Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Two-dimensional reductions of the Whitham modulation system for the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation | 2024-01-19 | Paper |
Spectral theory for self-adjoint Dirac operators with periodic potentials and inverse scattering transform for the defocusing nonlinear Schroedinger equation with periodic boundary conditions | 2023-11-29 | Paper |
On Maxwell-Bloch systems with inhomogeneous broadening and one-sided nonzero background | 2023-11-12 | Paper |
Elliptic finite-band potentials of a non-self-adjoint Dirac operator | 2023-07-25 | Paper |
On the spectrum of the periodic focusing Zakharov-Shabat operator | 2023-05-23 | Paper |
Whitham modulation theory for the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation in two and three spatial dimensions | 2023-02-24 | Paper |
Manakov system with parity symmetry on nonzero background and associated boundary value problems | 2022-11-17 | Paper |
Inverse Scattering Transform for the Defocusing Manakov System with Non-Parallel Boundary Conditions at Infinity | 2022-09-22 | Paper |
On the Periodic Solutions of the Davey-Stewartson Systems | 2022-03-14 | Paper |
Linearizable boundary value problems for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in laboratory coordinates | 2021-09-24 | Paper |
Oblique interactions between solitons and mean flows in the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation | 2021-06-28 | Paper |
Inverse scattering transform for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with counterpropagating flows | 2021-06-25 | Paper |
Long-time asymptotics for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions in the presence of a discrete spectrum | 2021-04-15 | Paper |
Integrability, exact reductions and special solutions of the KP–Whitham equations | 2021-03-25 | Paper |
Evolution of truncated and bent gravity wave solitons: the Mach expansion problem | 2021-01-20 | Paper |
Multiscale expansions avector solitons of a two‐dimensional nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger system | 2020-12-22 | Paper |
Semiclassical dynamics and coherent soliton condensates in self‐focusing nonlinear media with periodic initial conditions | 2020-11-30 | Paper |
Interactions of solitary waves in integrable and nonintegrable lattices | 2020-08-04 | Paper |
Evolution partial differential equations with discontinuous data | 2019-09-09 | Paper |
Inverse scattering transform for two-level systems with nonzero background | 2019-08-08 | Paper |
Discrete and continuous coupled nonlinear integrable systems via the dressing method | 2019-07-02 | Paper |
Inverse scattering transform for the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with fully asymmetric non-zero boundary conditions | 2019-06-28 | Paper |
Small dispersion limit of the Korteweg-de Vries equation with periodic initial conditions and analytical description of the Zabusky-Kruskal experiment | 2019-06-28 | Paper |
Whitham modulation theory for the Kadomtsev– Petviashvili equation | 2019-01-09 | Paper |
Imaginary eigenvalues of Zakharov-Shabat problems with non-zero background | 2018-12-17 | Paper |
On the focusing non-linear Schrödinger equation with non-zero boundary conditions and double poles | 2018-11-29 | Paper |
Universal Behavior of Modulationally Unstable Media | 2018-11-12 | Paper |
Whitham modulation theory for (2 + 1)-dimensional equations of Kadomtsev–Petviashvili type | 2018-09-11 | Paper |
Long‐Time Asymptotics for the Focusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Nonzero Boundary Conditions at Infinity and Asymptotic Stage of Modulational Instability | 2017-12-20 | Paper |
Gibbs Phenomenon for Dispersive PDEs on the Line | 2017-05-29 | Paper |
On the degenerate soliton solutions of the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation | 2017-04-10 | Paper |
Detailed comparison of numerical methods for the perturbed sine-Gordon equation with impulsive forcing | 2017-04-06 | Paper |
Universal Nature of the Nonlinear Stage of Modulational Instability | 2017-02-17 | Paper |
The three-component defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions | 2016-12-20 | Paper | | 2016-07-29 | Paper |
The focusing Manakov system with nonzero boundary conditions | 2015-10-29 | Paper |
Polarization interactions in multi-component defocusing media | 2015-10-26 | Paper |
The Ablowitz–Ladik system with linearizable boundary conditions | 2015-10-23 | Paper |
Dark-bright soliton solutions with nontrivial polarization interactions for the three-component defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions | 2015-08-10 | Paper |
The Integrable Nature of Modulational Instability | 2015-07-21 | Paper |
Novel systems of resonant wave interactions | 2015-06-22 | Paper |
Inverse Scattering Transform for the Defocusing Manakov System with Nonzero Boundary Conditions | 2015-05-26 | Paper |
On the Spectrum of the Dirac Operator and the Existence of Discrete Eigenvalues for the Defocusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation | 2014-05-19 | Paper |
Inverse scattering transform for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonzero boundary conditions | 2014-05-07 | Paper |
On the Efficiency of Importance Sampling Techniques for Polarization-Mode Dispersion in Optical Fiber Transmission Systems | 2013-06-06 | Paper |
On the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation on the Half Line with Homogeneous Robin Boundary Conditions | 2013-02-21 | Paper |
Inverse Scattering Transform for the Multi-Component Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Nonzero Boundary Conditions | 2011-03-25 | Paper |
Initial-boundary-value problems for discrete linear evolution equations | 2011-02-03 | Paper |
On the soliton solutions of the two-dimensional Toda lattice | 2010-11-24 | Paper |
Importance Sampling for Dispersion-Managed Solitons | 2010-07-26 | Paper |
The Ablowitz-Ladik system on the natural numbers with certain linearizable boundary conditions | 2010-05-05 | Paper |
Solitons, boundary value problems and a nonlinear method of images | 2009-06-02 | Paper |
Statistics of Polarization-Mode Dispersion Emulators with Unequal Sections | 2009-04-30 | Paper |
Initial-boundary-value problems for discrete evolution equations: discrete linear Schrödinger and integrable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations | 2008-12-22 | Paper |
The dispersion-managed Ginzburg–Landau equation and its application to femtosecond lasers | 2008-12-12 | Paper |
A Method to Compute Statistics of Large, Noise-Induced Perturbations of Nonlinear Schrödinger Solitons | 2008-09-04 | Paper |
A Method to Compute Statistics of Large, Noise-Induced Perturbations of Nonlinear Schrödinger Solitons | 2007-10-22 | Paper |
Inverse scattering transform for the integrable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonvanishing boundary conditions | 2007-09-07 | Paper |
Soliton solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili II equation | 2007-05-16 | Paper |
Inverse scattering transform for the vector nonlinear Schrödinger equation with nonvanishing boundary conditions | 2007-05-16 | Paper |
Elastic and inelastic line-soliton solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili II equation | 2007-03-15 | Paper |
On the Whitham equations for the defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation with step initial data | 2007-01-24 | Paper |
Resonance and web structure in discrete soliton systems: the two-dimensional Toda lattice and its fully discrete and ultra-discrete analogues | 2005-02-28 | Paper | | 2004-12-01 | Paper | | 2004-12-01 | Paper |
On a family of solutions of the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation which also satisfy the Toda lattice hierarchy | 2004-06-10 | Paper | | 2002-04-15 | Paper |
Localized multi-dimensional optical pulses in non-resonant quadratic materials | 2001-11-22 | Paper |
Optical solitons: Perspectives and applications | 2001-07-17 | Paper |
On the Burgers equation with moving boundary | 2001-02-06 | Paper | | 2000-07-25 | Paper |
Semiline solutions of the Burgers equation with time dependent flux at the origin | 2000-03-07 | Paper |
On the well-posedness of the Eckhaus equation. | 2000-03-07 | Paper | | 1999-07-19 | Paper |