scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3251902

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zbMath0156.40104MaRDI QIDQ5538617

G. E. P. Box, David R. Cox

Publication date: 1964

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Estimation Approach, Asymptotic theory for Box-Cox transformations in linear models., Prediction interval estimation in transformed linear models, A uniform strong law of large numbers for \(U\)-statistics with application to transforming to near symmetry, Regression Model Selection—A Residual Likelihood Approach, Three enigmatic examples and inference from likelihood, Likelihood estimation after nonparametric transformation, Transformed symmetric models, Unnamed Item, A robust distribution-free test for genetic association studies of quantitative traits, Bayesian analysis of some models that use the asymmetric exponential power distribution, A spatial rank-based EWMA chart for monitoring linear profiles, ADDITIONAL EXTREME DISTRIBUTION FOR MODELING EXTREME VALUE DATA, Trellis display for modeling data from designed experiments, An investigation of Bayesian inference approach to model validation with non-normal data, Using the Box-Cox t distribution in GAMLSS to model skewness and kurtosis, Bootstrap based Trans-Gaussian Kriging, Inference for the relative treatment effect with the density ratio model, Multilevel models with multivariate mixed response types, Linear transformation models for interval-censored data, A derivation of prediction intervals for gamma regression, Tests of fit for a lognormal distribution, On a new family of shifted logarithmic transformations, Evaluation of process capability in multivariate nonlinear profiles, A nonparametric test for interaction in two-way layouts, Cure rate models: A unified approach, The Mathematical Mechanism of Biological Aging, Discussion: Object-Oriented Data Analysis, Power Metrics, and Graph Laplacians, Transformed Dynamic Quantile Regression on Censored Data, A partially linear single‐index transformation model and its nonparametric estimation, A nesting framework for Markov-switching GARCH modelling with an application to the German stock market, Bias reduction for nonparametric correlation coefficients under the bivariate normal copula assumption with known detection limits, Modeling Data with Excess Zeros and Measurement Error: Application to Evaluating Relationships between Episodically Consumed Foods and Health Outcomes, Box–Cox power transformation unconditional quantile regressions with an application on wage inequality, Ordered quantile normalization: a semiparametric transformation built for the cross-validation era, Stochastic modeling of assets and liabilities with mortality risk, Dynamic structural models with covariates for short-term forecasting of time series with complex seasonal patterns, Development of Epidemiological Modeling RD-Covid-19 of Coronavirus Infectious Disease and Its Numerical Simulation, Lassoing the HAR Model: A Model Selection Perspective on Realized Volatility Dynamics, The p-value Function and Statistical Inference, Non-nested model selection based on the quantiles and it’s application in time series, Information geometry in cosmological inference problems, Uncertain logistic and Box-Cox regression analysis with maximum likelihood estimation, A Statistical Analysis of the Fairness of Alternative Handicapping Systems in Ten-Pin Bowling, Better Articulating Normal Curve Theory for Introductory Mathematical Statistics Students: Power Transformations and Their Back-Transformations, On data transformations and evidence of nonlinearity., Bayesian diagnostics of transformation structural equation models, On robust estimation of location for arbitrarily right-censored data, Effective sample size for spatial regression models, On statistical properties of Jizba-Arimitsu hybrid entropy, Transform both sides model: a parametric approach, Box-Cox symmetric distributions and applications to nutritional data, Transformation-based estimation, When should modes of inference disagree? Some simple but challenging examples, Biomarker assessment and combination with differential covariate effects and an unknown gold standard, with an application to Alzheimer's disease, Quadratic estimators of quadratic functions of normal parameters, Quantile regression, Box-Cox transformation model and the U.S. wage structure, 1963--1987, A finite algorithm for monotone regression and the application of its principle to the aggregation of ranks and indifference curve fitting, Shrinkage estimation in nonlinear regression: The Box-Cox transformation, Fitting generalized linear models and their nonlinear extensions with least squares calculations, A forecast comparison of residential housing prices by parametric versus semiparametric conditional mean estimators, Scale equivariance and the Box-Cox transformation, Non-parametric analysis of a generalized regression model. The maximum rank correlation estimator, Transforming grouped bivariate data to near normality, Nonlinear confounding in high-dimensional regression, On average derivative quantile regression, A non-parametric analysis of transformations, Pattern recognition based on scale invariant discriminant functions, Estimating new product demand from biased survey data, Statistical inference in non-nested econometric models, Transforming response values in small area prediction, On hyperbolic transformations to normality, Parametric methods for confidence interval estimation of overlap coefficients, Cook statistic and diagnostics for transformations, On model-based clustering of skewed matrix data, Using mixtures of \(t\) densities to make inferences in the presence of missing data with a small number of multiply imputed data sets, Testing linear and loglinear error components regressions against Box-Cox alternatives, Nonparametric regression using Bayesian variable selection, Nonparametric \(n^{-1/2}\)-consistent estimation for the general transformation models, System estimation of generalized working models: a semiparametric approach, A comparison between Rosenblatt's estimator and parametric density estimators for determining test limits., On the sensitivity of unit root inference to nonlinear data transformations, Diagnostic check for monotone spread., A systematic look at the gamma process capability indices, Fuzzy decision fusion approach for loss-given-default modeling, A useful reparameterization for the reliability in the Weibull case, Monte Carlo comparisons of selected clustering procedures, Joint estimation and testing for functional form and heteroskedasticity, A metamodeling methodology involving both qualitative and quantitative input factors., Improved heuristic methods for multiple stage production planning., Modelling inpatient length of stay by a hierarchical mixture regression via the EM algorithm., Objective Bayesian transformation and variable selection using default Bayes factors, Sources of error in economic time series, Non-Gaussian series and series with non-zero means: Practical implications for time series analysis, A comparison of the Box-Cox maximum likelihood estimator and the non- linear two-stage least squares estimator, A statistical assessment of Buchanan's vote in Palm Beach county, Asymptotics and the theory of inference, An extension of the \(K\)-means algorithm to clustering skewed data, Fast and accurate genome-wide association test of multiple quantitative traits, On the power-divergence statistic in sparse multinomial models requiring parameter estimation, Properties of modelling the error distribution with an extra shape parameter, Fuzzy fault isolation using gradient information and quality criteria from system identification models, Semiparametric Bayesian analysis of transformation linear mixed models, Exploring the sources of uncertainty: why does bagging for time series forecasting work?, Optimal estimation of slope vector in high-dimensional linear transformation models, A generalized model for the analysis of association in ordinal contingency tables, Quantile-based estimation for the Box--Cox transformation in random samples, Regression transformation diagnostics in transform-both-sides model, Two Wilson-Hilferty type approximations for the null distribution of the Blum, Kiefer and Rosenblatt test of bivariate independence, Graphics for studying logistic regression models, A GIC rule for assessing data transformation in regression, The number of two-way tables satisfying certain additivity axioms, The use of \(R^2\) to determine the appropriate transformation of regression variables, Pattern recognition by means of disjoint principal components models, Variable selection and transformation in linear regression models, Bayesian analysis of Box--Cox transformed linear mixed models with ARMA(\(p\),\(q\)) dependence, Causality in temporal systems. Characterizations and a Survey, Study of water quality in a Spanish river based on statistical process control and functional data analysis, Efficient estimation of income distribution parameters, Experience with using the Box-Cox transformation when forecasting economic time series, Estimation and testing for functional form and autocorrelation, Estimation of a non-invertible moving average process: the case of overdifferencing, On model selection in the computer age, The catline for deep regression, Adjusted \(R^2\)-type measures for Tweedie models, Bayesian predictive simultaneous variable and transformation selection in the linear model., Exponential progressive step-stress life-testing with link function based on Box-Cox transfor\-mation, Generalized linear models and transformations for unreplicated factorial experiments in the presence of dispersion effects, Analysis of multivariate skew normal models with incomplete data, Maximum likelihood estimation for linear regression models with right censored outcomes and missing predictors., Accurate confidence intervals in regression analyses of non-normal data, Double-length regressions for linear and log-linear regressions with AR(1) disturbances, Modeling and prediction of children's growth data via functional principal component analysis, A new statistic for regression transformation, Global identification of the semiparametric Box-Cox model, Special issue on Nonlinear time series models. Part 2. 16th Rencontres Franco-Belges de Statisticiens, Bruxelles, Belgium, November 23--24, 1995, Recursive stability analysis of linear regression relationships. An exploratory methodology, Estimating a transformation and its effect on Box-Cox \(T\)-ratio, Model specification tests. A simultaneous approach, An approach to defining the pattern of interaction effects in a two-way layout, An algorithmic study of the maximum flow problem: A comparative statistical analysis, Arch model with Box-Cox transformed dependent variable, Manufacturing cell operating characteristics, Time-series segmentation: A model and a method, An explicit variance formula for the Box--Cox functional form estimator., Unnamed Item, Semiparametric estimation of a Box-Cox transformation model with varying coefficients model, A reference population-based conformance proportion, Water flow probabilistic predictions based on a rainfall-runoff simulator: a two-regime model with variable selection, Robust linear mixed models using the skew t distribution with application to schizophrenia data, Penalized log-likelihood estimation for partly linear transformation models with current status data, Functional Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Underlying Growth Trajectories Using a Transform-Both-Sides Logistic Model, Comparison of adjustment methods for stratified two-sample tests in the context of ROC analysis, Inference on transformed stationary time series, Predictive uncertainty in environmental modelling, Goodness-of-fit tests in semiparametric transformation models, A review of accelerated test models, Methods of adjusted comparison of medians, Canonical analysis of two convex polyhedral cones and applications, Bayesian transformation family selection: Moving toward a transformed Gaussian universe, Semiparametric transformation models for multiple continuous biomarkers in ROC analysis, Inference under right censoring for transformation models with a change-point based on a covariate threshold, A Transformation for the Analysis of Unimodal Hazard Rate Lifetimes Data, Thinking outside the box: Statistical inference based on Kullback-Leibler empirical projections, Experimentation on heterogeneous experimental units, Transformed generalized linear models, Large-Scale Multiple Testing under Dependence, The exponentiated Weibull distribution: a survey, Model-free model-fitting and predictive distributions, DIFFERENCES IN EUROPEAN MORTALITY RATES: A GEOMETRIC APPROACH ON THE AGE–PERIOD PLANE, Real estate pricing models: theory, evidence, and implementation, Transformed symmetric generalized autoregressive moving average models, Goodness-of-fit tests in semiparametric transformation models using the integrated regression function, Identification in a fully nonparametric transformation model with heteroscedasticity, Semiparametric Regression Analysis of Longitudinal Skewed Data, Statistical simulation based on right skewed distributions, Direct instrumental nonparametric estimation of inverse regression functions, Unnamed Item, Instance space analysis and algorithm selection for the job shop scheduling problem, DIRECTIONALLY DIFFERENTIABLE ECONOMETRIC MODELS, Production efficiency and the extensive margins of U.S. exporters: an industry-level analysis, Tariff reduction and income inequality: some empirical evidence, Studying crime trends in the USA over the years 2000--2012, Sir David Cox: a wise and noble statistician (1924--2022), Post-processing multiensemble temperature and precipitation forecasts through an exchangeable normal-gamma model and its Tobit extension, Variable selection using conditional AIC for linear mixed models with data-driven transformations, The aggregate productivity slowdown: a system approach, Estimation of a semiparametric transformation model, A Bayesian measurement error model for two-channel cell-based RNAi data with replicates, Multivariate Polynomial Chaos Expansions with Dependent Variables, Quantile Evaluation, Sensitivity to Bracketing, and Sharing Business Payoffs, An alternative method correcting BDR type of heteroskedasticity by the weighting re-estimated absolute residuals, Transformed GARMA model: Properties and simulations, Inference for Burr XII distribution under Type I progressive hybrid censoring, Generalized LM tests for functional form and heteroscedasticity, Are multifractal processes suited to forecasting electricity price volatility? Evidence from Australian intraday data, Inference for general parametric functions in box-Cox-type transformation models, Rescaled methods-of-moments estimation for the Box-Cox regression model, Combining Information from Similar Experiments: I. Statistical Issues, Composite centrality: a natural scale for complex evolving networks, Monitoring robust regression, A nondegenerate penalized likelihood estimator for variance parameters in multilevel models, Risk Aversion in Travel Mode Choice with Rank-Dependent Utility, A short characterization of relative entropy, ESTIMATION OF A SEMIPARAMETRIC TRANSFORMATION MODEL IN THE PRESENCE OF ENDOGENEITY, Semiparametric estimation of the Box-Cox transformation model, The Forward Search, Simpson's Paradox in Survival Models, Methods for testing association between uncertain genotypes and quantitative traits, A semiparametric 2-part mixed-effects heteroscedastic transformation model for correlated right-skewed semicontinuous data, Network analysis of commuting flows: A comparative static approach to German data, Statistical inference on transformation models: a self-induced smoothing approach, Confidence intervals following Box‐Cox transformation, Box‐Cox transformed linear models: A parameter‐based asymptotic approach, Analytically calibrated Box--Cox percentile limits for duration and event-time models, On the transformation of raw time series data: A review, Managing distribution changes in time series prediction, Estimating Data Transformations in Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models, Inverse Box\,-\,Cox: the power-normal distribution, Bias and convergence rate of the coverage probability of prediction intervals in Box-Cox transformed linear models, Survival analysis of microarray expression data by transformation models, Automatic time series modeling,intervention analysis, and effective forecasting, Sobre la robustificacion interna del algoritmo de Plackett-Kalman para la estimacion recursiva del modelo de regresion lineal, On the logical development of statistical models, The forward search: theory and data analysis, Likelihood inferences for the link function without knowing the true underlying distributions, The Box-Cox Transformation and Non-Iterative Estimation Methods for Ordinal Log-Linear Models, A bivariate measurement error model for semicontinuous and continuous variables: Application to nutritional epidemiology, Unnamed Item, Transformations and seasonal adjustment, Multiple Imputation for Multivariate Data with Missing and Below‐Threshold Measurements: Time‐Series Concentrations of Pollutants in the Arctic, A Semiparametric Estimate of Treatment Effects with Censored Data, Pull your small area estimates up by the bootstraps, Process capability vector for multivariate nonlinear profiles, Heteroscedastic BART via Multiplicative Regression Trees, Semiparametric Bayesian estimation of quantile function for breast cancer survival data with cured fraction, Bayesian robust transformation and variable selection: A unified approach, Filtered Kriging for Spatial Data with Heterogeneous Measurement Error Variances, Inducing normality from non-Gaussian long memory time series and its application to stock return data, Shortest confidence and prediction intervals for the log‐normal, Construction of confidence intervals for the maximum of the Youden index and the corresponding cutoff point of a continuous biomarker, Second-order accurate inference on eigenvalues of covariance and correlation matrices, Most Likely Transformations, An algorithm for estimating Box–Cox transformation parameter in ANOVA, Causal Inference on Quantiles with an Obstetric Application, NONPARAMETRIC ESTIMATION OF GENERALIZED TRANSFORMATION MODELS WITH FIXED EFFECTS, Bayesian Copula Density Deconvolution for Zero-Inflated Data in Nutritional Epidemiology, Capturing information in extreme events, Nonnegative decomposition of functional count data, A few statistical principles for data science, Inducement of population sparsity, Parametrized linear regression for boxplot-multivalued data applied to the Brazilian electric sector, Determinantal consensus clustering, Multivariate Small Area Estimation of Multidimensional Latent Economic 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Not always, Automatic robust Box-Cox and extended Yeo-Johnson transformations in regression, Variable screening based on Gaussian centered L-moments, \textit{DeepFlame}: a deep learning empowered open-source platform for reacting flow simulations, Power transformations of relative count data as a shrinkage problem, On time and space: an experimental study on graph structural and temporal encodings, Tempered expectation-maximization algorithm for the estimation of discrete latent variable models, Bayesian prediction of monthly precipitation on a fine grid using covariates based on a regional meteorological model, Analysis of air quality time series of Hong Kong with graphical modeling, Maximum profile binomial likelihood estimation for the semiparametric Box-Cox power transformation model, Statistical inference for the difference between two maximized Youden indices obtained from correlated biomarkers, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Oracle estimation of parametric transformation models