Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Conditional Lie Bäcklund Symmetries and Sign‐Invariants to Quasi‐Linear Diffusion Equations | 2024-04-06 | Paper |
Global Dynamics to the Periodic Ferromagnetic Spin Chain System | 2024-03-13 | Paper |
Reducibility of the dispersive Camassa-Holm equation with unbounded perturbations | 2024-01-31 | Paper |
Reducibility of a class of operators induced by the dispersive third order Benjamin-Ono equation | 2024-01-04 | Paper | | 2023-12-14 | Paper |
Cauchy matrix approach to the SU(2) self‐dual Yang–Mills equation | 2023-12-12 | Paper |
Talbot effect for the Manakov System on the torus | 2023-11-13 | Paper |
New Revival Phenomena for Bidirectional Dispersive Hyperbolic Equations | 2023-09-26 | Paper |
Solutions to the \(\mathrm{SU}(\mathcal{N})\) self-dual Yang-Mills equation | 2023-08-04 | Paper |
Massive Thirring Model: Inverse Scattering and Soliton Resolution | 2023-07-28 | Paper |
Dispersive quantization and fractalization for multi-component dispersive equations | 2023-01-17 | Paper |
Geometric aspects of Miura transformations | 2022-11-10 | Paper |
The two-component Novikov-type systems with peaked solutions and \(H^1\)-conservation law | 2022-10-24 | Paper | | 2022-09-29 | Paper | | 2022-03-17 | Paper |
Blow-up and peakons for a higher-order \(\mu\)-Camassa-Holm equation | 2022-03-15 | Paper |
An invariant second-order curve flow in centro-affine geometry | 2022-03-01 | Paper |
Invariant hypersurface flows in centro-affine geometry | 2021-11-01 | Paper |
On the Cauchy problem and peakons of a two-component Novikov system | 2021-05-05 | Paper |
Feature matching and heat flow in centro-affine geometry | 2021-01-21 | Paper |
Curvature blow-up for the higher-order Camassa-Holm equations | 2020-11-11 | Paper | | 2020-10-27 | Paper |
The two-component \(\mu\)-Camassa-Holm system with peaked solutions | 2020-09-03 | Paper |
Liouville correspondences between multicomponent integrable hierarchies | 2020-08-20 | Paper |
Nonlocal symmetries of the Camassa-Holm type equations | 2020-05-19 | Paper |
Stability of peakons for the generalized modified Camassa-Holm equation | 2019-03-21 | Paper |
Bäcklund transformations for tri-Hamiltonian dual structures of multi-component integrable systems | 2018-09-27 | Paper |
Nonlocal Symmetries to Systems of Nonlinear Diffusion Equations | 2018-08-03 | Paper |
Functional Separable Solutions of Nonlinear Heat Equations in Non-Newtonian Fluids | 2018-08-03 | Paper |
Higher-Dimensional Integrable Systems Arising from Motions of Curves onS2(R) andS3(R) | 2018-08-03 | Paper |
The centro-affine invariant geometric heat flow | 2018-03-21 | Paper |
Integrable systems and invariant curve flows in symplectic Grassmannian space | 2017-12-15 | Paper |
Bäcklund transformations for integrable geometric curve flows | 2017-09-27 | Paper |
Well-posedness and wave breaking of the degenerate Novikov equation | 2017-08-10 | Paper |
Liouville correspondences between integrable hierarchies | 2017-06-09 | Paper |
Functional Separable Solutions to Nonlinear Diffusion Equations by Group Foliation Method | 2017-02-07 | Paper |
Symmetry Breaking for Black–Scholes Equations | 2017-02-07 | Paper |
Wave-breaking phenomena for the nonlocal Whitham-type equations | 2016-10-10 | Paper |
Integrability and Solutions of the (2 + 1)-dimensional Hunter–Saxton Equation | 2016-06-08 | Paper |
Stability of the Camassa-Holm peakons in the dynamics of a shallow-water-type system | 2016-05-13 | Paper |
Liouville correspondence between the modified KdV hierarchy and its dual integrable hierarchy | 2016-03-01 | Paper |
Analysis on the blow-up of solutions to a class of integrable peakon equations | 2016-02-19 | Paper |
Symplectic invariants for curves and integrable systems in similarity symplectic geometry | 2015-10-27 | Paper |
Maximal dimension of invariant subspaces admitted by nonlinear vector differential operators | 2015-07-17 | Paper |
A new integrable two-component system with cubic nonlinearity | 2015-06-22 | Paper |
Group-theoretical framework for potential symmetries of evolution equations | 2015-06-22 | Paper |
Blow up of Solutions and Traveling Waves to the Two-Component μ-Camassa–Holm System | 2015-05-20 | Paper |
Oscillation-induced blow-up to the modified Camassa-Holm equation with linear dispersion | 2015-01-27 | Paper |
Conditional Lie-Bäcklund Symmetry of Evolution System and Application for Reaction-Diffusion System | 2014-10-21 | Paper |
Orbital stability of peakons for a generalization of the modified Camassa–Holm equation | 2014-10-17 | Paper |
Peaked Traveling Wave Solutions to a Generalized Novikov Equation with Cubic and Quadratic Nonlinearities | 2014-08-18 | Paper |
Blow-up solutions and peakons to a generalized {\(\mu\)}-Camassa-Holm integrable equation | 2014-08-15 | Paper |
A hyperbolic-type affine invariant curve flow | 2014-07-22 | Paper |
On the blow-up of solutions to the integrable modified Camassa–Holm equation | 2014-07-18 | Paper | | 2014-06-30 | Paper |
Hodograph Transformations and Cauchy Problem to Systems of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations | 2014-05-19 | Paper | | 2014-04-30 | Paper |
Orbital stability of the train of peakons for an integrable modified Camassa-Holm equation | 2014-04-15 | Paper |
Well-posedness, wave breaking and peakons for a modified \({\mu}\)-Camassa-Holm equation | 2014-04-09 | Paper |
Invariant subspaces and conditional Lie-Bäcklund symmetries of inhomogeneous nonlinear diffusion equations | 2014-03-21 | Paper |
Orbital stability of periodic peakons to a generalized \(\mu\)-Camassa-Holm equation | 2014-02-24 | Paper |
On the Cauchy problem for the integrable modified Camassa-Holm equation with cubic nonlinearity | 2014-02-05 | Paper |
Stability of peakons for the Novikov equation | 2014-01-29 | Paper |
Symmetry groups and fundamental solutions for systems of parabolic equations | 2013-11-11 | Paper |
Conditional Lie-Bäcklund Symmetries and Invariant Subspaces to Nonlinear Diffusion Equations with Convection and Source | 2013-11-04 | Paper |
Stability of peakons for an integrable modified Camassa-Holm equation with cubic nonlinearity | 2013-08-09 | Paper |
Multi-component integrable systems and invariant curve flows in certain geometries | 2013-07-04 | Paper |
Geometric Integrability of Two-Component Camassa—Holm and Hunter—Saxton Systems | 2013-06-07 | Paper |
Approximate Derivative-Dependent Functional Variable Separation for the Generalized Diffusion Equations with Perturbation | 2013-06-04 | Paper |
Classification of positive solutions for an elliptic system with a higher-order fractional Laplacian | 2013-05-29 | Paper |
Wave-breaking and peakons for a modified Camassa-Holm equation | 2013-05-13 | Paper |
Stability of periodic peakons for the modified \(\mu \)-Camassa-Holm equation | 2013-05-10 | Paper |
Group classification of linear fourth-order evolution equations | 2013-03-14 | Paper |
Lie group classification of the \(N\)-th-order nonlinear evolution equations | 2013-01-29 | Paper |
Symmetry and regularity of solutions to a system with three-component integral equations | 2013-01-28 | Paper |
Unique continuation and persistence properties of solutions of the 2-component Degasperis-Procesi equations | 2013-01-24 | Paper |
On the model of the compressible hyperelastic rods and Euler equations on the circle | 2012-12-20 | Paper |
Conditional Lie Bäcklund symmetries of Hamilton-Jacobi equations | 2012-05-20 | Paper |
Invariant sets and solutions to the two-dimensional nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations | 2012-05-20 | Paper |
Finite speed of propagation for thin viscous flows over an inclined plane | 2012-05-20 | Paper |
Integrable systems and invariant curve flows in centro-equiaffine symplectic geometry | 2012-04-19 | Paper |
On the blow-up structure for the generalized periodic Camassa-Holm and Degasperis-Procesi equations | 2012-03-29 | Paper | | 2011-09-29 | Paper |
Conditional Lie-Backlund symmetries and invariant subspaces to non-linear diffusion equations | 2011-08-23 | Paper |
Symmetry and nonexistence of positive solutions to an integral system with weighted functions | 2011-07-01 | Paper |
Invariants of Multi-Component Ermakov Systems | 2011-06-30 | Paper |
On a New Three-Component Camassa–Holm Equation with Peakons | 2011-06-30 | Paper | | 2011-04-28 | Paper |
Approximate conservation laws of perturbed partial differential equations | 2011-02-08 | Paper | | 2011-02-05 | Paper |
Classification of local and nonlocal symmetries of fourth-order nonlinear evolution equations | 2010-10-25 | Paper |
Existence and blow-up of weak solutions for a sixth-order equation related to thin solid films | 2010-10-14 | Paper |
Well-posedness and blow-up solution for a modified two-component periodic Camassa-Holm system with peakons | 2010-09-10 | Paper |
Nonlinear evolution equations admitting multilinear variable separable solutions | 2010-08-17 | Paper |
Symmetry groups of differential-difference equations and their compatibility | 2010-08-11 | Paper |
Well-posedness and blow-up phenomena for the interacting system of the Camassa-Holm and Degasperis-Procesi equations | 2010-06-23 | Paper |
Integrable motions of curves in projective geometries | 2010-06-02 | Paper |
Hodograph-Type Transformations for Linearization of Systems of Nonlinear Diffusion Equations | 2010-04-22 | Paper |
Solutions and symmetry reductions of the n-dimensional non-linear convection-diffusion equations | 2010-03-12 | Paper |
Invariant sets and solutions to higher-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations with source term | 2010-03-01 | Paper |
Classification of coupled systems with two-component nonlinear diffusion equations by the invariant subspace method | 2010-02-02 | Paper |
Classification and Reduction of Generalized Thin Film Equations | 2010-01-26 | Paper |
Extended rotation and scaling groups for nonlinear evolution equations | 2010-01-21 | Paper |
Preliminary group classification of a class of fourth-order evolution equations | 2009-12-14 | Paper |
Well posedness and blow-up solution for a new coupled Camassa–Holm equations with peakons | 2009-12-07 | Paper |
Conditional Symmetry Groups of Nonlinear Diffusion Equations with x -Dependent Convection and Absorption | 2009-07-22 | Paper |
Solutions and Conditional Lie–Bäcklund Symmetries of Quasi-linear Diffusion-Reaction Equations | 2009-06-10 | Paper |
Bifurcation for a free boundary problem modeling a protocell | 2009-03-25 | Paper |
Deformation of surfaces induced by motions of curves in higher-dimensional similarity geometries | 2009-02-26 | Paper |
Long-time behaviour of solutions of a class of nonlinear parabolic equations | 2008-12-16 | Paper |
Conditional Lie Bäcklund symmetries and solutions to (n+1)-dimensional nonlinear diffusion equations | 2008-12-08 | Paper |
Exact solutions and generalized conditional symmetries to \((n+1)\)-dimensional nonlinear diffusion equations with source term | 2008-08-20 | Paper |
Symmetry reductions and exact solutions of the affine heat equation | 2008-08-19 | Paper |
Multi-component WKI equations and their conservation laws | 2007-12-05 | Paper |
Invariant sets and solutions to the generalized thin film equation | 2007-10-16 | Paper |
Symmetries and invariant solutions for the geometric heat flows | 2007-09-07 | Paper |
Integrable motions of curves in \(S^{1} \times \mathbb R\) | 2007-07-16 | Paper |
Functionally separable solutions to nonlinear wave equations by group foliation method | 2007-04-10 | Paper |
Potential symmetries to systems of nonlinear diffusion equations | 2007-03-16 | Paper |
Symmetries and solutions to the thin film equations | 2006-04-06 | Paper |
Computer Algebra and Geometric Algebra with Applications | 2005-11-29 | Paper |
Geometric Motions of Surfaces and 2+1-Dimensional Integrable Equations | 2005-08-29 | Paper |
Painlevé property and conservation laws of multi-component mKdV equations | 2005-04-21 | Paper |
Motion of curves and solutions of two multi-component mKdV equations | 2005-04-18 | Paper | | 2005-03-14 | Paper |
On properties of new parameterized 5th-order nonlinear evolution equation | 2005-03-08 | Paper |
Optimal systems and group classification of \((1+2)\)-dimensional heat equation | 2005-01-17 | Paper |
On nonlinear diffusion equations with \(x\)-dependent convection and absorption | 2004-09-23 | Paper |
Motion of curves and surfaces in affine geometry | 2004-08-19 | Paper |
Motions of curves in similarity geometries and Burgers-mKdV hierarchies | 2004-07-01 | Paper | | 2004-03-16 | Paper |
New variable separation approach: application to nonlinear diffusion equations | 2004-03-07 | Paper |
On affine Sawada-Kotera equation. | 2004-01-14 | Paper |
Integrable equations arising from motions of plane curves. II. | 2003-12-16 | Paper |
Separation of Variables and Exact Solutions of Generalized Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equations | 2003-09-01 | Paper |
Extended rotation and scaling groups for nonlinear evolution equations | 2003-03-11 | Paper |
Separation of variables of a generalized porous medium equation with nonlinear source. | 2003-02-11 | Paper |
A note on optimal systems for the heat equation | 2002-09-11 | Paper |
Contact symmetry algebras of scalar ordinary differential equations | 2002-08-20 | Paper |
Integrable motions of space curves in affine geometry | 2002-08-18 | Paper |
Integrable equations arising from motions of plane curves | 2002-02-05 | Paper |
The KdV Equation and Motion of Plane Curves | 2001-11-19 | Paper | | 2001-06-20 | Paper |
Generalized conditional symmetries of nonlinear differential-difference equations | 2001-06-05 | Paper |
New Exact Solutions to the Fujita's Equation | 2001-05-14 | Paper |
Separation of variables and exact solutions to quasilinear diffusion equations with nonlinear source | 2001-03-06 | Paper | | 2001-01-24 | Paper |
Approximate potential symmetries for partial differential equations | 2000-12-13 | Paper |
Approximate conditional symmetries and application to a nonlinear wave equation | 2000-11-14 | Paper |
Approximate conditional symmetries for partial differential equations | 2000-08-13 | Paper |
Reductions and exact solutions of some nonlinear partial differential equations under four types of generalized conditional symmetries | 2000-07-17 | Paper |
Exact solutions to nonlinear diffusion equations obtained by a generalized conditional symmetry method | 2000-05-09 | Paper |
Symmetry groups and separation of variables of a class of nonlinear diffusion-convection equations | 2000-04-25 | Paper |
Heterotic Liouville systems from the Bernoulli equation | 2000-02-08 | Paper | | 1998-11-01 | Paper | | 1998-10-25 | Paper | | 1998-09-14 | Paper | | 1998-06-22 | Paper | | 1998-05-14 | Paper |
Generalized Lie symmetries and the integrability of the generalized Holmes-Rand nonlinear oscillator | 1998-02-25 | Paper |
Group Classification and Generalized Conditional Symmetry Reduction of the Nonlinear Diffusion–Convection Equation with a Nonlinear Source | 1997-12-22 | Paper |
Bosonic super-Liouville system: Lax pair and solution | 1997-12-18 | Paper | | 1997-12-08 | Paper |
New exact solutions to \(N\)-dimensional radially symmetric nonlinear diffusion equations | 1997-10-08 | Paper |
The eigenvalue problem for Hessian operators | 1997-09-07 | Paper | | 1997-08-31 | Paper | | 1997-08-04 | Paper | | 1997-03-24 | Paper | | 1997-03-11 | Paper | | 1997-03-09 | Paper | | 1997-01-12 | Paper | | 1996-08-15 | Paper |
Positive solutions and bifurcation of fully nonlinear elliptic equations involving super-critical Sobolev exponents | 1996-06-02 | Paper | | 1996-03-20 | Paper |
Group classification of a class of coupled equations | 1996-01-22 | Paper |
Allowed transformations and symmetry classes of variable coefficient Burgers equations | 1995-12-05 | Paper |
Nonclassical analysis for the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation | 1995-06-13 | Paper | | 1995-01-01 | Paper |
Initial boundary value problems for a class of nonlinear integro-partial differential equations | 1994-10-24 | Paper | | 1994-05-26 | Paper |
On nonlinear hyperbolic equation in unbounded domain | 1993-01-17 | Paper | | 1992-09-27 | Paper |