Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Heaps, crystals, and preprojective algebra modules | 2024-10-28 | Paper |
Perfect bases in representation theory: three mountains and their springs | 2024-03-22 | Paper |
Lie algebra actions on module categories for truncated shifted yangians | 2024-02-07 | Paper |
Symplectic resolutions, symplectic duality, and Coulomb branches | 2023-09-15 | Paper |
The moduli space of cactus flower curves and the virtual cactus group | 2023-08-13 | Paper |
Computing fusion products of MV cycles using the Mirković-Vybornov isomorphism | 2023-08-03 | Paper |
BFN Springer theory | 2023-07-28 | Paper |
Hamiltonian reduction for affine Grassmannian slices and truncated shifted Yangians | 2022-03-23 | Paper |
Heaps, crystals, and preprojective algebra modules | 2022-02-04 | Paper |
The Mirković-Vilonen basis and Duistermaat-Heckman measures | 2022-01-10 | Paper |
The quantum Hikita conjecture | 2021-09-23 | Paper |
Associated graded of Hodge modules and categorical \(\mathfrak{sl}_2\) actions | 2021-05-06 | Paper |
Crystals and monodromy of Bethe vectors | 2021-01-12 | Paper |
On category O for affine Grassmannian slices and categorified tensor products | 2019-12-12 | Paper |
Highest weights for truncated shifted Yangians and product monomial crystals | 2019-11-15 | Paper |
On a reducedness conjecture for spherical Schubert varieties and slices in the affine Grassmannian | 2019-01-02 | Paper |
Categorical geometric symmetric Howe duality | 2018-04-19 | Paper |
Comultiplication for shifted Yangians and quantum open Toda lattice | 2018-02-22 | Paper |
Quantum K-theoretic geometric Satake: the case | 2018-02-07 | Paper |
Reducedness of affine Grassmannian slices in type A | 2017-12-08 | Paper |
Knot homology via derived categories of coherent sheaves. IV: Coloured links | 2017-06-23 | Paper |
Categorification of Lie algebras [d'apres Rouquier, Khovanov-Lauda] | 2017-03-02 | Paper |
A combinatorial geometric Satake equivalence | 2016-08-23 | Paper |
Rank 2 affine MV polytopes | 2015-01-08 | Paper |
Affine Mirković-Vilonen polytopes | 2014-12-17 | Paper |
Webs and quantum skew Howe duality | 2014-10-17 | Paper |
Yangians and quantizations of slices in the affine Grassmannian | 2014-08-19 | Paper |
Cyclic sieving, rotation, and geometric representation theory | 2014-05-28 | Paper |
Buildings, spiders, and geometric Satake | 2014-02-05 | Paper |
Coherent sheaves on quiver varieties and categorification | 2013-11-12 | Paper |
Derived equivalences for cotangent bundles of Grassmannians via categorical 𝔰𝔩2 actions | 2013-03-19 | Paper |
Reflections in a crystal | 2013-01-16 | Paper |
R\'eflexions dans un cristal | 2012-10-24 | Paper |
Modules with 1-Dimensional Socle and Components of Lusztig Quiver Varieties in Type A | 2012-09-20 | Paper |
Preprojective algebras and MV polytopes | 2012-06-07 | Paper |
Braiding via geometric Lie algebra actions | 2012-04-27 | Paper |
The Beilinson-Drinfeld Grassmannian and symplectic knot homology | 2011-10-05 | Paper |
Lectures on geometric constructions of the irreducible representations of GL_n | 2011-05-31 | Paper |
Coherent sheaves and categorical \(\mathfrak{sl}_2\) actions | 2010-08-11 | Paper |
Mirković-Vilonen cycles and polytopes. | 2010-05-27 | Paper |
The cohomology ring of the real locus of the moduli space of stable curves of genus 0 with marked points | 2010-05-27 | Paper |
Categorical geometric skew Howe duality | 2010-03-05 | Paper |
The crystal commutor and Drinfeld's unitarized \(R\)-matrix | 2009-05-06 | Paper |
A definition of the crystal commutor using Kashiwara's involution | 2009-05-04 | Paper |
Knot homology via derived categories of coherent sheaves. II: \(\mathfrak{sl}_{m}\) case | 2008-09-15 | Paper |
Knot homology via derived categories of coherent sheaves. I: The \(\mathfrak{sl}(2)\)-case | 2008-05-22 | Paper |
Hives and the fibres of the convolution morphism. | 2008-04-15 | Paper |
The crystal structure on the set of Mirković-Vilonen polytopes | 2007-09-26 | Paper |
The octahedron recurrence and \(\mathfrak{gl}_n\) crystals | 2006-11-15 | Paper |
Crystals and coboundary categories | 2006-07-05 | Paper |
Super Liouville black holes | 2001-08-14 | Paper |
Central Binomial Sums, Multiple Clausen Values, and Zeta Values | 2001-07-22 | Paper |