The approximation of instantons (Q1261154)

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The approximation of instantons
scientific article


    The approximation of instantons (English)
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    9 January 1994
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    This expository work gives a simple proof of the following theorem which is in a sense analogous to the classical theorem of Runge that asserts that a meromorphic function defined on a domain in \(\mathbb{C}\) can be approximated over compact subsets by rational functions: Theorem. There is a sequence of \(\text{SU}(\ell)\) bundles \(P_ n\) over \(S^ 4\), \(n=1,2,\dots\), connections \(A_ n\) on \(P_ n\) which satisfy the instanton equation over \(S^ 4\), and bundle maps \(\rho_ n: P_ U\to P_ n|_ U\) such that the sequence of connections \(\rho^*_ n(A_ n)\) converge in \(C^ \infty\) over a neighbourhood of \(K\) to the connection \(A_ U\). Here \(U\) is an open set in \(S^ 4\), \(K\) is a compact subset of \(U\) and the connection \(A_ U\) satisfies the anti-self-dual instanton equation \(F(A_ U)+*F(A_ U)\equiv F^ +(A_ U)=0\). The theorem is shown to be a simple by-product of the earlier works of \textit{C. H. Taubes} [J. Differ. Geom. 19, 337-392 (1984; Zbl 0551.53040); ibid. 29, 163-230 (1989; Zbl 0669.58005)] that were aimed at somewhat, at least superficially, different topological problems.
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    \(\text{SU}(\ell)\) bundles over \(S^ 4\)
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    Yang-Mills theory
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    anti-self- dual fields
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    anti-self-dual instanton equation
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