Stability of an \(n\)-dimensional mixed-type additive and quadratic functional equation in random normed spaces (Q411015)

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scientific article
Language Label Description Also known as
Stability of an \(n\)-dimensional mixed-type additive and quadratic functional equation in random normed spaces
scientific article


    Stability of an \(n\)-dimensional mixed-type additive and quadratic functional equation in random normed spaces (English)
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    4 April 2012
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    Summary: We investigate the stability problems for the \(n\)-dimensional mixed-type additive and quadratic functional equation \(2f(\sum^n_{j=1} x_j) + \sum_{1 \leq i, j \leq n, i \neq j} f(x_i - x_j) = (n + 1) \sum^n_{j=1} f(x_j) + (n - 1) \sum^n_{j=1} f(-x_j)\) in random normed spaces by applying the fixed point method.
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