Entropies and flux-splittings for the isentropic Euler equations (Q5940181)

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scientific article; zbMATH DE number 1624644
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Entropies and flux-splittings for the isentropic Euler equations
scientific article; zbMATH DE number 1624644


    Entropies and flux-splittings for the isentropic Euler equations (English)
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    30 January 2002
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    The authors establish the existence of a large class of mathematical entropies (the so-called weak entropies) associated with the Euler equations for an isentropic, compressible fluid governed by a general pressure law. A mild assumption on the behaviour of the pressure law near the vacuum is solely required. The analysis is based on an asymptotic expansion of the fundamental solution (called here the entropy kernel) of a higly singular Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation. The entropy kernel is only Hölder continuous and its regularity is carefully investigated. Relating on a notion introduced earlier by the authors, it is also proven that, for the Euler equations, the set of entropy flux-splittings coincides with the set of entropies-entropy fluxes. Theses results imply the existence of a flux-splitting consistent with all of the entropy inequalities.
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    compressible Euler equations
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    real gas
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    Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation
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