Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
High-order accurate positivity-preserving and well-balanced discontinuous Galerkin schemes for ten-moment Gaussian closure equations with source terms | 2024-11-15 | Paper |
High-order accurate well-balanced energy stable finite difference schemes for multi-layer shallow water equations on fixed and adaptive moving meshes | 2024-10-08 | Paper |
Genuinely Multidimensional Physical-Constraints-Preserving Finite Volume Schemes for the Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics | 2024-01-05 | Paper |
A general class of linear unconditionally energy stable schemes for the gradient flows. II. | 2023-11-16 | Paper |
High-order accurate well-balanced energy stable finite difference schemes for multi-layer shallow water equations on fixed and adaptive moving meshes | 2023-11-14 | Paper |
High-order accurate well-balanced energy stable adaptive moving mesh finite difference schemes for the shallow water equations with non-flat bottom topography | 2023-09-27 | Paper |
On the Explicit Two-Stage Fourth-Order Accurate Time Discretizations | 2023-03-09 | Paper | | 2022-09-27 | Paper |
High-order accurate entropy stable adaptive moving mesh finite difference schemes for (multi-component) compressible Euler equations with the stiffened equation of state | 2022-09-22 | Paper | | 2022-09-22 | Paper | | 2022-09-22 | Paper | | 2022-09-22 | Paper |
Positivity-Preserving Well-Balanced Central Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for the Euler Equations under Gravitational Fields | 2022-07-19 | Paper |
A general class of linear unconditionally energy stable schemes for the gradient flows | 2022-06-13 | Paper |
Positivity-preserving well-balanced central discontinuous Galerkin schemes for the Euler equations under gravitational fields | 2022-06-03 | Paper |
An analytical solution of the isentropic vortex problem in the special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics | 2022-05-05 | Paper |
High-order accurate entropy stable adaptive moving mesh finite difference schemes for special relativistic (magneto)hydrodynamics | 2022-05-05 | Paper |
Globally hyperbolic moment model of arbitrary order for the three-dimensional special relativistic Boltzmann equation with the Anderson-Witting collision | 2022-05-04 | Paper |
Second-order accurate BGK schemes for the special relativistic hydrodynamics with the Synge equation of state | 2022-04-25 | Paper |
High-order accurate entropy stable finite difference schemes for the shallow water magnetohydrodynamics | 2022-04-21 | Paper |
Entropy stable adaptive moving mesh schemes for 2D and 3D special relativistic hydrodynamics | 2022-04-19 | Paper |
High-order accurate entropy stable nodal discontinuous Galerkin schemes for the ideal special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics | 2022-04-14 | Paper |
A general class of linear unconditionally energy stable schemes for the gradient flows | 2022-03-04 | Paper |
High-order accurate entropy stable adaptive moving mesh finite difference schemes for (multi-component) compressible Euler equations with the stiffened equation of state | 2022-02-16 | Paper |
A positivity-preserving and free energy dissipative hybrid scheme for the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations on polygonal and polyhedral meshes | 2022-02-04 | Paper |
An Efficient Positivity-Preserving Finite Volume Scheme for the Nonequilibrium Three-Temperature Radiation Diffusion Equations on Polygonal Meshes | 2021-11-09 | Paper |
Runge-Kutta Central Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics | 2021-10-26 | Paper |
High-Order Accurate Entropy Stable Finite Difference Schemes for One- and Two-Dimensional Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics | 2021-10-12 | Paper |
High-order accurate entropy stable adaptive moving mesh finite difference schemes for special relativistic (magneto)hydrodynamics | 2021-07-26 | Paper |
An analytical solution of the isentropic vortex problem in the special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics | 2021-07-05 | Paper |
Model Reduction of a Two-Dimensional Kinetic Swarming Model by Operator Projections | 2021-04-22 | Paper |
Physical-constraints-preserving Lagrangian finite volume schemes for one- and two-dimensional special relativistic hydrodynamics | 2021-01-27 | Paper |
Two-Stage Fourth-Order Accurate Time Discretizations for 1D and 2D Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics | 2021-01-14 | Paper |
An Efficient ADER Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for Directly Solving Hamilton-Jacobi Equation | 2021-01-14 | Paper |
Second-order accurate BGK schemes for the special relativistic hydrodynamics with the Synge equation of state | 2020-11-02 | Paper |
A physical-constraints-preserving genuinely multidimensional HLL scheme for the special relativistic hydrodynamics | 2020-11-02 | Paper |
Entropy stable adaptive moving mesh schemes for 2D and 3D special relativistic hydrodynamics | 2020-07-25 | Paper |
On the explicit two-stage fourth-order accurate time discretizations | 2020-07-05 | Paper |
High-order accurate entropy stable finite difference schemes for the shallow water magnetohydrodynamics | 2020-03-23 | Paper |
High-order accurate entropy stable nodal discontinuous Galerkin schemes for the ideal special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics | 2019-11-09 | Paper | | 2019-10-02 | Paper |
Numerical Methods for One-Dimensional Hyperbolic Conservation Laws | 2019-09-18 | Paper |
Second-order direct Eulerian GRP schemes for radiation hydrodynamical equations | 2019-04-26 | Paper |
On physical-constraints-preserving schemes for special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics with a general equation of state | 2018-07-19 | Paper |
Second-order accurate genuine BGK schemes for the ultra-relativistic flow simulations | 2018-02-07 | Paper |
Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods for the special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics | 2018-01-31 | Paper |
Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Local Evolution Galerkin Methods for the Shallow Water Equations on the Cubed-Sphere Grid | 2018-01-29 | Paper |
A stochastic Galerkin method for first-order quasilinear hyperbolic systems with uncertainty | 2018-01-26 | Paper |
Accuracy of the Adaptive GRP Scheme and the Simulation of 2-D Riemann Problems for Compressible Euler Equations | 2017-10-27 | Paper |
An Adaptive Moving Mesh Method for Two-Dimensional Relativistic Hydrodynamics | 2017-10-27 | Paper |
A High-Order Accurate Gas-Kinetic Scheme for One- and Two-Dimensional Flow Simulation | 2017-10-27 | Paper |
Globally hyperbolic moment model of arbitrary order for one-dimensional special relativistic Boltzmann equation | 2017-10-16 | Paper |
Admissible states and physical-constraints-preserving schemes for relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations | 2017-09-29 | Paper |
A Newton multigrid method for steady-state shallow water equations with topography and dry areas | 2017-07-26 | Paper |
An adaptive moving mesh method for two-dimensional relativistic magnetohydrodynamics | 2017-07-05 | Paper |
Numerical methods for nonlinear Dirac equation | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
Finite volume local evolution Galerkin method for two-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamics | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
Accuracy and efficiency in computing electrostatic potential for an ion channel model in layered dielectric/electrolyte media | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
A third-order accurate direct Eulerian GRP scheme for the Euler equations in gas dynamics | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
High-order accurate physical-constraints-preserving finite difference WENO schemes for special relativistic hydrodynamics | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
Physical-constraints-preserving central discontinuous Galerkin methods for special relativistic hydrodynamics with a general equation of state | 2016-07-28 | Paper |
A Direct Eulerian GRP Scheme for Spherically Symmetric General Relativistic Hydrodynamics | 2016-06-30 | Paper |
Multi-hump solitary waves of a nonlinear Dirac equation | 2015-10-08 | Paper |
A Third-Order Accurate Direct Eulerian GRP Scheme for One-Dimensional Relativistic Hydrodynamics | 2015-02-23 | Paper |
Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods with WENO limiter for the special relativistic hydrodynamics | 2014-08-27 | Paper |
Steger-Warming flux vector splitting method for special relativistic hydrodynamics | 2014-05-19 | Paper |
Image approximations to electrostatic potentials in layered electrolytes/dielectrics and an ion-channel model | 2013-08-13 | Paper |
High-Order Accurate Runge-Kutta (Local) Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for One- and Two-Dimensional Fractional Diffusion Equations | 2013-06-20 | Paper |
A direct Eulerian GRP scheme for relativistic hydrodynamics: two-dimensional case | 2012-05-18 | Paper |
A direct Eulerian GRP scheme for relativistic hydrodynamics: One-dimensional case | 2011-12-28 | Paper |
Gas-Kinetic BGK Scheme for Three Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics | 2011-09-29 | Paper |
Local oscillations in finite difference solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws | 2010-11-07 | Paper |
An adaptive phase field method for the mixture of two incompressible fluids | 2010-09-16 | Paper | | 2010-02-12 | Paper |
An adaptive GRP scheme for compressible fluid flows | 2010-02-09 | Paper |
An adaptive ghost fluid finite volume method for compressible gas-water simulations | 2008-08-22 | Paper |
Interaction for the solitary waves of a nonlinear Dirac model | 2008-08-20 | Paper |
On Convergence of a Domain Decomposition Method for a Scalar Conservation Law | 2008-08-14 | Paper |
Second-order accurate Godunov scheme for multicomponent flows on moving triangular meshes | 2008-04-16 | Paper |
An efficient adaptive mesh redistribution method for a nonlinear Dirac equation | 2007-03-13 | Paper |
An adaptive moving mesh method for two-dimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamics | 2007-02-19 | Paper |
A note on the conservative schemes for the Euler equations | 2007-01-09 | Paper |
Accurate calculation of Green's function of the Schrödinger equation in a block layered potential | 2006-12-14 | Paper |
A Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for the Euler equations | 2006-10-10 | Paper | | 2006-09-22 | Paper |
Higher-order accurate Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods for a nonlinear Dirac model | 2006-07-11 | Paper |
A Class of High Resolution Difference Schemes for Nonlinear Hamilton--Jacobi Equations with Varying Time and Space Grids | 2005-09-22 | Paper |
A note on (2K+1)-point conservative monotone schemes | 2005-09-08 | Paper | | 2005-01-14 | Paper |
On the sonic point glitch | 2005-01-11 | Paper |
A gas-kinetic scheme for shallow-water equations with source terms | 2004-12-16 | Paper |
Solution of the shallow‐water equations using an adaptive moving mesh method | 2004-05-27 | Paper | | 2004-02-23 | Paper |
Adaptive Mesh Methods for One- and Two-Dimensional Hyperbolic Conservation Laws | 2004-01-18 | Paper |
An adaptive mesh redistribution method for nonlinear Hamilton--Jacobi equations in two- and three-dimensions. | 2003-07-30 | Paper |
On numerical entropy inequalities for a class of relaxed schemes | 2003-07-28 | Paper | | 2003-06-26 | Paper |
Value distribution of certain differential polynomials | 2002-12-17 | Paper |
Nonlinear stability of the relaxing schemes for scalar conservation laws | 2002-11-26 | Paper |
A high-order gas-kinetic method for multidimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamics | 2002-10-21 | Paper | | 2002-09-01 | Paper |
Positivity-preserving analysis of explicit and implicit Lax-Friedrichs schemes for compressible Euler equations | 2002-06-27 | Paper |
Pseudoparticle representation and positivity analysis of explicit and implicit Steger-Warming FVS schemes | 2002-02-18 | Paper |
Gas-kinetic schemes for compressible flow of real gases | 2001-11-12 | Paper | | 2001-07-23 | Paper | | 2001-06-06 | Paper | | 2001-03-15 | Paper |
Kinetic flux vector splitting for radiation hydrodynamical equations | 2001-02-28 | Paper | | 2000-11-15 | Paper | | 2000-05-17 | Paper | | 2000-01-01 | Paper |
High-order gas-kinetic methods for ideal magnetohydrodynamics | 1999-09-27 | Paper | | 1998-08-23 | Paper |
High-order accurate positivity-preserving and well-balanced discontinuous Galerkin schemes for ten-moment Gaussian closure equations with source terms | N/A | Paper |