Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Multiplicity of solutions for semilinear subelliptic Dirichlet problem | 2023-10-24 | Paper |
Dirichlet Eigenvalue Problem of Degenerate Elliptic Operators with Non-Smooth Coefficients | 2023-06-02 | Paper |
Existence and multiplicity of solutions to Dirichlet problem for semilinear subelliptic equation with a free perturbation | 2022-12-21 | Paper |
Positive solutions for asymptotically linear cone-degenerate elliptic equations | 2022-11-17 | Paper |
Multiple solutions for nonlinear cone degenerate elliptic equations | 2022-10-24 | Paper |
Blow up analysis for Keller-Segel system | 2022-10-21 | Paper |
On the existence with exponential decay and the blow-up of solutions for coupled systems of semi-linear corner-degenerate parabolic equations with singular potentials | 2022-07-14 | Paper |
Upper bound estimates of eigenvalues for Hörmander operators on non-equiregular sub-Riemannian manifolds | 2022-07-13 | Paper |
Existence for a class of chemotaxis models with fractional diffusion in Besov spaces | 2022-03-21 | Paper |
Eigenvalue problem of degenerate elliptic operators | 2022-03-21 | Paper |
The Gevrey smoothing effect for the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equations without cut-off | 2022-03-15 | Paper |
Estimates the upper bounds of Dirichlet eigenvalues for fractional Laplacian | 2022-01-03 | Paper |
Estimates of Dirichlet eigenvalues for a class of sub‐elliptic operators | 2021-09-03 | Paper |
Existence of the eigenvalues for the cone degenerate \(p\)-Laplacian | 2021-08-04 | Paper |
Estimates of Dirichlet Eigenvalues for One-Dimensional Fractal Drums | 2021-07-01 | Paper |
Existence of multiple solutions to semilinear Dirichlet problem for subelliptic operator | 2021-01-15 | Paper |
Estimates of Dirichlet eigenvalues for degenerate \(\triangle_\mu\)-Laplace operator | 2020-06-16 | Paper |
The resolvent of the linearized Boltzmann operator with a stationary potential | 2020-05-27 | Paper |
Estimates of eigenvalues for subelliptic operators on compact manifold | 2019-11-08 | Paper |
Lower Bounds of Dirichlet Eigenvalues for General Grushin Type Bi-Subelliptic Operators | 2019-10-02 | Paper |
The Cauchy problem for a class of nonlinear degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equations | 2019-06-20 | Paper |
Lower bounds of Dirichlet eigenvalues for a class of higher order degenerate elliptic operators | 2019-05-29 | Paper |
On the summability of divergent power series satisfying singular PDEs | 2019-05-28 | Paper |
Multiplicity and regularity of solutions for infinitely degenerate elliptic equations with a free perturbation | 2019-01-14 | Paper | | 2018-09-17 | Paper |
A free boundary problem for a class of parabolic-elliptic type chemotaxis model | 2018-08-23 | Paper |
Lower bounds of Dirichlet eigenvalues for a class of finitely degenerate Grushin type elliptic operators | 2018-05-25 | Paper |
Universal inequality and upper bounds of eigenvalues for non-integer poly-Laplacian on a bounded domain | 2017-10-25 | Paper |
Lower bounds of eigenvalues for a class of bi-subelliptic operators | 2017-08-29 | Paper |
Solvability of a parabolic-hyperbolic type chemotaxis system in 1-dimensional domain | 2017-07-14 | Paper |
Multiple solutions for semi-linear corner degenerate elliptic equations with singular potential term | 2017-07-14 | Paper |
Well-posedness for a class of Kirchhoff equations with damping and memory terms | 2016-04-25 | Paper |
Multiple sign changing solutions for semi-linear corner degenerate elliptic equations with singular potential | 2016-01-26 | Paper |
Lower bounds of Dirichlet eigenvalues for some degenerate elliptic operators | 2015-11-09 | Paper |
Asymptotic stability and blow-up of solutions for semi-linear edge-degenerate parabolic equations with singular potentials | 2015-09-15 | Paper |
A free boundary problem for a class of parabolic type chemotaxis model | 2015-08-04 | Paper |
Initial boundary value problem for a class of semilinear pseudo-parabolic equations with logarithmic nonlinearity | 2015-05-15 | Paper |
Lower and upper bounds of Dirichlet eigenvalues for totally characteristic degenerate elliptic operators | 2015-01-22 | Paper |
Blow-up, quenching, aggregation and collapse in a chemotaxis model with reproduction term | 2014-12-09 | Paper |
Global solution and blow-up of a semilinear heat equation with logarithmic nonlinearity | 2014-10-07 | Paper |
Existence and regularity of multiple solutions for infinitely degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations with singular potential | 2014-09-12 | Paper |
A note on mean value of mixed exponential sums | 2014-09-04 | Paper |
On a family of symmetric hypergeometric functions of several variables and their Euler type integral representation | 2014-04-14 | Paper |
Multiple solutions for semi-linear corner degenerate elliptic equations | 2014-04-09 | Paper |
Regularity of traveling free surface water waves with vorticity | 2014-03-24 | Paper |
Global and blow-up of solutions for a quasilinear parabolic system with viscoelastic and source terms | 2014-01-29 | Paper |
Global existence, uniform decay and exponential growth for a class of semi-linear wave equations with strong damping | 2013-11-19 | Paper |
Existence and regularity of solutions to semi-linear Dirichlet problem of infinitely degenerate elliptic operators with singular potential term | 2013-09-09 | Paper |
The moving boundary problem in a chemotaxis model | 2013-04-29 | Paper |
Global existence and nonexistence for semilinear parabolic equations with conical degeneration | 2013-03-25 | Paper |
Explicit formulas for the fourth moment of mixed exponential sums | 2013-02-28 | Paper | | 2013-01-24 | Paper |
A perturbation approach for the transverse spectral stability of small periodic traveling waves of the ZK equation | 2012-09-11 | Paper |
Exponential-type Nagumo norms and summability of formal solutions of singular partial differential equations | 2012-08-22 | Paper |
Multiple solutions for semilinear totally characteristic elliptic equations with subcritical or critical cone Sobolev exponents | 2012-03-22 | Paper |
Dirichlet problem for semilinear edge-degenerate elliptic equations with singular potential term | 2012-03-22 | Paper |
Cone Sobolev inequality and Dirichlet problem for nonlinear elliptic equations on a manifold with conical singularities | 2012-02-14 | Paper |
Nonlinear Hyperbolic-parabolic System Modeling Some Biological Phenomena | 2012-01-27 | Paper |
Gevrey Hypoellipticity for a Class of Kinetic Equations | 2011-12-14 | Paper |
Gevrey regularity of subelliptic Monge-Ampère equations in the plane | 2011-09-22 | Paper | | 2011-07-19 | Paper |
Existence theorem for a class of semilinear totally characteristic elliptic equations with critical cone Sobolev exponents | 2011-01-19 | Paper |
Global and non-global solutions to some chemotaxis model | 2010-11-05 | Paper |
Gevrey regularity for solution of the spatially homogeneous Landau equation | 2010-07-08 | Paper |
Semilinear elliptic equations on fractal sets | 2010-02-12 | Paper | | 2010-02-12 | Paper |
Analytic smoothness effect of solutions for spatially homogeneous Landau equation | 2009-12-22 | Paper |
Gevrey hypoellipticity for a class of kinetic equations | 2009-10-16 | Paper | | 2009-07-22 | Paper |
The existence and regularity of multiple solutions for a class of infinitely degenerate elliptic equations | 2009-03-25 | Paper | | 2009-03-06 | Paper |
Non-linear elliptic equations on fractal domain | 2009-03-06 | Paper |
A Solow-Swan model with technological overflow and catch-up | 2009-03-06 | Paper |
Gevrey hypoellipticity for linear and non-linear Fokker-Planck equations | 2009-01-07 | Paper |
Propagation of Gevrey regularity for solutions of Landau equations | 2008-12-03 | Paper |
The local and global existence of the solutions of hyperbolic-parabolic system modeling biological phenomena | 2008-08-06 | Paper |
On existence of solutions for some hyperbolic–parabolic-type chemotaxis systems | 2008-02-15 | Paper | | 2008-01-14 | Paper |
Existence and stability of steady solutions to nonlinear parabolic‐elliptic systems modelling chemotaxis | 2007-02-07 | Paper | | 2006-08-24 | Paper | | 2006-04-04 | Paper | | 2005-11-21 | Paper |
On the Borel summability of formal solutions for some first order singular PDEs with irregular singularity | 2005-10-18 | Paper |
Global existence and blow-up for the solutions to nonlinear parabolic-elliptic system modelling chemotaxis | 2005-09-27 | Paper | | 2005-06-21 | Paper |
The solvability of some chemotaxis systems | 2005-06-01 | Paper | | 2005-04-29 | Paper | | 2005-04-06 | Paper |
The Hamiltonian theory of the Landau–Lifschitz equation with an easy axis | 2005-01-19 | Paper | | 2004-11-01 | Paper |
Norm behaviour of solutions to a parabolic–elliptic system modelling chemotaxis in a domain ofℝ3 | 2004-08-10 | Paper |
On the Holomorphic Solution of Non-Linear Totally Characteristic Equations | 2003-08-25 | Paper | | 2003-06-22 | Paper | | 2003-05-26 | Paper |
An exact formal solution to reaction-diffusion equations from biomathematics | 2003-05-12 | Paper | | 2003-04-27 | Paper |
On the holomorphic solution of nonlinear totally characteristic equations with several space variables | 2003-01-30 | Paper |
On the summability of the formal solutions for some PDEs with irregular singularity | 2003-01-01 | Paper | | 2002-11-14 | Paper | | 2002-11-14 | Paper | | 2002-10-07 | Paper |
Paradifferential calculus in Gevrey classes | 2002-08-21 | Paper | | 2002-08-05 | Paper | | 2002-07-22 | Paper | | 2002-06-13 | Paper |
On Existence of Global Solutions and Blow-Up to a System of Reaction-Diffusion Equations Modelling Chemotaxis | 2002-04-08 | Paper |
Formal solutions of nonlinear first order totally characteristic type PDE with irregular singularity | 2002-02-21 | Paper |
On nonisometric isospectral connected fractal domains | 2002-01-23 | Paper |
Viscosity solutions of nonlinear systems of degenerated elliptic equations of second order | 2002-01-02 | Paper |
A characterization for the Gevrey-Sobolev wave front set. | 2001-09-27 | Paper | | 2001-05-31 | Paper |
On totally characteristic type nonlinear partial differential equations in the complex domain | 2001-05-28 | Paper | | 2001-01-15 | Paper | | 2001-01-01 | Paper | | 2000-11-21 | Paper | | 2000-09-12 | Paper |
On the Pólya conjecture and the weak Weyl-Berry conjecture | 1999-09-29 | Paper | | 1999-09-29 | Paper | | 1999-04-26 | Paper |
On a pair of non-isometric isospectral domains with fractal boundaries and the Weyl-Berry conjecture | 1999-01-11 | Paper |
Counting function asymptotics and the weak Weyl-Berry conjecture for connected domains with fractal boundaries | 1998-07-07 | Paper | | 1998-05-14 | Paper | | 1997-09-23 | Paper | | 1997-06-15 | Paper | | 1997-04-21 | Paper | | 1997-01-20 | Paper |
Asymptotic behaviour of the phase in non-smooth obstacle scattering | 1997-01-01 | Paper |
Irregular but nonfractal drums andn-dimensional weyl conjecture | 1995-09-06 | Paper |
Fractal drums and the \(n\)-dimensional modified Weyl-Berry conjecture | 1995-08-22 | Paper | | 1993-08-17 | Paper |
An analogue of Berry's conjecture for the phase in fractal obstacle scattering | 1993-06-13 | Paper | | 1992-09-27 | Paper |
On the partially microlocal hypoellipticity for a class of totally characteristic operators with characteristics of constant multiplicity | 1992-06-25 | Paper | | 1992-06-25 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper | | 1989-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper |