Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Vanishing capillarity limit of a generic compressible two-fluid model with common pressure | 2025-01-20 | Paper |
Global well-posedness of the Navier-Stokes-Darcy system in 3D horizontally infinite strip domain | 2025-01-13 | Paper |
A bidirectional fifth-order partial differential equation: Lax representation and soliton solutions | 2024-11-05 | Paper |
Large time behavior of weak solutions to the inhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes-Vlasov equations in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) | 2024-08-08 | Paper |
Global well-posedness and large time behavior of classical solutions to a generic compressible two-fluid model | 2024-08-06 | Paper |
Stability and instability of a generic non-conservative compressible two-fluid model in \(\mathbb{R}^3\) | 2024-08-06 | Paper |
Nonlinear stability of travelling wave solution of the Navier-Stokes-Poisson system for ions with \gamma-law pressure | 2024-04-18 | Paper |
Vanishing viscosity limit to rarefaction wave with vacuum for an ionized plasma | 2024-04-11 | Paper |
On instability of a generic compressible two-fluid model in R3 | 2023-08-15 | Paper |
Global Stability and Nonvanishing Vacuum States of 3D Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations | 2023-05-08 | Paper |
Asymptotic analysis for 1D compressible Navier–Stokes–Vlasov equations with local alignment force | 2023-04-11 | Paper |
Hydrodynamic limit for the inhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes-Vlasov equations | 2022-11-11 | Paper |
Exponential decay for 2D reduced gravity two-and-a-half layer model with quantum potential and drag force | 2022-09-30 | Paper |
Optimal decay rate to 3D reduced gravity two-and-a-half-layer model | 2022-08-05 | Paper |
Existence of global weak solutions to 2D reduced gravity two-and-a-half layer model | 2022-06-20 | Paper |
Global well--posedness and large time behavior of classical solutions to a generic compressible two-fluid model | 2022-04-22 | Paper |
Existence and uniqueness of global strong solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Maxwell system with large initial data and vacuum | 2022-03-21 | Paper |
Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging of Chlorophyll Using a GPU-Accelerated Finite Element Method | 2021-11-02 | Paper |
Global weak solutions to the inhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes-Vlasov-Boltzmann equations | 2021-10-15 | Paper |
Decay rates for strong solutions to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations without heat conductivity | 2021-06-29 | Paper |
Asymptotic behavior of the one-dimensional compressible micropolar fluid model | 2021-02-16 | Paper |
On a non-conservative compressible two-fluid model in a bounded domain: global existence and uniqueness | 2021-01-21 | Paper |
Hydrodynamic limit for the inhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes/Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equations | 2020-04-22 | Paper |
Asymptotic analysis for 1D compressible Navier-Stokes-Vlasov equations | 2020-03-26 | Paper |
The revisited total least squares problems with linear equality constraint | 2020-02-24 | Paper |
Spatiotemporal patterns formed by a discrete nutrient-phytoplankton model with time delay | 2020-01-29 | Paper |
A note on the adaptive simpler block GMRES method | 2020-01-27 | Paper |
Global solution and decay rate for a reduced gravity two and a half layer model | 2019-07-26 | Paper |
Review on mathematical analysis of some two-phase flow models | 2019-07-18 | Paper |
Time periodic solutions for a three-dimensional non-conservative compressible two-fluid model | 2018-12-20 | Paper | | 2018-10-22 | Paper |
Existence of global weak solutions for the Navier-Stokes-Vlasov-Boltzmann equations | 2018-09-27 | Paper | | 2018-09-06 | Paper | | 2017-07-14 | Paper |
Vanishing capillarity limit of the non-conservative compressible two-fluid model | 2017-04-25 | Paper |
Vanishing capillarity limit of the compressible non-isentropic Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system to Navier-Stokes system | 2016-12-14 | Paper |
Weak-strong uniqueness for the isothermal Navier-Stokes equations | 2016-12-07 | Paper |
Nonlinear stability of viscous shock wave to one-dimensional compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equations with density dependent viscous coefficient | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
Global classical solutions of the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations with cylindrical or spherical symmetry | 2016-10-14 | Paper |
Existence of spherically symmetric solutions for a reduced gravity two-and-a-half layer system | 2016-05-19 | Paper |
Decay Rates for a Nonconservative Compressible Generic Two-Fluid Model | 2016-02-19 | Paper |
Vanishing capillarity-viscosity limit for the incompressible inhomogeneous fluid models of Korteweg type | 2015-11-24 | Paper |
Global solutions to a one-dimensional non-conservative two-phase model | 2015-10-27 | Paper |
Global existence and optimal decay rates of solutions to a reduced gravity two and a half layer model | 2015-04-14 | Paper |
Global classical solution for a three-dimensional viscous liquid-gas two-fluid flow model with vacuum | 2014-12-09 | Paper |
Vanishing viscosity limit to rarefaction waves for the full compressible fluid models of Korteweg type | 2014-12-05 | Paper |
Vanishing Capillarity Limit of the Compressible Fluid Models of Korteweg Type to the Navier--Stokes Equations | 2014-07-31 | Paper |
Existence of global weak solution for a reduced gravity two and a half layer model | 2014-04-28 | Paper |
Global strong solution for a three-dimensional viscous liquid-gas two-phase flow model with vacuum | 2013-09-24 | Paper |
Incompressible Limit of Viscous Liquid-Gas Two-Phase Flow Model | 2013-02-04 | Paper | | 2013-01-24 | Paper |
A note on viscous liquid-gas two-phase flow model with mass-dependent viscosity and vacuum | 2012-12-28 | Paper |
Global Spherically Symmetric Classical Solution to Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations with Large Initial Data and Vacuum | 2012-08-23 | Paper |
Blow-up criterion for 3D viscous liquid-gas two-phase flow model | 2012-08-08 | Paper | | 2012-06-01 | Paper |
A blow-up criterion of strong solution to a 3D viscous liquid-gas two-phase flow model with vacuum | 2012-03-16 | Paper |
Boundary layers for compressible Navier-Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosity and cylindrical symmetry | 2011-10-28 | Paper |
Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Global Weak Solutions to a 2D Viscous Liquid-Gas Two-Phase Flow Model | 2011-05-17 | Paper |
Existence and uniqueness of global weak solution to a two-phase flow model with vacuum | 2011-05-05 | Paper |
A blow-up criterion for a 2D viscous liquid-gas two-phase flow model | 2011-03-31 | Paper |
Spherically symmetric Navier-Stokes equations with degenerate viscosity coefficients and vacuum | 2010-05-25 | Paper |
Global solutions to one-dimensional compressible Navier–Stokes–Poisson equations with density-dependent viscosity | 2009-12-14 | Paper |
Free boundary value problem for a viscous two-phase model with mass-dependent viscosity | 2009-11-18 | Paper |
Compressible Navier-Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosity, vacuum and gravitational force in the case of general pressure | 2009-11-11 | Paper |
Asymptotic stability of rarefaction waves for the generalized KdV-Burgers equation on the half-line | 2009-01-16 | Paper |
Global existence of strong solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for isentropic compressible fluids with density-dependent viscosity | 2008-11-06 | Paper |
Some problems on jump conditions of shock waves in 3-dimensional solids | 2008-09-17 | Paper |
Fast Convergence of Variable-Structure Congestion Control Protocol with Explicit Precise Feedback | 2008-06-19 | Paper | | 2008-06-03 | Paper |
Wavelet-based identification of linear discrete-time systems: Robustness issue | 1999-12-05 | Paper |