Permutation polynomials and a new public-key encryption (Q516791)

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scientific article
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Permutation polynomials and a new public-key encryption
scientific article


    Permutation polynomials and a new public-key encryption (English)
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    15 March 2017
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    The authors describe an algorithm for finding the compositional inverse for a certain linearized permutation \(P(x) = \sum_{u=0}^na_ux^{2^u}\) of \(\mathrm{GF}(2^n)\). Based on permutation polynomials of this form the authors propose a public key cryptosystem, with \(P(x)\) as (a part of the) public key, and a primitive representation polynomial of \(\mathrm{GF}(2^n)\), \(g(x)\), as the private key.
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    permutation polynomial
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    linearized permutation
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    public-key encryption
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