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Thomas J. Bridges - MaRDI portal

Thomas J. Bridges

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zbMath Open bridges.thomas-jMaRDI QIDQ282347

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Multi-symplectic simulations of W/M-shape-peaks solitons and cuspons for FORQ equation2023-08-15Paper
Traveling wave solutions of the Kawahara equation joining distinct periodic waves2023-08-09Paper
Reappraisal of Whitham's 1967 theory for wave-meanflow interaction in shallow water2023-02-17Paper
A new physically realisable internal 1:1 resonance in the coupled pendulum-slosh system2023-02-03Paper
Symplectic transversality and the Pego-Weinstein theory2022-08-04Paper
Reappraisal of Whitham's 1967 theory for wave-mean flow interaction in shallow water2022-03-08Paper
A proof of validity for multiphase Whitham modulation theory2021-10-29Paper
Nonlinear theory for coalescing characteristics in multiphase Whitham modulation theory2021-04-29Paper
Validity of the hyperbolic Whitham modulation equations in Sobolev spaces2020-12-29Paper
The pressure boundary condition and the pressure as Lagrangian for water waves2020-10-28Paper
Regularizing the Cross-Newell equation by re-modulating along a characteristic angle2020-04-15Paper
Krein signature and Whitham modulation theory: the sign of characteristics and the “sign characteristic”2019-07-25Paper
Whitham modulation equations, coalescing characteristics, and dispersive Boussinesq dynamics2019-06-28Paper
Geometric phase in the Hopf bundle and the stability of non-linear waves2019-06-27Paper
Wetting and drying of two-layer shallow-water flow in a moving vessel via semi-Lagrangian simulation2019-06-26Paper
Nonlinear modulation near the Lighthill instability threshold in 2+1 Whitham theory2018-12-04Paper
Reduction to modified KdV and its KP-like generalization via phase modulation2018-07-23Paper
Lagrangian particle path formulation of multilayer shallow-water flows dynamically coupled to vessel motion2018-03-07Paper
On the Elliptic-Hyperbolic Transition in Whitham Modulation Theory2017-11-27Paper
Emergence of unsteady dark solitary waves from coalescing spatially periodic patterns2017-09-29Paper
A universal form for the emergence of the Korteweg–de Vries equation2017-09-29Paper
Phase dynamics of periodic waves leading to the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation in 3+1 dimensions2017-09-29Paper
Multiphase wavetrains, singular wave interactions and the emergence of the Korteweg–de Vries equation2017-09-29Paper
Symmetry, Phase Modulation and Nonlinear Waves2017-05-22Paper
Rogue Waves2016-12-23Paper
Shallow-water sloshing in a moving vessel with variable cross-section and wetting-drying using an extension of George's well-balanced finite volume solver2016-12-05Paper
Time-dependent conformal mapping of doubly-connected regions2016-09-16Paper
Bifurcation from rolls to multi-pulse planforms via reduction to a parabolic Boussinesq model2016-07-28Paper
Breakdown of the Whitham Modulation Theory and the Emergence of Dispersion2016-05-25Paper
Dimension breaking from spatially-periodic patterns to KdV planforms2016-05-12Paper
Adaptation of f-wave finite volume methods to the two-layer shallow-water equations in a moving vessel with a rigid-lid2015-12-21Paper
Emergence of dispersion in shallow water hydrodynamics via modulation of uniform flow2015-02-24Paper
Transversality of homoclinic orbits, the Maslov index and the symplectic Evans function2015-02-02Paper
Degenerate hyperbolic conservation laws with dissipation: reduction to and validity of a class of Burgers-type equations2014-10-31Paper
Resonance in a model for Cooker's sloshing experiment2014-07-02Paper
Nonlinear energy transfer between fluid sloshing and vessel motion2014-04-01Paper
Breakdown of the shallow water equations due to growth of the horizontal vorticity2012-06-15Paper
Shallow-water sloshing in vessels undergoing prescribed rigid-body motion in three dimensions2011-11-10Paper
Computing the Maslov index of solitary waves. II: Phase space with dimension greater than four2011-10-11Paper
Dynamic coupling between shallow-water sloshing and horizontal vehicle motion2011-01-17Paper
Poisson structure of the reversible \(1:1\) resonance2010-09-11Paper
Numerical implementation of complex orthogonalization, parallel transport on Stiefel bundles, and analyticity2010-06-25Paper
On the Maslov index of multi-pulse homoclinic orbits2010-05-19Paper
Reappraisal of criticality for two-layer flows and its role in the generation of internal solitary waves2010-03-18Paper
Enhancement of the Benjamin-Feir instability with dissipation2010-03-18Paper
Multisymplectic structures and the variational bicomplex2010-01-28Paper
Computing the Maslov index of solitary waves. I: Hamiltonian systems on a four-dimensional phase space2009-10-09Paper
Wave breaking and the surface velocity field for three-dimensional water waves2009-05-20Paper
Computational aspects of the Maslov index of solitary waves2009-05-13Paper
Criticality manifolds and their role in the generation of solitary waves for two-layer flow with a free surface2009-02-10Paper
Steady dark solitary waves emerging from wave-generated meanflow: The role of modulation equations2008-10-14Paper
Conservation laws in curvilinear coordinates: A short proof of Vinokur's theorem using differential forms2008-09-05Paper
Flow Past a Swept Wing with a Compliant Surface: Stabilizing the Attachment-Line Boundary Layer2008-09-01Paper
Canonical multi-symplectic structure on the total exterior algebra bundle2008-05-22Paper
The numerical computation of freely propagating time-dependent irrotational water waves2008-05-05Paper
Degenerate relative equilibria, curvature of the momentum map, and homoclinic bifurcation2008-04-16Paper
Solitary waves, periodic waves, and a stability analysis for Zufiria's higher-order Boussinesq model for shallow water waves2008-03-19Paper
Secondary criticality of water waves. Part 1. Definition, bifurcation and solitary waves2007-02-06Paper
Secondary criticality of water waves. Part 2. Unsteadiness and the Benjamin–Feir instability from the viewpoint of hydraulics2007-02-06Paper
Fast computation of the Maslov index for hyperbolic linear systems with periodic coefficients2007-02-05Paper
Numerical methods for Hamiltonian PDEs2006-05-22Paper
The long-wave instability of short-crested waves, via embedding in the oblique two-wave interaction2006-02-08Paper
On the susceptibility of bright nonlinear Schrödinger solitons to long–wave transverse instability2005-07-01Paper
Vorticity and symplecticity in Lagrangian fluid dynamics2005-03-21Paper
Superharmonic instability, homoclinic torus bifurcation and water-wave breaking2005-03-07Paper
Nonlinear Counterpropagating Waves, Multisymplectic Geometry, and the Instability of Standing Waves2004-12-13Paper
Constructing the symplectic Evans matrix using maximally analytic individual vectors2004-06-22Paper
A transverse spinning double pendulum2004-03-21Paper
Hydrodynamic stability of the Ekman boundary layer including interaction with a compliant surface: A numerical framework.2004-01-19Paper
A bundle view of boundary-value problems: Generalizing the Gardner--Jones bundle2003-05-25Paper
Linear Instability of Solitary Wave Solutions of the Kawahara Equation and Its Generalizations2003-01-05Paper
Multisymplectic Relative Equilibria, Multiphase Wavetrains, and Coupled NLS Equations2002-12-11Paper
Numerical exterior algebra and the compound matrix method2002-12-01Paper
Stability and instability of solitary waves of the fifth-order KdV equation: a numerical framework2002-11-03Paper
Travelling fronts for the KPP equation with spatio-temporal delay2002-05-21Paper
Instability of the Hocking-Stewartson pulse and its implications for three-dimensional Poiseuille flow2002-05-14Paper
Computing global orbits of the forced spherical pendulum2002-05-12Paper
Linear pulse structure and signalling in a film flow on an inclined plane2002-04-08Paper
Transverse instability of solitary-wave states of the water-wave problem2002-01-02Paper
Multi-symplectic spectral discretizations for the Zakharov-Kuznetsov and shallow water equations2001-07-29Paper
Steady three-dimensional water-wave patterns on a finite-depth fluid2001-07-29Paper
Computing Lyapunov exponents on a Stiefel manifold2001-07-22Paper
Multi-symplectic integrators: numerical schemes for Hamiltonian PDEs that conserve symplecticity2001-07-08Paper
Unstable eigenvalues and the linearization about solitary waves and fronts with symmetry2001-06-25Paper
The symplectic Evans matrix, and the instability of solitary waves and fronts2001-03-18Paper
A new framework for studying the stability of genus-1 and genus-2 KP patterns2000-06-27Paper
Hodge duality and the Evans function2000-03-08Paper
Absolute and convective instabilities of temporally oscillating flows1999-05-09Paper
Toral-equivariant partial differential equations and quasiperiodic patterns1999-03-10Paper
The Orr–Sommerfeld equation on a manifold1999-01-01Paper
Local and global instabilities of spatially developing flows: cautionary examples1998-08-16Paper
Multi-symplectic structures and wave propagation1998-08-03Paper
Reappraisal of the Kelvin–Helmholtz problem. Part 1. Hamiltonian structure1998-08-03Paper
Spatial bifurcations of interfacial waves when the phase and group velocities are nearly equal1997-12-17Paper
Errata; Periodic patterns, linear instability, symplectic structure and mean-flow dynamics for three-dimensional surface waves1997-10-23Paper
Absolute and convective instabilities of spatially periodic flows1997-10-01Paper
A geometric formulation of the conservation of wave action and its implications for signature and the classification of instabilities1997-08-24Paper
Periodic patterns, linear instability symplectic structure and mean-flow dynamics for three-dimensional surface waves1996-12-08Paper
Instability of Spatially — Periodic States for a Family of Semilinear PDE's on an Infinite Strip1996-10-23Paper
A proof of the Benjamin-Feir instability1996-05-22Paper
Geometric Aspects of Spatially Periodic Interfacial Waves1995-06-18Paper
Instability of spatially quasi-periodic states of the Ginzburg-Landau equation1995-03-05Paper
On The bifurcation of period-q points in maps1994-10-20Paper
Geometric Aspects of Degenerate Modulation Equations1994-10-09Paper
Hamiltonian spatial structure for three-dimensional water waves in a moving frame of reference1994-08-10Paper
Singularity theory and equivariant symplectic maps1993-12-15Paper
Unipotent normal forms for symplectic maps1993-08-08Paper
Spatial hamiltonian structure, energy flux and the water-wave problem1993-05-16Paper
Hamiltonian bifurcations of the spatial structure for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations1993-01-16Paper
Stability of periodic solutions near a collision of eigenvalues of opposite signature1991-01-01Paper
The Third-Harmonic Resonance for Capillary-Gravity Waves with O(2) Spatial Symmetry1990-01-01Paper
Bifurcation of periodic solutions near a collision of eigenvalues of opposite signature1990-01-01Paper
O(2)-lnvariant Hamiltonians on ℂ41990-01-01Paper
An analysis of two-dimensional water waves based on O(2) symmetry1990-01-01Paper
The Hopf bifurcation with symmetry for the Navier-Stokes equations in \((L_ p(\Omega))^ n\), with application to plane Poiseuille flow1989-01-01Paper
Minimizing the reflection of waves by surface impedance using boundary elements and global optimization1988-01-01Paper
Strong Internal Resonance, $Z_2 \oplus Z_2 $ Symmetry, and Multiple Periodic Solutions1988-01-01Paper
Minimizing the reflection of electromagnetic waves by surface impedance1987-01-01Paper
On the Secondary Bifurcation of Three-Dimensional Standing Waves1987-01-01Paper
Secondary bifurcation and change of type for three-dimensional standing waves in finite depth1987-01-01Paper
Boundary layer stability calculations1987-01-01Paper
The local evaluation of the derivative of a determinant1986-01-01Paper
Cnoidal standing waves and the transition to the traveling hydraulic jump1986-01-01Paper
Optimal boundary impedance for the minimization of reflection: (I) Asymptotic solutions by the geometrical optics method1985-01-01Paper
Differential eigenvalue problems in which the parameter appears nonlinearly1984-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

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