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zbMath0780.60014MaRDI QIDQ4001740

Madan Lal Mehta

Publication date: 18 September 1992

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Level spacing distributions and the Bessel kernel, Number variance for arithmetic hyperbolic surfaces, Universality of the edge distribution of eigenvalues of Wigner random matrices with polynomially decaying distributions of entries, Fredholm determinants, differential equations and matrix models, Freeness and the transposes of unitarily invariant random matrices, Fluctuations at the edges of the spectrum of the full rank deformed GUE, On the correlation functions of the characteristic polynomials of the sparse Hermitian random matrices, Sturm sequences and random eigenvalue distributions, Partitioning, duality, and linkage disequilibria in the Moran model with recombination, Deformation analysis of matrix models, Correlation kernels for discrete symplectic and orthogonal ensembles, Periodic-orbit theory of the number variance \(\Sigma^ 2(L)\) of strongly chaotic systems, Moderate deviation principles for eigenvalues of \(\beta\)-Hermite and \(\beta\)-Laguerre ensembles with \(\beta \to \infty\), Differential equations for Dyson processes, Large \(n\) limit of Gaussian random matrices with external source. I, On the moments of traces of matrices of classical groups, Chern-Simons theory, matrix integrals, and perturbative three-manifold invariants, 2-matrix versus complex matrix model, integrals over the unitary group as triangular integrals, Lyapunov exponents and localization in randomly layered media, Association of scattering matrices in quantum networks, Non-Gaussian non-Hermitian random matrix theory: phase transition and addition formalism, Breakdown of universality in random matrix models, Non-hermitian random matrix theory: Method of hermitian reduction, Fluctuations and correlations in matrix elements, Crossover from diffusive to ballistic transport in periodic quantum maps, On unitary/Hermitian duality in matrix models, Spectral statistics of Erdős-Rényi graphs. I: Local semicircle law, Quantum mechanics with a time-dependent random unitary Hamiltonian: a perturbative study of the nonlinear Keldysh sigma-model, Hermite and Laguerre \(\beta\)-ensembles: asymptotic corrections to the eigenvalue density, Introduction to quantum chaos, Brownian-motion model of discrete spectra, Jacobi method for quaternion matrix singular value decomposition, The skew energy of random oriented graphs, The entries of Haar-invariant matrices from the Classical compact groups, Approximation of rectangular beta-Laguerre ensembles and large deviations, A two-dimensional one component plasma and a test charge: polarization effects and effective potential, Expectations of functions of complex Wishart matrix, Dirac and Schrödinger equations for the Fourier transform., Unveiling the significance of eigenvectors in diffusing non-Hermitian matrices by identifying the underlying Burgers dynamics, Universal results for correlations of characteristic polynomials: Riemann-Hilbert approach, Generalized stationary processes: applications and examples, The integrated density of states of the random graph Laplacian, Matrix oscillator and Calogero-type models, Asymptotics for random Young diagrams when the word length and alphabet size simultaneously grow to infinity, Orthogonal and symplectic matrix models: universality and other properties, On the correlation function of the characteristic polynomials of the Hermitian Wigner ensemble, On the exact \(R\) charge for \( \mathcal{N} = 2 \) CS theories, Local central limit theorem for determinantal point processes, Maximal distance travelled by \(N\) vicious walkers till their survival, Torus knot polynomials and Susy Wilson loops, Random matrices, graphical enumeration and the continuum limit of Toda lattices, Asymptotics of Tracy-Widom distributions and the total integral of a Painlevé II function, Toeplitz determinants from compatibility conditions, A note on biorthogonal ensembles, Correlation 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II: Fermion shifts and their ergodic and Gibbs properties, Predicting the statistics of wave transport through chaotic cavities by the random coupling model: a review and recent progress, Bulk universality for generalized Wigner matrices with few moments, An exactly solvable many-body problem in one dimension and the short-range Dyson model., On sparsity of the solution to a random quadratic optimization problem, On fluctuations of eigenvalues of random Hermitian matrices., Random matrices, Virasoro algebras, and noncommutative KP., The distribution of spacings between quadratic residues, On the Riemann hypothesis, complex scalings and logarithmic time reversal, On \(\beta\)-matrix models with singular potential, Double dimers, conformal loop ensembles and isomonodromic deformations, Hodge-GUE correspondence and the discrete KdV equation, Deviations from the circular law, Interpretations of some parameter dependent generalizations of classical matrix ensembles, Maxima of entries of Haar distributed matrices, Small gaps of GOE, Janossy densities of coupled random matrices, Non-commutative polynomials of independent Gaussian random matrices. The real and symplectic cases., Transportation of measure, Young diagrams and random matrices, Universal behavior for averages of characteristic polynomials at the origin of the spectrum, A new method for bounding rates of convergence of empirical spectral distributions, Distribution of the largest eigenvalue for real Wishart and Gaussian random matrices and a simple approximation for the Tracy-Widom distribution, The palm measure and the Voronoi tessellation for the Ginibre process, A rate of convergence for the circular law for the complex Ginibre ensemble, Janossy densities for chiral random matrix ensembles and their applications to two-color QCD, Generalizations of orthogonal polynomials, Quantifying randomness in protein-protein interaction networks of different species: a random matrix approach, Finite GUE distribution with cut-off at a shock, The Hermitian Jacobi process: a simplified formula for the moments and application to optical fiber MIMO channels, On the norm and eigenvalue distribution of large random matrices, Riemann-Hilbert theory without local parametrix problems: applications to orthogonal polynomials, A study on the statistical properties of the prime numbers using the classical and superstatistical random matrix theories, Spectral properties of three-dimensional Anderson model, How to draw a correlation function, Brownian motion model of random matrices revisited, Scaling limits of planar symplectic ensembles, Spectra of Euclidean random matrices, Approximations for strongly-coupled supersymmetric quantum mechanics, Palm theory, random measures and Stein couplings, Immanants and finite point processes, On the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in principal components analysis, Networks in life: Scaling properties and eigenvalue spectra, Bohmian quantum trajectories in a square billiard in the bouncing ball regime, Solving \(1\)D plasmas and \(2\)D boundary problems using Jack polynomials and functional relations., Dynamics of quantum systems embedded in a continuum, Skew information-based coherence generating power of quantum channels, The convergence of European business cycles 1978-2000, Hypergeometric solutions of trigonometric KZ equations satisfy dynamical difference equations, On the ``Sonine spaces associated by de Branges to the Fourier transform, Decoherence in chaotic and integrable systems: A random matrix approach, Discussions around Voiculescu's free entropies., Level repulsion and the dynamical diagonalization of matrices, Kontsevich-Witten model from \(2+1\) gravity: new exact combinatorial solution, Spectral statistics on Zoll surfaces, From random matrices to quasi-periodic Jacobi matrices via orthogonal polynomials, Global fluctuations for 1D log-gas dynamics. Covariance kernel and support, Unnamed Item, Gravitational lensing by eigenvalue distributions of random matrix models, Integral Operators in Random Matrix Theory, Lectures on Random Matrix Models, Large N Asymptotics in Random Matrices, Formal Matrix Integrals and Combinatorics of Maps, CHRISTOFFEL FUNCTIONS AND UNIVERSALITY LIMITS FOR ORTHOGONAL RATIONAL FUNCTIONS, Explicit solution to the stochastic system of linear algebraic equations \((\alpha _{1}\boldsymbol{A}_{1} + \alpha _{2}\boldsymbol{A}_{2} +\cdots+ \alpha _{m}\boldsymbol{A}_{m})\boldsymbol{x} = \boldsymbol{b}\), On Christoffel Functions and Related Quantities for Compactly Supported Measures, Averages over classical Lie groups, twisted by characters, Universality of a double scaling limit near singular edge points in random matrix models, Distribution of eigenvalues of real symmetric palindromic Toeplitz matrices and circulant matrices, From random matrices to stochastic operators, Structural Vulnerability and Robustness in Complex Networks: Different Approaches and Relationships Between them, Chaotic Bohm's trajectories in a quantum circular billiard, EIGENVALUE VARIANCE BOUNDS FOR WIGNER AND COVARIANCE RANDOM MATRICES, Deformed Cauchy random matrix ensembles and large \(N\) phase transitions, On tau-functions for the KdV hierarchy, Generalization of Brody distribution for statistical investigation, Unnamed Item, Wilson loops in large symmetric representations through a double-scaling limit, Exceptional times when the KPZ fixed point violates Johansson's conjecture on maximizer uniqueness, The local relaxation flow approach to universality of the local statistics for random matrices, Universality in the bulk of the spectrum for complex sample covariance matrices, Shifted moments over the unitary ensemble, Integrated correlators in \(\mathcal{N} = 4\) SYM via \(\mathrm{SL}(2, \mathbb{Z})\) spectral theory, Hurwitz and the origins of random matrix theory in mathematics, Tridiagonalization and the Heun equation, Generalized Penner model and the Gaussian beta ensemble, Correlation functions of XX0 Heisenberg chain, \(q\)-binomial determinants, and random walks, On the second mixed moment of the characteristic polynomials of 1D band matrices, Asymptotics of a Fredholm determinant corresponding to the first bulk critical universality class in random matrix models, Rate of convergence to the semi-circle law for the deformed Gaussian unitary Ensemble, Random matrix central limit theorems for nonintersecting random walks, Orthogonal and Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials, Random Matrices, and Painlevé Equations, Phase transitions in multi-cut matrix models and matched solutions of Whitham hierarchies, Statistical properties of the spectrum of the extended Bose–Hubbard model, A simple derivation of the Tracy–Widom distribution of the maximal eigenvalue of a Gaussian unitary random matrix, Top eigenvalue of a random matrix: large deviations and third order phase transition, On the generalized dimensions of multifractal eigenstates, Invariant sums of random matrices and the onset of level repulsion, Level repulsion exponentβfor many-body localization transitions and for Anderson localization transitions via Dyson Brownian motion, The Weyl–Heisenberg ensemble: hyperuniformity and higher Landau levels, Statistics of the maximal distance and momentum in a trapped Fermi gas at low temperature, Non-interacting fermions in hard-edge potentials, The phase model and the norm-trace generating function of plane partitions, Uncovering multiscale order in the prime numbers via scattering, A geometric parametrization for the virtual Euler characteristics of the moduli spaces of real and complex algebraic curves, UNIVERSAL SPIN-HALL CONDUCTANCE FLUCTUATIONS IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL MESOSCOPIC SYSTEMS, The correlation functions of the $XXZ$ Heisenberg chain in the case of zero or infinite anisotropy, and random walks of vicious walkers, Symmetrized models of last passage percolation and non-intersecting lattice paths, On the largest singular values of random matrices with independent Cauchy entries, On the asymptotics of some large Hankel determinants generated by Fisher–Hartwig symbols defined on the real line, On the number of minima of a random polynomial, Exit problems associated with finite reflection groups, Character expansion method for the first order asymptotics of a matrix integral, The rate of convergence for spectra of GUE and LUE matrix ensembles, Non-crossing Brownian paths and Dyson Brownian motion under a moving boundary, Universality of the local regime for the block band matrices with a finite number of blocks, Monte Carlo and Las Vegas randomized algorithms for systems and control. An introduction, Maass Waveforms and Low-Lying Zeros, The entries of circular orthogonal ensembles, NEW SOLVABLE MATRIX INTEGRALS, Colloquium: Chaotic quantum dots with strongly correlated electrons, Flux compactification, Averages of characteristic polynomials in random matrix theory, On tau-functions for the Toda lattice hierarchy, Finite size effects and loss of self-averageness in the relaxational dynamics of the spherical Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model, Binary versus non-binary information in real time series: empirical results and maximum-entropy matrix models, Efficient semiclassical approach for time delays, Continuous-time multidimensional walks as an integrable model, Fixed Energy Universality for Generalized Wigner Matrices, Random matrix model of adiabatic quantum computing, Pseudorandom operators of the circular ensembles, Complexity of Random Energy Landscapes, Glass Transition, and Absolute Value of the Spectral Determinant of Random Matrices, Replica Field Theories, Painlevé Transcendents, and Exact Correlation Functions, Exact Distribution of the Maximal Height of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>Vicious Walkers, Decoherence of an<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:math>-Qubit Quantum Memory, Large Deviations of Extreme Eigenvalues of Random Matrices, On the Limiting Shape of Young Diagrams Associated with Inhomogeneous Random Words, Quantum-cellular-automata pseudorandom maps, On the correlation functions of the characteristic polynomials of non-Hermitian random matrices with independent entries, The energy of random signed graph, Phase transition of the largest eigenvalue for nonnull complex sample covariance matrices, Non-intersecting, simple, symmetric random walks and the extended Hahn kernel., Non-commutative matrix integrals and representation varieties of surface groups in a finite group., Matrix kernels for the Gaussian orthogonal and symplectic ensembles., String scattering from decaying branes, Large \(n\) limit of Gaussian random matrices with external source. II, Birkhoff's polytope and unistochastic matrices, \(N=3\) and \(N=4\), The wasteland of random supergravities, New results for the SQCD Hilbert series, Asymptotic behavior of the Verblunsky coefficients for the OPUC with a varying weight, Central limit theorem for fluctuations of linear eigenvalue statistics of large random graphs: Diluted regime, Product of random projections, Jacobi ensembles and universality problems arising from free probability, Extension of the random matrix theory to the L-moments for robust portfolio selection, Bulk universality of general β-ensembles with non-convex potential, A nonlocal free boundary problem with Wasserstein distance, Geometry and arithmetic of integrable hierarchies of KdV type. I: Integrality, Concurrence and Quantum Discord in the Eigenstates of Chaotic and Integrable Spin Chains, Lognormal Distributions and Geometric Averages of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices, On the almost‐circular symplectic induced Ginibre ensemble, Spherical induced ensembles with symplectic symmetry, Rare events in random matrix theory, Localization of eigenvectors in random graphs, GUE via Frobenius manifolds. I: From matrix gravity to topological gravity and back, Liouville theory and the Weil-Petersson geometry of moduli space, Determinantal point processes conditioned on randomly incomplete configurations, From wave functions to tau-functions for the Volterra lattice hierarchy, Spectral curves and \(\mathcal{W}\)-representations of matrix models, Identifying many-body localization transitions in a random-field Heisenberg chain via quantum nonlocality, Universal scaling limits of the symplectic elliptic Ginibre ensemble, Rigidity of eigenvalues for \(\beta\) ensemble in multi-cut regime, On the Correlation Functions of the Characteristic Polynomials of Random Matrices with Independent Entries: Interpolation Between Complex and Real Cases, \(\beta\)-ensembles and higher genera Catalan numbers, Average spectral density of multiparametric Gaussian ensembles of complex matrices, Fluctuating Commutative Geometry, SOFT MATRIX MODELS AND CHERN–SIMONS PARTITION FUNCTIONS, Spectral norm of random matrices, Universality in quantum chaos, Short distance universality in random matrix theory, Random words, Toeplitz determinants and integrable systems. II, Asymptotics and integrable structures for biorthogonal polynomials associated to a random two-matrix model, Microscopic model approaches to fragmentation of nuclei and phase transitions in nuclear matter, Negative moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices: Ingham-Siegel integral as an alternative to Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation, A unified framework for high-dimensional analysis of \(M\)-estimators with decomposable regularizers, Emptiness formation probability and Painlevé V equation in the XY spin chain, Notes on matrix models (matrix musings), Nearest-neighbor functions for disordered stealthy hyperuniform many-particle systems, Spectral distributions of periodic random matrix ensembles, Average skew information-based coherence and its typicality for random quantum states, Circulant L-ensembles in the thermodynamic limit, Grothendieck’s dessins d’enfants in a web of dualities. III, On the distribution of the length of the longest increasing subsequence of random permutations, Fredholm determinants, Jimbo‐Miwa‐Ueno τ‐functions, and representation theory, Limiting laws of linear eigenvalue statistics for Hermitian matrix models, Brownian particles with electrostatic repulsion on the circle: Dyson's model for unitary random matrices revisited, Many body density of states in the edge of the spectrum: non-interacting limit, Spin correlation functions, Ramus-like identities, and enumeration of constrained lattice walks and plane partitions, A PSEUDO-UNITARY ENSEMBLE OF RANDOM MATRICES, PT-SYMMETRY AND THE RIEMANN HYPOTHESIS, AUTOCORRELATION FUNCTIONS AND FORM FACTORS OF STATISTICALLY INDEPENDENT SUPERPOSITION OF SPECTRAL SEQUENCES, Hidden multiscale order in the primes, Noninteracting fermions in a trap and random matrix theory, Free fermions andα-determinantal processes, Unnamed Item, Localization of quantum topology in the presence of matter and gauge fields, Perturbation of Wigner matrices and a conjecture, Patterns in eigenvalues: the 70th Josiah Willard Gibbs lecture, Gap statistics close to the quantile of a random walk, THE FREE ENTROPY DIMENSION OF SOME L[0,1-CIRCULAR OPERATORS], Twelve tales in mathematical physics: An expanded Heineman prize lecture, Unnamed Item, Airy Processes and Variational Problems, Harold Widom’s work in random matrix theory, Spectral properties of complex networks, Time‐band limiting and the bispectral problem, Random matrix averages and the impenetrable Bose gas in Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, How many zeros of a random polynomial are real?, Time-and-band limiting for matrix orthogonal polynomials of Jacobi type, Eigenfunction statistics of Wishart Brownian ensembles, Matrix factorizations and orthogonal polynomials, Macroscopic and edge behavior of a planar jellium, Determinants of Random Matrices and Jack Polynomials of Rectangular Shape, Nonequilibrium Quantum Dynamics of Many-Body Systems, Fluctuations of Wigner-type random matrices associated with symmetric spaces of class DIII and CI, Speed of synchronization in complex networks of neural oscillators: Analytic results based on Random Matrix Theory, Subnormalized states and trace-nonincreasing maps, Scaling and universality of the complexity of analog computation, Topological quantum gate construction by iterative pseudogroup hashing, OPUC on one foot, Double scaling limit for matrix models with nonanalytic potentials, The distribution of localization measures of chaotic eigenstates in the stadium billiard, A Brief Introduction to Stationary Quantum Chaos in Generic Systems, Universality of local spectral statistics of random matrices, How Many Eigenvalues of a Random Matrix are Real?, Entanglement Generation of Nearly Random Operators, An orthogonality relation for multivariable Bessel polynomials, Unnamed Item, Dynamical manifestations of quantum chaos: correlation hole and bulge, GENERALIZED RANDOM MATRIX THEORY: A MATHEMATICAL PROBE FOR COMPLEXITY, KAPPA-DEFORMED RANDOM-MATRIX THEORY BASED ON KANIADAKIS STATISTICS, Change of variables as a method to study general β-models: Bulk universality, COULOMB BLOCKADE OSCILLATIONS OF CONDUCTANCE AT FINITE ENERGY LEVEL SPACING IN A QUANTUM DOT, SPECKLE STATISTICS IN THE PHOTON LOCALIZATION TRANSITION, Random matrix eigenvalue problems in structural dynamics, Quantum non-Abelian hydrodynamics: Anyonic or spin–orbital entangled liquids, nonunitarity of scattering matrix and charge fractionalization, DENSITY OF STATES FOR GUE THROUGH SUPERSYMMETRIC APPROACH, A path-transformation for random walks and the Robinson-Schensted correspondence, Extreme statistics and index distribution in the classical 1dCoulomb gas, Buses of Cuernavaca—an agent-based model for universal random matrix behavior minimizing mutual information, Analyzing Crisis in Global Financial Indices, SERIAL CORRELATION, PERIODICITY AND SCALING OF EIGENMODES IN AN EMERGING MARKET, Spectra of hyperbolic surfaces, Double scaling limit in the random matrix model: The Riemann-Hilbert approach, On the Support of Quasi-Invariant Measures on Infinite-Dimensional Grassmann Manifolds, Random matrix ensembles with split limiting behavior, Asymptotics for recurrence coefficients of X1-Jacobi exceptional polynomials and Christoffel function, Extremes of 2d Coulomb gas: universal intermediate deviation regime, Unnamed Item, Representations of Lie groups and random matrices, Loop equations for the semiclassical 2-matrix model with hard edges, The Riemann zeros and the cyclic renormalization group, CHAOS, FRACTALS AND QUANTUM POINCARÉ RECURRENCES IN DIAMAGNETIC KEPLER PROBLEM, Topological characteristics of random triangulated surfaces, Algorithm and software for defining the distribution of eigenvalues of random symmetric matrices via simulation, The multivariate Selberg beta distribution and applications, Probabilistic approach to Page's formula for the entropy of a quantum subsystem, CHERN–SIMONS THEORY, EXACTLY SOLVABLE MODELS AND FREE FERMIONS AT FINITE TEMPERATURE, Random Spectrahedra, Universal distribution of random matrix eigenvalues near the ‘birth of a cut’ transition, Schur–Weyl duality and the product of randomly-rotated symmetries by a unitary Brownian motion, How many eigenvalues of a random symmetric tensor are real?, Universality of the double scaling limit in random matrix models, Schur polynomials and biorthogonal random matrix ensembles, Asymptotics of level-spacing distributions for random matrices, Chaotic billiards generated by arithmetic groups, Distribution of roots of random polynomials, Generalized Ensemble of Random Matrices, Exact distribution of eigenvalue curvatures of chaotic quantum systems, Spectral Statistics: From Disordered to Chaotic Systems, Almost Hermitian Random Matrices: Crossover from Wigner-Dyson to Ginibre Eigenvalue Statistics, Novel Universal Correlations in Invariant Random-Matrix Models, Asymptotics of a cubic sine kernel determinant, Zeroes of zeta functions and symmetry, Large deviations from the circular law, MATRIX MODELS AND QCD WITH CHEMICAL POTENTIAL, Universality at the edge of the spectrum for unitary, orthogonal, and symplectic ensembles of random matrices, Asymptotic corrections to the eigenvalue density of the GUE and LUE, Random non-Abelian G-circulant matrices. Spectrum of random convolution operators on large finite groups, Universality of the second mixed moment of the characteristic polynomials of the 1D band matrices: Real symmetric case, A solution of the random eigenvalue problem by a dimensional decomposition method, Inflation in multi-field modified DBM potentials, Dynamical and quenched random matrices and homolumo gap