Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
\(q\)-opers, \(QQ\)-systems, and Bethe Ansatz | 2024-03-11 | Paper |
Connections whose differential Galois groups are reductive of maximal degree | 2023-09-20 | Paper |
Explicit constructions of connections on the projective line with a maximally ramified irregular singularity | 2023-03-12 | Paper |
Meromorphic connections on the projective line with specified local behavior | 2022-12-28 | Paper |
The Deligne-Simpson problem for connections on \(\mathbb{G}_m\) with a maximally ramified singularity | 2022-09-20 | Paper |
Opers on the projective line, Wronskian relations, and the Bethe Ansatz | 2021-12-05 | Paper |
Rigid connections on P1 via the Bruhat–Tits building | 2021-05-14 | Paper |
\((\text{SL}(N), q)\)-opers, the \(q\)-Langlands correspondence, and quantum/classical duality | 2021-02-01 | Paper |
A geometric analogue of a conjecture of Gross and Reeder | 2019-10-16 | Paper |
Pocket guide to solve inverse problems with GlobalBioIm | 2019-09-20 | Paper |
A Theory of Minimal $K$-Types for Flat $G$-Bundles | 2019-02-06 | Paper |
Variational Phase Imaging Using the Transport-of-Intensity Equation | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
Regular Strata and Moduli Spaces of Irregular Singular Connections | 2018-02-02 | Paper |
Fast $O(1)$ Bilateral Filtering Using Trigonometric Range Kernels | 2017-11-20 | Paper |
Bi-Exponential Edge-Preserving Smoother | 2017-10-27 | Paper |
Multiresolution Monogenic Signal Analysis Using the Riesz–Laplace Wavelet Transform | 2017-10-09 | Paper |
Twisted exponents and twisted Frobenius–Schur indicators for Hopf algebras | 2017-04-21 | Paper |
On the Continuous Steering of the Scale of Tight Wavelet Frames | 2016-08-17 | Paper |
Moduli Spaces of Irregular Singular Connections | 2015-05-22 | Paper |
Generalized Serre conditions and perverse coherent sheaves | 2014-03-11 | Paper |
Atomistic Subsemirings of the Lattice of Subspaces of an Algebra | 2013-09-30 | Paper |
Flat G-bundles and regular strata for reductive groups | 2013-09-24 | Paper |
Twisted Frobenius-Schur indicators for Hopf algebras. | 2012-09-06 | Paper |
Isomonodromic deformations of connections with singularities of parahoric formal type | 2012-08-13 | Paper |
Staggered sheaves on partial flag varieties | 2009-03-11 | Paper |
Perverse coherent sheaves and the geometry of special pieces in the unipotent variety. | 2009-02-25 | Paper |
Subrepresentation semirings and an analog of 6j-symbols | 2009-01-23 | Paper |
On special pieces, the Springer correspondence, and unipotent characters | 2008-11-10 | Paper |
Racah coefficients, subrepresentation semirings, and composite materials | 2005-05-04 | Paper | | 2005-04-04 | Paper |
Group actions on central simple algebras | 2002-10-06 | Paper |
Exact relations for effective tensors of polycrystals. II: Applications to elasticity and piezoelectricity | 2000-10-25 | Paper |
Exact relations for effective tensors of composites: Necessary conditions and sufficient conditions | 2000-06-25 | Paper |
The geometry of fixed point varieties on affine flag manifolds | 2000-03-15 | Paper | | 1998-08-06 | Paper |