Asymptotic expansions for the heat content (Q1306206)

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scientific article
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Asymptotic expansions for the heat content
scientific article


    Asymptotic expansions for the heat content (English)
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    17 July 2000
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    Let \(\beta\) be a bounded operator and \(B_\beta\) the operator satisfying the boundary operator condition determined by \(\beta f=0.\) The author uses spectral theory to express the heat content in terms of the spectral resolution of the operator \(B_\beta\) and to relate the asymptotics with a suitably modified zeta function. Then it is shown how the Mellin transform and the properties of the zeta function can be used to obtain the heat content asymptotics for a generalized heat operator. The author introduces the heat content on the boundary and develops some of its properties. She also computes the asymptotics for the boundary invariant when \(B_\beta\) is an operator of Laplace type with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Using the above results it is possible to compute the generalized heat content asymptotics for an operator of Dirac type.
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    heat content
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    generalized heat content asymptotics
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    operators of Dirac type
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