Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Phylogenetic trees defined by at most three characters | 2025-01-27 | Paper |
On the existence of funneled orientations for classes of rooted phylogenetic networks | 2024-12-12 | Paper |
On the complexity of parameterized local search for the maximum parsimony problem | 2024-10-21 | Paper |
Bounding the softwired parsimony score of a phylogenetic network | 2024-10-11 | Paper |
Deep kernelization for the tree bisection and reconnection (TBR) distance in phylogenetics | 2024-03-11 | Paper |
Phylogenetic trees defined by at most three characters | 2023-11-15 | Paper |
Hypercubes and Hamilton cycles of display sets of rooted phylogenetic networks | 2023-10-30 | Paper |
Exploring spaces of semi-directed level-1 networks | 2023-10-26 | Paper |
A QUBO formulation for the tree containment problem | 2023-04-20 | Paper |
Cyclic generators and an improved linear kernel for the rooted subtree prune and regraft distance | 2023-01-30 | Paper |
Non-essential arcs in phylogenetic networks | 2022-05-16 | Paper |
On the Maximum Agreement Subtree Conjecture for Balanced Trees | 2022-02-09 | Paper |
Reflections on kernelizing and computing unrooted agreement forests | 2022-01-20 | Paper |
Non-essential arcs in phylogenetic networks | 2021-07-16 | Paper |
The rigid hybrid number for two phylogenetic trees | 2021-04-08 | Paper |
Display sets of normal and tree-child networks | 2021-01-29 | Paper |
New reduction rules for the tree bisection and reconnection distance | 2020-11-07 | Paper |
Caterpillars on three and four leaves are sufficient to binary normal networks | 2020-10-16 | Paper |
Placing quantified variants of 3-SAT and \textsc{not-all-equal} 3-SAT in the polynomial hierarchy | 2020-05-23 | Paper |
Displaying trees across two phylogenetic networks | 2019-11-13 | Paper |
A Tight Kernel for Computing the Tree Bisection and Reconnection Distance between Two Phylogenetic Trees | 2019-09-06 | Paper |
Deciding the existence of a cherry-picking sequence is hard on two trees | 2019-05-03 | Paper |
On the subnet prune and regraft distance | 2019-04-30 | Paper |
Attaching leaves and picking cherries to characterise the hybridisation number for a set of phylogenies | 2019-03-29 | Paper |
Identifying a species tree subject to random lateral gene transfer | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
On the existence of a cherry-picking sequence | 2018-02-06 | Paper |
Lost in space? Generalising subtree prune and regraft to spaces of phylogenetic networks | 2017-09-12 | Paper |
On the quirks of maximum parsimony and likelihood on phylogenetic networks | 2017-08-24 | Paper |
Spaces of phylogenetic networks from generalized nearest-neighbor interchange operations | 2016-02-18 | Paper |
Satisfying ternary permutation constraints by multiple linear orders or phylogenetic trees | 2015-12-08 | Paper |
Phylogenetic networks that display a tree twice | 2015-01-16 | Paper |
A quadratic kernel for computing the hybridization number of multiple trees | 2014-05-26 | Paper |
Optimizing tree and character compatibility across several phylogenetic trees | 2014-01-13 | Paper |
Cherry picking: a characterization of the temporal hybridization number for a set of phylogenies | 2013-11-25 | Paper |
Counting Trees in a Phylogenetic Network Is \#P-Complete | 2013-11-14 | Paper |
On the complexity of computing the temporal hybridization number for two phylogenies | 2013-04-25 | Paper |
Cycle Killer...Qu'est-ce que c'est? On the Comparative Approximability of Hybridization Number and Directed Feedback Vertex Set | 2013-04-09 | Paper |
A cluster reduction for computing the subtree distance between phylogenies | 2012-01-24 | Paper |
Analyzing and reconstructing reticulation networks under timing constraints | 2010-11-11 | Paper |
Cherry picking in forests: A new characterization for the unrooted hybrid number of two phylogenetic trees | N/A | Paper |