improvements: TBD

Next Steps

  • Sort milestones/deliverables into timeplan (Q1 2022, Q2 2022, etc.)
  • Integrate Milestones into the Epic descriptions in GitHub.
  • Map the current technical developments to the described Milestones.
  • JS: Draft tentative 'team'-goals within each current milestone in GitHub
  • Discuss with Tim and Moritz concrete descriptions of milestones in the MaRDI proposal.
  • Conduct discussions on concrete implementation objectives related to each Measure.
  • JS: Next Meeting, first identify current milestones for Q2, then have discussion about these milestones. If there are too many milestones for one meeting, cluster the milestones to topological groups.