The topological cyclic homology of the dual circle (Q503807)

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The topological cyclic homology of the dual circle
scientific article


    The topological cyclic homology of the dual circle (English)
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    23 January 2017
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    Let \(X\) be a based CW-complex, and let \(\mathbf{S}\) denote the sphere spectrum. Using the notation for the category of orthogonal spectra from [\textit{M. A. Mandell} et al., Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 82, No. 2, 441--512 (2001; Zbl 1017.55004)], let \[ D(\Sigma X) = F( (\Sigma X)_+, \, {\mathbf{S}}),\quad \tilde D (\Sigma X) = F( \Sigma X, \, {\mathbf{S}}). \] There is an equivalence of ring spectra \[ {\mathbf{S}} \vee \tilde D ( \Sigma X) \to D( \Sigma X), \] where \(\tilde D ( \Sigma X)\) is given a multiplication from the dual of the diagonal map \(\Sigma X \to \Sigma X \wedge \Sigma X\). Proven is that \(\tilde D (\Sigma X)\) with this multiplication is equivalent as a non-unital \(A_{\infty}\) ring spectrum to \(\tilde D (\Sigma X)\) with the zero multiplication. Additionally, there is an equivalence in the homotopy category of augmented \(A_{\infty}\) ring spectra \[ D ( \Sigma X) \simeq {\mathbf{S}} \vee \tilde D ( \Sigma X), \] offering an alternative proof of a result of \textit{A. Lazarev} [Prog. Math. 215, 237--259 (2004; Zbl 1056.55005)]. Let \(THH\) denote topological Hochschild homology. As a corollary, there is an equivalence of \(S^1\)-spectra \[ THH(D \Sigma X) \simeq {\mathbf{S}} \vee \Sigma^{-1}\Big( \bigvee_{n=1}^{\infty} \tilde D ( X^{\wedge n} )\wedge_{{\mathbf{Z}}/n} S^1_+ \Big). \] Let \(TC\) denote topological cyclic homology. For the ring spectrum \(DS^1\), proven is that after \(p\)-completion, \[ TC(DS^1) \simeq {\mathbf{S}} \vee \Sigma {\mathbf{CP}}^{\infty}_{-1} \vee \bigvee_{n \in {\mathbf{N}}} E, \] where \(E\) is the homotopy fiber of a certain wedge of transfers described in the paper under review. As a corollary to this theorem about \(TC\), it follows that the coassembly map for \(K(DS^1)\) is not surjective on rational homotopy groups in degree 4, and, more generally, is rationally zero in degrees \(4i\), \(i \geq 1\).
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    topological Hochschild homology
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    topological cyclic homology
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    ring spectra
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