Value distribution and the lemma of the logarithmic derivative on polydiscs (Q791724)

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scientific article
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Value distribution and the lemma of the logarithmic derivative on polydiscs
scientific article


    Value distribution and the lemma of the logarithmic derivative on polydiscs (English)
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    Value distribution is developed on polydiscs with special emphasis that the value distribution function depends on a vector variable. A lemma of the logarithmic derivative for meromorphic functions on polydiscs is derived. Here the Bergman boundary of the polydiscs is approached along cones of any dimension and exceptional sets for such an approach are defined. The lemma of the logarithmic derivative has been applied by \textit{C. W. Henson} and \textit{L. A. Rubel} [''Some applications of Nevanlinna theory to mathematical logic: Identities of exponential functions'', Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 282, 1-32 (1984)]. James Spellecy proved the defect relation for meromorphic maps of a polydisc into projective space by an application of the lemma of the logarithmic derivative [\textit{James Spellecy}, ''Defect relations of holomorphic maps'' (Thesis, Notre Dame 1983)].
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    Bergman boundary of the polydiscs
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    value distribution on polydiscs
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    lemma of the logarithmic derivative for meromorphic functions
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