Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Linear instability of symmetric logarithmic spiral vortex sheets | 2024-04-10 | Paper |
Well-posedness of logarithmic spiral vortex sheets | 2024-03-04 | Paper |
Global weak solutions in nonlinear 3D thermoelasticity | 2024-01-05 | Paper |
Magnetostatic levitation and two related linear PDEs in unbounded domains | 2023-11-30 | Paper |
Global-in-Time Regular Unique Solutions with Positive Temperature to One-Dimensional Thermoelasticity | 2023-11-13 | Paper |
Time-zero limits of Kaden's spirals and 2D Euler | 2023-05-24 | Paper |
On the existence of global solutions for the 3D chemorepulsion system | 2023-03-16 | Paper |
Existence of nonsymmetric logarithmic spiral vortex sheet solutions to the 2D Euler equations | 2022-07-13 | Paper |
A partial uniqueness result and an asymptotically sharp nonuniqueness result for the Zhikov problem on the torus | 2022-03-30 | Paper |
A model in one-dimensional thermoelasticity | 2022-01-21 | Paper |
Existence of viscosity solutions with the optimal regularity of a two-peakon Hamilton–Jacobi equation | 2021-12-27 | Paper |
Geometric aspects of two- and threepeakons | 2021-08-24 | Paper |
Time-optimal control of a two-peakon collision | 2021-05-21 | Paper |
Viscosity solutions to an initial value problem for a Hamilton-Jacobi equation with a degenerate Hamiltonian occurring in the dynamics of peakons | 2021-02-16 | Paper |
Existence of solutions to a one-dimensional Hamilton–Jacobi equation with a degenerate Hamiltonian | 2021-01-07 | Paper |
Global existence in the 1D quasilinear parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis system with critical nonlinearity | 2020-05-11 | Paper |
Some remarks on well-posedness of the higher-dimensional chemorepulsion system | 2019-12-19 | Paper |
Kinetic energy represented in terms of moments of vorticity and applications | 2019-11-22 | Paper |
Boundedness of solutions to the critical fully parabolic quasilinear one‐dimensional Keller–Segel system | 2019-05-29 | Paper |
No critical nonlinear diffusion in 1D quasilinear fully parabolic chemotaxis system | 2018-03-26 | Paper |
Multipeakons viewed as geodesics | 2017-11-30 | Paper |
Stabilization in a higher-dimensional quasilinear Keller-Segel system with exponentially decaying diffusivity and subcritical sensitivity | 2017-06-30 | Paper |
Local criteria for blowup in two-dimensional chemotaxis models | 2017-05-05 | Paper |
Global bounded solutions in a two-dimensional quasilinear Keller-Segel system with exponentially decaying diffusivity and subcritical sensitivity | 2017-01-19 | Paper |
Maximal dissipation in Hunter-Saxton equation for bounded energy initial data | 2016-02-02 | Paper |
New critical exponents in a fully parabolic quasilinear Keller-Segel system and applications to volume filling models | 2015-02-06 | Paper |
A theorem on measures in dimension 2 and applications to vortex sheets | 2014-08-07 | Paper |
Finite-time blowup in a supercritical quasilinear parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel system in dimension 2 | 2014-03-14 | Paper |
Long-time behavior of an angiogenesis model with flux at the tumor boundary | 2014-01-08 | Paper |
Trudinger-Moser type inequality for radially symmetric functions in a ring and applications to Keller-Segel in a ring | 2013-11-12 | Paper |
Unboundedness of solutions to a supercritical quasilinear parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel system in dimension 1 and to a critical one in higher dimensions | 2012-12-03 | Paper |
Global Existence vs. Blowup in a One-dimensional Smoluchowski-Poisson System | 2012-09-07 | Paper |
Global existence vs. blowup in a fully parabolic quasilinear 1D Keller-Segel system | 2012-07-16 | Paper |
Finite-time blowup and global-in-time unbounded solutions to a parabolic-parabolic quasilinear Keller-Segel system in higher dimensions | 2012-05-11 | Paper |
Does the fully parabolic quasilinear 1D Keller-Segel system enjoy long-time asymptotics analogous to its parabolic-elliptic simplification? | 2011-11-07 | Paper |
Looking for critical nonlinearity in the one-dimensional quasilinear Smoluchowski-Poisson system | 2010-03-08 | Paper |
Finite time blow-up for a one-dimensional quasilinear parabolic-parabolic chemotaxis system | 2010-02-09 | Paper |
Finite time blow-up for radially symmetric solutions to a critical quasilinear Smoluchowski-Poisson system | 2009-04-02 | Paper | | 2008-10-30 | Paper |
Finite-time blow-up in a quasilinear system of chemotaxis | 2008-05-19 | Paper |
Quasilinear non-uniformly parabolic-elliptic system modelling chemotaxis with volume filling effect. Existence and uniqueness of global-in-time solutions | 2008-02-05 | Paper |
Global existence of solutions to a chemotaxis system with volume filling effect | 2008-02-01 | Paper |
Quasilinear nonuniformly parabolic system modelling chemotaxis | 2007-02-14 | Paper | | 2007-01-31 | Paper |
On the existence of global solutions for the 3D chemorepulsion system | 0001-01-03 | Paper |
Time-asymptotics of a heated string | 0001-01-03 | Paper |