A supplement to Chebotarev's density theorem (Q6146123)

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scientific article; zbMATH DE number 7786157
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A supplement to Chebotarev's density theorem
scientific article; zbMATH DE number 7786157


    A supplement to Chebotarev's density theorem (English)
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    10 January 2024
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    Let \(C\) be a conjugacy class in the Galois group \(G\) of a Galois extension \(L/K\) of number fields. The authors consider the function \[ F(s,C)=\sum_{Frob(\mathfrak p)=C}\frac{\log(N(\mathfrak p))}{N(\mathfrak p)^s}-\frac{|C|}{|G|}\sum_{\mathfrak p}\frac{\log(N(\mathfrak p))}{N(\mathfrak p)^s}, \] where \(\mathfrak p\) runs over unramified prime ideals of \(K\). They establish four equivalent conditions for a number \(s_0\) in the half-plane \(\Re s>1/2\) to be a pole of \(F(s)\) for some \(C\), and use a result of \textit{R. Foote} and \textit{V. K. Murty} [Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 105, No. 1, 5--11 (1989; Zbl 0711.11043)] to show \[ \sum_C\frac{|G|}{|C|}\left|\mathop{\text{res}}_{s=s_0}F(s,C)\right|^2=\sum_\chi\left(\mathop{\text{res}}_{s=s_0} L(s,\chi)\right)^2\le\left(\mathop{\text{ord}}_{s=s_0}\zeta_L(s)\right)^2-\left(\mathop{\text{ord}}_{s=s_0}\zeta_K(s)\right)^2, \] where \(\chi\) runs over all non-trivial irreducible characters of \(G\). A corollary of the main result shows that if \(L/K\) is Galois with group \(G\) and the asymptotic formula for the sum \[ \sum_{N(\mathfrak p)\le x; Frob(\mathfrak p)=\{1\}}\log N(\mathfrak p) \] has a power saving error term, then the same holds for the analogous formula with \(\{1\}\) being replaced by an arbitrary conjugacy class of \(G\).
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