Derivations of differential forms along the tangent bundle projection. II (Q1802534)

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scientific article
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Derivations of differential forms along the tangent bundle projection. II
scientific article


    Derivations of differential forms along the tangent bundle projection. II (English)
    0 references
    17 June 1993
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    [For part I, see the authors, ibid. 2, No. 1, 17-43 (1992; Zbl 0748.58002).] The study of the calculus of forms along the tangent bundle projection \(\tau\), initiated in a previous paper with the same title, is continued. The idea is to complete the basic ingredients of the theory up to a point where enough tools will be available for developing new applications in the study of second-order dynamical systems. A list of commutators of important derivations is worked out and special attention is paid to degree zero derivations having a Leibniz-type duality property. Various ways of associating tensor fields along \(\tau\) to corresponding objects on \(TM\) are investigated. When the connection coming from a given second- order system is used in this process, two important concepts present themselves: one is a degree zero derivation called the dynamical covariant derivative; the other one is a type (1,1) tensor field along \(\tau\), called the Jacobi endomorphism. It is illustrated how these concepts play a crucial role in describing many of the interesting geometrical features of a given dynamical system, which have been dealt with in the literature.
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    degree zero derivations
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    Leibniz-type duality
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    dynamical covariant derivative
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    Jacobi endomorphism
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