Geometric proof of the \(\lambda\)-lemma (Q268505)

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scientific article
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Geometric proof of the \(\lambda\)-lemma
scientific article


    Geometric proof of the \(\lambda\)-lemma (English)
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    15 April 2016
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    A holomorphic motion in dimension one is a family of injections \(f_\lambda: A\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{C}}\) over a complex manifold \(\Lambda\ni \lambda\). The \(\lambda\)-lemma says that for any \(A\subset \hat{\mathbb{C}}\), any holomorphic motion \(f: \Delta\times A\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{C}}\) extends to a holomorphic motion \(\Delta\times \hat{\mathbb{C}}\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{C}}\). In the paper under review, the authors give a geometric proof of the \(\lambda\)-lemma. The first step is to reduce the \(\lambda\)-lemma to the \(\lambda\)-lemma for finitely many points. The second step is to reduce the finite \(\lambda\)-lemma to a Filling Theorem. The heart of the proof is then to prove Hölder estimates for disks trapped inside pesudoconvex domains and to construct such trapping pseudoconvex domains for ``graphical tori''.
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    holomorphic motion
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