Available identifiers
zbMath Open tewari.vasu-v MaRDI QID Q887325
List of research outcomes
This list is not complete and representing at the moment only items from zbMATH Open and arXiv . We are working on additional sources - please check back here soon!
Publication Date of Publication Type \(P\)-partitions with flags and back stable quasisymmetric functions 2024-10-08 Paper Forest polynomials and the class of the permutahedral variety 2024-09-19 Paper Zonotopal Algebras, Orbit Harmonics, and Donaldson–Thomas Invariants of Symmetric Quivers 2024-01-25 Paper Remixed Eulerian numbers 2023-08-09 Paper Forest polynomials and the class of the permutahedral variety 2023-06-19 Paper The Permutahedral Variety, Mixed Eulerian Numbers, and Principal Specializations of Schubert Polynomials 2023-04-05 Paper $P$-partitions with flags and back stable quasisymmetric functions 2023-03-15 Paper Some natural extensions of the parking space 2023-01-05 Paper Down-up algebras and chromatic symmetric functions 2022-08-08 Paper Chromatic nonsymmetric polynomials of Dyck graphs are slide-positive 2022-03-11 Paper Boolean Product Polynomials, Schur Positivity, and Chern Plethysm 2022-01-18 Paper Divisors on complete multigraphs and Donaldson-Thomas invariants of loop quivers 2021-11-13 Paper Trimming the permutahedron to extend the parking space 2021-10-04 Paper Divided symmetrization and quasisymmetric functions 2021-08-19 Paper A $q$-deformation of an algebra of Klyachko and Macdonald's reduced word formula 2021-06-07 Paper Noncommutative LR coefficients and crystal reflection operators 2021-03-30 Paper Some natural extensions of the parking space 2021-02-22 Paper Alternating sign matrices and totally symmetric plane partitions 2020-09-14 Paper Smirnov trees 2020-09-14 Paper Divided symmetrization and quasisymmetric functions 2020-09-14 Paper https://portal.mardi4nfdi.de/entity/Q5111029 2020-05-26 Paper The permutahedral variety, mixed Eulerian numbers, and principal specializations of Schubert polynomials 2020-05-25 Paper Labeled binary trees, subarrangements of the Catalan arrangements, and Schur positivity 2019-10-10 Paper Smirnov trees 2019-08-05 Paper Boolean product polynomials and Schur-positivity 2019-05-15 Paper Gessel polynomials, rooks, and extended linial arrangements 2019-01-25 Paper Permuted composition tableaux, 0-Hecke algebra and labeled binary trees 2018-11-08 Paper https://portal.mardi4nfdi.de/entity/Q4584092 2018-08-29 Paper Quasisymmetric and noncommutative skew Pieri rules 2018-08-16 Paper Schur positivity and labeled binary trees 2018-04-20 Paper A Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for noncommutative Schur functions 2016-08-16 Paper Littlewood-Richardson rules for symmetric skew quasisymmetric Schur functions 2015-11-06 Paper Modules of the 0-Hecke algebra and quasisymmetric Schur functions 2015-10-28 Paper Kronecker coefficients for some near-rectangular partitions 2015-04-24 Paper Backward jeu de taquin slides for composition tableaux and a noncommutative Pieri rule 2015-03-11 Paper Tutte polynomials in superspace N/A Paper
Research outcomes over time
This page was built for person: Vasu V. Tewari