Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Adaptive-stabilized finite element methods for eigenvalue problems based on residual minimization onto a dual discontinuous Galerkin norm | 2024-11-15 | Paper |
Higher-order generalized-\(\alpha\) methods for parabolic problems | 2024-08-26 | Paper |
Adaptive deep Fourier residual method via overlapping domain decomposition | 2024-06-18 | Paper |
Forward-in-time goal-oriented adaptivity | 2024-06-11 | Paper |
Exploiting the Kronecker product structure of φ−functions in exponential integrators | 2024-04-17 | Paper | | 2024-02-07 | Paper |
A variational multiscale method derived from an adaptive stabilized conforming finite element method via residual minimization on dual norms | 2024-01-15 | Paper |
Adaptive stabilized finite elements via residual minimization onto bubble enrichments | 2024-01-05 | Paper |
Incompressible flow modeling using an adaptive stabilized finite element method based on residual minimization | 2023-11-23 | Paper |
Extended Larché-Cahn framework for reactive Cahn-Hilliard multicomponent systems | 2023-10-11 | Paper |
A continuum theory for mineral solid solutions undergoing chemo-mechanical processes | 2023-08-09 | Paper |
A Kronecker product linear-cost solver for the high-order generalized-\(\alpha\) method for multi-dimensional hyperbolic systems | 2023-06-05 | Paper |
A fully-coupled framework for solving Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes equations: second-order, energy-stable numerical methods on adaptive octree based meshes | 2023-05-04 | Paper |
SoftIGA: soft isogeometric analysis | 2023-01-20 | Paper |
An explicit predictor/multicorrector time marching with automatic adaptivity for finite-strain elastodynamics | 2022-11-18 | Paper |
Efficient multi-level \(hp\)-finite elements in arbitrary dimensions | 2022-11-11 | Paper |
SoftIGA: soft isogeometric analysis | 2022-08-04 | Paper |
A spatio-temporal adaptive phase-field fracture method | 2022-05-12 | Paper |
Generalized Swift-Hohenberg and phase-field-crystal equations based on a second-gradient phase-field theory | 2022-04-01 | Paper |
A boundary-penalized isogeometric analysis for second-order hyperbolic equations | 2022-03-23 | Paper |
Explicit high-order generalized-\(\alpha\) methods for isogeometric analysis of structural dynamics | 2022-01-26 | Paper |
Performance of Refined Isogeometric Analysis in Solving Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems | 2021-12-28 | Paper |
Space-time hp finite elements for heat evolution in laser-based additive manufacturing | 2021-11-30 | Paper |
An explicit predictor/multicorrector time marching with automatic adaptivity for finite-strain elastodynamics | 2021-11-12 | Paper |
Automatically adaptive, stabilized finite element method via residual minimization for heterogeneous, anisotropic advection-diffusion-reaction problems | 2021-10-28 | Paper |
A boundary penalization technique to remove outliers from isogeometric analysis on tensor-product meshes | 2021-10-27 | Paper |
Refined isogeometric analysis for generalized Hermitian eigenproblems | 2021-10-26 | Paper |
A spatio-temporal adaptive phase-field fracture method | 2021-10-07 | Paper |
Efficient multi-level hp-finite elements in arbitrary dimensions | 2021-06-15 | Paper |
Phase-field gradient theory | 2021-04-27 | Paper |
Higher-order generalized-\( \alpha\) methods for hyperbolic problems | 2021-04-27 | Paper |
Goal-oriented adaptivity for a conforming residual minimization method in a dual discontinuous Galerkin norm | 2021-04-27 | Paper |
Split generalized-\( \alpha\) method: a linear-cost solver for multi-dimensional second-order hyperbolic systems | 2021-04-27 | Paper |
Isogeometric residual minimization method (iGRM) with direction splitting preconditioner for stationary advection-dominated diffusion problems | 2021-04-26 | Paper |
Explicit high-order generalized-$\alpha$ methods for isogeometric analysis of structural dynamics | 2021-02-23 | Paper |
Outlier removal for isogeometric spectral approximation with the optimally-blended quadratures | 2021-02-15 | Paper |
Higher-order generalized-$\alpha$ methods for parabolic problems | 2021-02-11 | Paper |
Impact of element-level static condensation on iterative solver performance | 2020-10-11 | Paper |
Direct solvers performance on \(h\)-adapted grids | 2020-10-08 | Paper |
Fast isogeometric solvers for hyperbolic wave propagation problems | 2020-08-17 | Paper |
A nonlinear weak constraint enforcement method for advection-dominated diffusion problems | 2020-08-04 | Paper |
Adaptive stabilized finite elements: Continuation analysis of compaction banding in geomaterials | 2020-08-04 | Paper |
Splitting schemes for phase-field models | 2020-06-16 | Paper |
Error Control and Loss Functions for the Deep Learning Inversion of Borehole Resistivity Measurements | 2020-05-07 | Paper |
Explicit-in-time goal-oriented adaptivity | 2020-04-16 | Paper |
Dispersion-minimized mass for isogeometric analysis | 2020-04-09 | Paper |
Optimal spectral approximation of \(2 n\)-order differential operators by mixed isogeometric analysis | 2020-04-08 | Paper |
Spectral approximation properties of isogeometric analysis with variable continuity | 2020-04-07 | Paper |
Dispersion-optimized quadrature rules for isogeometric analysis: modified inner products, their dispersion properties, and optimally blended schemes | 2020-04-06 | Paper |
Time-domain goal-oriented adaptivity using pseudo-dual error representations | 2020-04-06 | Paper |
Dispersion-minimizing quadrature rules for \(C^1\) quadratic isogeometric analysis | 2020-04-06 | Paper |
An adaptive stabilized conforming finite element method via residual minimization on dual discontinuous Galerkin norms | 2020-03-31 | Paper |
Efficient mass and stiffness matrix assembly via weighted Gaussian quadrature rules for B-splines | 2020-02-18 | Paper |
Higher order stable generalized finite element method for the elliptic eigenvalue and source problems with an interface in 1D | 2020-01-31 | Paper |
Cell-element simulations to optimize the performance of osmotic processes in porous membranes | 2019-07-11 | Paper |
Dispersion optimized quadratures for isogeometric analysis | 2019-06-20 | Paper |
Generalization of the Pythagorean eigenvalue error theorem and its application to isogeometric analysis | 2019-06-13 | Paper |
Multiscale stabilization for convection-dominated diffusion in heterogeneous media | 2019-06-12 | Paper |
Optimal quadrature rules for odd-degree spline spaces and their application to tensor-product-based isogeometric analysis | 2019-06-12 | Paper |
Global-local nonlinear model reduction for flows in heterogeneous porous media | 2019-03-29 | Paper |
Spectral approximation of elliptic operators by the Hybrid High-Order method | 2019-03-22 | Paper |
High-order generalized-$\alpha$ methods | 2019-02-14 | Paper |
Residual minimization for isogeometric analysis in reduced and mixed forms | 2019-02-11 | Paper |
Reactive \(n\)-species Cahn-Hilliard system: a thermodynamically-consistent model for reversible chemical reactions | 2019-01-24 | Paper |
Parallel Fast Isogeometric Solvers for Explicit Dynamics | 2018-11-29 | Paper |
A variationally separable splitting for the generalized-$\alpha$ method for parabolic equations | 2018-11-22 | Paper |
Computational cost of isogeometric multi-frontal solvers on parallel distributed memory machines | 2018-10-22 | Paper | | 2018-09-17 | Paper |
On the thermodynamics of the Swift-Hohenberg theory | 2018-08-09 | Paper |
Automatic Variationally Stable Analysis for FE Computations: An Introduction | 2018-08-06 | Paper |
Localized harmonic characteristic basis functions for multiscale finite element methods | 2018-08-02 | Paper |
An energy-stable generalized-\(\alpha\) method for the Swift-Hohenberg equation | 2018-07-26 | Paper |
Variational Formulations for Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods | 2018-06-20 | Paper |
Model Reduction for Coupled Near-Well and Reservoir Models Using Multiple Space-Time Discretizations | 2018-04-18 | Paper |
Isogeometric spectral approximation for elliptic differential operators | 2018-02-02 | Paper |
On Stochastic Error and Computational Efficiency of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method | 2017-10-27 | Paper |
Analysis of the discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin method with optimal test functions for the Reissner-Mindlin plate bending model | 2017-08-09 | Paper |
Element partition trees for \(h\)-refined meshes to optimize direct solver performance. I: Dynamic programming | 2017-07-27 | Paper |
Computational cost estimates for parallel shared memory isogeometric multi-frontal solvers | 2017-07-18 | Paper |
Simulation of laminar and turbulent concentric pipe flows with the isogeometric variational multiscale method | 2017-07-05 | Paper |
Gaussian quadrature rules for \(C^1\) quintic splines with uniform knot vectors | 2017-06-01 | Paper |
Consistent model reduction of polymer chains in solution in dissipative particle dynamics: model description | 2017-05-05 | Paper |
Energy exchange analysis in droplet dynamics via the Navier–Stokes–Cahn–Hilliard model | 2017-04-04 | Paper |
Mode decomposition methods for flows in high-contrast porous media. Global-local approach | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
Mode decomposition methods for flows in high-contrast porous media. A global approach | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
Multiscale empirical interpolation for solving nonlinear PDEs | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
Automatically stable discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods for stationary transport problems: quasi-optimal test space norm | 2016-09-27 | Paper |
Pore-scale modeling and simulation of flow, transport, and adsorptive or osmotic effects in membranes: the influence of membrane microstructure | 2016-08-03 | Paper |
Randomized Oversampling for Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Methods | 2016-05-18 | Paper |
PetIGA-MF: a multi-field high-performance toolbox for structure-preserving B-splines spaces | 2016-02-28 | Paper |
Gauss-Galerkin quadrature rules for quadratic and cubic spline spaces and their application to isogeometric analysis | 2016-02-03 | Paper |
Gaussian quadrature for splines via homotopy continuation: rules for \(C^2\) cubic splines | 2015-12-21 | Paper |
Asymptotic expansions for high-contrast linear elasticity | 2015-11-16 | Paper |
Optimal quadrature rules for isogeometric analysis | 2015-11-12 | Paper |
Residual-Based Variational Multiscale Theory of LES Turbulence Modeling | 2015-10-28 | Paper |
A direct solver with reutilization of Lu factorizations for \(h\)-adaptive finite element grids with point singularities | 2015-09-03 | Paper |
Explicit Gaussian quadrature rules for \(C^1\) cubic splines with symmetrically stretched knot sequences | 2015-08-19 | Paper |
Gaussian quadrature rules for $C^1$ quintic splines | 2015-03-03 | Paper |
A survey on direct solvers for Galerkin methods | 2015-01-21 | Paper |
Strain-minimising Stream Surfaces | 2014-11-05 | Paper |
Fast isogeometric solvers for explicit dynamics | 2014-10-08 | Paper |
Preconditioners based on the alternating-direction-implicit algorithm for the 2D steady-state diffusion equation with orthotropic heterogeneous coefficients | 2014-07-31 | Paper |
An energy-stable convex splitting for the phase-field crystal equation | 2014-05-14 | Paper |
The Cost of Continuity: Performance of Iterative Solvers on Isogeometric Finite Elements | 2013-06-26 | Paper |
On the Shape Optimization of Flapping Wings and their Performance Analysis | 2012-11-12 | Paper |
Gradient-based estimation of Manning's friction coefficient from noisy data | 2012-11-09 | Paper |
The cost of continuity: a study of the performance of isogeometric finite elements using direct solvers | 2012-07-20 | Paper |
Mathematical modeling of coupled drug and drug-encapsulated nanoparticle transport in patient-specific coronary artery walls | 2012-07-03 | Paper |
A finite strain Eulerian formulation for compressible and nearly incompressible hyperelasticity using high-order B-spline finite elements | 2012-07-02 | Paper |
Computational complexity and memory usage for multi-frontal direct solvers in structured mesh finite elements | 2012-04-08 | Paper |
A parallel direct solver for the self-adaptive \(hp\) finite element method | 2012-03-07 | Paper |
Isogeometric analysis of the isothermal Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations | 2012-02-08 | Paper |
Isogeometric analysis using T-splines | 2011-11-30 | Paper |
Simulation of wireline sonic logging measurements acquired with borehole-eccentered tools using a high-order adaptive finite element method | 2011-07-13 | Paper |
A class of discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods. IV: The optimal test norm and time-harmonic wave propagation in 1D | 2011-06-17 | Paper |
\(\overline {\text B}\) and \(\overline {\text F}\) projection methods for nearly incompressible linear and nonlinear elasticity and plasticity using higher-order NURBS elements | 2010-09-14 | Paper |
Isogeometric analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard phase-field model | 2010-09-14 | Paper |
Fourier series expansion in a non-orthogonal system of coordinates for the simulation of 3D-DC borehole resistivity measurements | 2010-09-13 | Paper |
Fourier series expansion in a non-orthogonal system of coordinates for the simulation of 3D alternating current borehole resistivity measurements | 2010-09-13 | Paper |
Isogeometric variational multiscale modeling of wall-bounded turbulent flows with weakly enforced boundary conditions on unstretched meshes | 2010-03-19 | Paper |
Improving stability of stabilized and multiscale formulations in flow simulations at small time steps | 2010-03-19 | Paper |
Weak Dirichlet boundary conditions for wall-bounded turbulent flows | 2009-11-06 | Paper |
Variational multiscale residual-based turbulence modeling for large eddy simulation of incompressible flows | 2009-09-01 | Paper |
Isogeometric fluid-structure interaction: Theory, algorithms, and computations | 2009-08-28 | Paper |
Multiphysics model for blood flow and drug transport with application to patient-specific coronary artery flow | 2009-08-28 | Paper |
The role of continuity in residual-based variational multiscale modeling of turbulence | 2009-06-08 | Paper |
Isogeometric fluid-structure interaction analysis with applications to arterial blood flow | 2009-05-08 | Paper | | 2009-03-12 | Paper |
YZβ discontinuity capturing for advection‐dominated processes with application to arterial drug delivery | 2007-07-04 | Paper |
Adaptive Deep Fourier Residual method via overlapping domain decomposition | N/A | Paper |
Generalised Soft Finite Element Method for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems | N/A | Paper |