Some new results on odd perfect numbers (Q1212960)

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Some new results on odd perfect numbers
scientific article


    Some new results on odd perfect numbers (English)
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    If \(m\) is an odd perfect number, it is known that \(m\) is in the form \(p^ak^2\) where \(p\) is prime, \(p\nmid k\), and \(p\equiv a\equiv 1\pmod 4\). D. Suryanarayana [Problems in theory of numbers, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 76, 977 (1970)] asks if it necessarily follows that \(\sigma(k^2) = p^a\) and \(\sigma(p^a) = 2k^2\). We answer this question in the negative by proving the following: If \(p\) is a prime, \(\sigma(n) = p^a\), and \(n \mid \sigma(p^a)\), then \(m = p^an\) is an even perfect number or \(m=672\). Our method allow us also to say something about odd solutions to the equation \(\sigma(\sigma(n)) = 2n\).
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    odd perfect numbers
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