Limit theorems for the typical Poisson-Voronoi cell and the Crofton cell with a large inradius (Q2569231)

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Limit theorems for the typical Poisson-Voronoi cell and the Crofton cell with a large inradius
scientific article


    Limit theorems for the typical Poisson-Voronoi cell and the Crofton cell with a large inradius (English)
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    18 October 2005
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    Consider \(\Phi=\{x_n: n\geq 1\}\) a homogeneous Poisson point process in the plane \({\mathbb R}^2\) with the two-dimensional Lebesgue measure \(V_2\) for intensity measure. The set of cells \(C(x) = \{y\in {\mathbb R}^2:\, \| y-x\| \leq \| y-x'\| ,\, x'\in \Phi\}\), \(x\in \Phi\), is the Poisson-Voronoi tessellation of \({\mathbb R}^2\). In order to describe the statistical properties of the tessellation, the notion of typical cell \({\mathcal C}\) in the Palm sense is commonly used [see \textit{J. Møller}, ``Lectures on random Voronoi tessellations'' (1994; Zbl 0812.60016)]. Consider the space \({\mathcal K}\) of convex compact sets of \({\mathbb R}^2\) endowed with usual Hausdorff metric. Let \(B\) be a Borel set of \({\mathbb R}^2\) and \(0< V_2(B)< +\infty\). The distribution of the typical cell \({\mathcal C}\) is determined by the identity (see \textit{Møller}, loc. cit.) \[ {\mathbb E} h({\mathcal C}) =[V_2(B)]^{-1}\, {\mathbb E} \sum_{x\in B\cap \Phi} h(C(x) - x), \] where \(h: {\mathcal K}\to{\mathbb R}\) is a bounded measurable function. Consider the cell \(C(0)\) obtained when the origin is added to the point process \(\Phi\). It is well known (see \textit{Møller}, loc. cit.) that \(C(0)\) and \({\mathcal C}\) are equal in law. Hence \(C(0)\) is a realization of the typical cell. Let us denote by \(R_m\) (resp. \(R_M\)) the radius of the largest (resp. smallest) disk centered at the origin included in (resp. containing) \(C(0)\) and by \(D(x, r)\), \(x\in {\mathbb R}^2\), \(r>0\), the closed disk centered at \(x\) and of radius \(r\). The boundary of the polygon \(C(0)\) then is contained in the annulus \({\mathcal A} = D(0, R_M)\setminus D(0, R_m)\). \textit{P. Calka} [Adv. Appl. Probab. 34, 702--717 (2002; Zbl 1029.60002)] obtained an explicit formula for the joint distribution of the pair \((R_m, R_M)\) and a characterization of the asymptotic behavior of the tail of the law of \(R_M\) given \(R_m\). In particular, it was proved Result A: Conditioning on the event \(\{R_m=r\}\), \(r>0\), the thickness of the annulus \({\mathcal A}\) is a.s. of order \(r^{-1/3}\) when \(r\) goes to infinity. \textit{D. Hug, M. Reitzner} and \textit{R. Schneider} [ibid. 36, 667--690 (2004; Zbl 1069.60010)] have provided a proof of D. G. Kendall's conjecture: Result B: The shape of the typical Poisson-Voronoi cell, given that the area of the cell goes to infinity, tends a.s. to a disk. A natural question arising from Result A is: how to estimate precisely the growth of the number of vertices of \(C(0)\) and the decrease of the area of \(C(0)\) outside the indisk when the inradius goes to infinity? Let us denote by \({\mathcal C}_r\) (resp. \(N_r\)) a random variable taking values in the space of compact convex sets of \({\mathbb R}^2\) endowed with Hausdorff metric (resp. in \({\mathbb N}\)) whose distribution is given by the law of \(C(0)\) (resp. the number of sides of \(C(0)\)) conditioned by the event \(\{R_m=r\}\). The authors focus the interest on the asymptotic behavior of \(N_r\) and \(V_2({\mathcal C}_r\setminus D(0, r))\) when \(r\to+\infty\). Explicit formulae for the distributions of the number of sides and the area of the typical Poisson-Voronoi cell have been recently obtained by \textit{P. Calka} [ibid. 35, 863--870 (2003; Zbl 1038.60008) and ibid. 35, 551--562 (2003; Zbl 1045.60005)], but it seems difficult to use them to obtain asymptotic results. The first theorem of the paper states that the growth rate for \(N_r\) is of order \(r^{2/3}\). The second theorem characterizes the asymptotic behavior of the area of \(V_2({\mathcal C}_r\setminus D(0, r))\) which is proved to be of order \(r^{2/3}\) up to a multiplicative constant. The obtained results include a central limit theorem and a moderate deviation principle. Moreover, the authors derive analogous facts for the Crofton cell of a stationary line process in the plane.
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