Inverse map theorem in the ultra-\(F\)-differentiable class (Q1813893)

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scientific article
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Inverse map theorem in the ultra-\(F\)-differentiable class
scientific article


    Inverse map theorem in the ultra-\(F\)-differentiable class (English)
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    25 June 1992
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    Let \(M_ p\), \(p=0,1,2,\dots\), be a sequence of positive numbers such that there is a constant \(H\geq 1\) satisfying \((M_ p/p!)^{1/p}\leq H(M_ q/q!)^{1/q}\), \(1\leq p\leq q\). A smooth map \(f\) (in the sense of Fréchet derivatives) between open sets of Banach spaces is said to be ultra-\(F\)-differentiable for \(M_ p\) if \(\| f^{(p)}(x)\|\leq ch^ pM_ p\) for some constants \(c\geq 0\) and \(h>0\). Suppose now that a smooth map between open sets of Banach spaces is invertible at a point. Then the inverse function theorem gives us a local diffeomorphism. The author proves that if the derivative of this map is ultra-\(F\)- differentiable then so is the derivative of the inverse. This generalizes to infinite dimensions a weaker theorem of \textit{H. Komatsu} [ibid. Ser. A 55, No. 3, 69-72 (1979; Zbl 0467.26004)]. The proof uses the formula for the higher derivatives of a composite function in an essential way.
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    ultra \(F\)-differentiable derivative
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    smooth map
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    Banach spaces
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    inverse function theorem
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