Perron's stability theorem for non-linear mappings (Q1098564)

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scientific article
Language Label Description Also known as
Perron's stability theorem for non-linear mappings
scientific article


    Perron's stability theorem for non-linear mappings (English)
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    The paper generalizes the recent result of \textit{E. Kohlberg} [ibid. 10, 299-303 (1982; Zbl 0488.15012)], and the theorem proved by the author covers mappings fulfilling none of Kohlberg's assumptions including that of the continuity. The proof technique uses the Hilbert metric. The proven theorem yields the Perron stability result for concave mappings, and the concave version of Perron's theorem has immediate applications to balanced growth in nonlinear systems.
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    Hilbert metric
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    Perron stability
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    concave mappings
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    balanced growth in nonlinear systems
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