Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
DSMC evaluation stages: fostering robust and safe behavior in deep reinforcement learning -- extended version | 2024-09-06 | Paper |
Epidemic overdispersion strengthens the effectiveness of mobility restrictions | 2024-02-21 | Paper |
Variance reduction in stochastic reaction networks using control variates | 2023-08-10 | Paper |
Lumping the Approximate Master Equation for Multistate Processes on Complex Networks | 2023-06-28 | Paper |
Abstraction-guided truncations for stationary distributions of Markov population models | 2022-03-24 | Paper |
Tracking the race between deep reinforcement learning and imitation learning | 2021-12-08 | Paper |
Bounding mean first passage times in population continuous-time Markov chains | 2021-12-08 | Paper |
Importance of interaction structure and stochasticity for epidemic spreading: a COVID-19 case study | 2021-12-08 | Paper |
A Stochastic Automata Network Description for Spatial DNA-Methylation Models | 2021-12-08 | Paper |
Analysis of Markov jump processes under terminal constraints | 2021-08-04 | Paper | | 2021-03-10 | Paper |
Analytic solutions for stochastic hybrid models of gene regulatory networks | 2021-01-28 | Paper |
Approximate adaptive uniformization of continuous-time Markov chains | 2020-03-26 | Paper |
Hybrid Stochastic Simulation of Rule-Based Polymerization Models | 2019-12-04 | Paper |
Control variates for stochastic simulation of chemical reaction networks | 2019-10-10 | Paper |
A Stochastic Model for the Formation of Spatial Methylation Patterns | 2019-07-25 | Paper |
Model-Based Whole-Genome Analysis of DNA Methylation Fidelity | 2019-05-21 | Paper |
Stochastic hybrid models of gene regulatory networks -- a PDE approach | 2019-03-20 | Paper |
Model Reconstruction for Moment-Based Stochastic Chemical Kinetics | 2018-04-16 | Paper |
Generalized method of moments for stochastic reaction networks in equilibrium | 2018-03-22 | Paper |
Parameter estimation for stochastic hybrid models of biochemical reaction networks | 2017-05-16 | Paper |
Bisimulation and Simulation Relations for Markov Chains | 2015-07-10 | Paper |
Reconstruction of Multimodal Distributions for Hybrid Moment-based Chemical Kinetics, Supporting Information | 2014-10-13 | Paper |
Maximum Entropy Reconstruction for Discrete Distributions with Unbounded Support | 2014-08-12 | Paper |
On-the-fly verification and optimization of DTA-properties for large Markov chains | 2014-06-30 | Paper |
Modelling of Biochemical Reactions by Stochastic Automata Networks | 2013-12-06 | Paper |
Approximate Transient Analysis of Queuing Networks by Quasi Product Forms | 2013-08-09 | Paper |
Efficient Steady State Analysis of Multimodal Markov Chains | 2013-08-09 | Paper |
Quasi Product Form Approximation for Markov Models of Reaction Networks | 2013-04-03 | Paper |
Bounding the equilibrium distribution of Markov population models | 2012-12-19 | Paper |
Three-valued abstraction for probabilistic systems | 2012-08-14 | Paper |
Infinite level-dependent QBD processes and matrix-analytic solutions for stochastic chemical kinetics | 2012-01-17 | Paper |
Approximation of event probabilities in noisy cellular processes | 2011-05-03 | Paper |
CONCUR 2003 - Concurrency Theory | 2010-03-30 | Paper |
Formalisms for Specifying Markovian Population Models | 2009-11-19 | Paper |
Sliding Window Abstraction for Infinite Markov Chains | 2009-06-30 | Paper |
Abstraction for Stochastic Systems by Erlang’s Method of Stages | 2008-11-25 | Paper |
Computational Probability for Systems Biology | 2008-06-17 | Paper |
Three-Valued Abstraction for Continuous-Time Markov Chains | 2007-11-29 | Paper |
Model Checking Software | 2007-05-02 | Paper |
Comparative branching-time semantics for Markov chains | 2005-09-02 | Paper |