Daniel V. Tausk

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Available identifiers

zbMath Open tausk.daniel-victorMaRDI QIDQ207045

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Extension of $c_0(I)$-valued operators on spaces of continuous functions on compact lines2022-12-21Paper
Local extension property for finite height spaces2019-05-13Paper
Small Valdivia compacta and trees2016-11-18Paper
Nontrivial twisted sums of \(c_{0}\) and \(C(K)\)2015-12-07Paper
Can we make a Bohmian electron reach the speed of light, at least for one instant?2015-06-15Paper
Extension property and complementation of isometric copies of continuous functions spaces2015-06-12Paper
On the \(c_0\)-extension property for compact lines2015-05-26Paper
A note on the continuous self-maps of the ladder system space2015-03-03Paper
On extensions of \(c_0\)-valued operators2015-02-24Paper
Compact lines and the Sobczyk property2014-08-06Paper
A Locally Compact Non Divisible Abelian Group Whose Character Group Is Torsion Free and Divisible2013-03-07Paper
An algebraic theory for generalized Jordan chains and partial signatures in the Lagrangian Grassmannian2010-03-17Paper
An existence theorem for $G$-structure preserving affine immersions2008-08-26Paper
On the singularities of the exponential map in infinite dimensional Riemannian manifolds2006-10-16Paper
Complementary Lagrangians in infinite dimensional symplectic Hilbert spaces2006-06-14Paper
On the distribution of conjugate points along semi-Riemannian geodesics2005-08-25Paper
Index theorems for symplectic systems.2004-08-26Paper
Spectral flow, Maslov index and bifurcation of semi-Riemannian geodesics2004-08-20Paper
Morse theory for normal geodesics in sub-Riemannian manifolds with codimension one distrib\-utions2003-10-27Paper
On the Maslov and the Morse index for constrained variational problems.2003-09-07Paper
A note on tensor fields in Hilbert spaces2003-08-21Paper
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism for constrained variational problems2003-03-20Paper
Stability of the conjugate index, degenerate conjugate points and the Maslov index in semi-Riemannian geometry.2003-02-13Paper
Morse theory for the travel time brachistochrones in stationary spacetimes2003-02-02Paper
Variational aspects of the geodesics problem in sub-Riemannian geometry2003-01-12Paper
The Morse index theorem in semi-Riemannian geometry2002-12-02Paper
On the Banach differential structure for sets of maps on non-compact domains2002-11-07Paper
A generalized index theorem for Morse-Sturm systems and applications to semi-Riemannian geometry2002-10-22Paper
On the equality between the Maslov index and the spectral index for the semi-Riemannian Jacobi operator2002-07-04Paper
The Maslov index and a generalized Morse index theorem for non-positive definite metrics2002-02-26Paper
An Index Theorem for Non-Periodic Solutions of Hamiltonian Systems2002-01-28Paper
An index theory for paths that are solutions of a class of strongly indefinite variational problems.2002-01-01Paper
A note on the Morse index theorem for geodesics between submanifolds in semi-Riemannian geometry2000-08-16Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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