Xin-Yuan Wu

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zbMath Open wu.xinyuanMaRDI QIDQ214631

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Exponential collocation methods based on continuous finite element approximations for efficiently solving the cubic Schrödinger equation2023-12-14Paper
Kernel functions‐based approach for distributed order diffusion equations2023-12-12Paper
An exponential approach to highly ill-conditioned linear systems2023-06-20Paper
A novel class of explicit divergence-free time-domain methods for efficiently solving Maxwell's equations2023-06-14Paper
Reproducing kernel-based piecewise methods for efficiently solving oscillatory systems of second-order initial value problems2023-05-16Paper
Semi-analytical exponential RKN integrators for efficiently solving high-dimensional nonlinear wave equations based on FFT techniques2023-04-14Paper
An approach to solving Maxwell's equations in time domain2022-10-13Paper
Two new classes of exponential Runge-Kutta integrators for efficiently solving stiff systems or highly oscillatory problems2022-10-02Paper
Long-time analysis of an extended RKN integrator for Hamiltonian systems with a solution-dependent high frequency2022-08-04Paper
Long-Time Oscillatory Energy Conservation of Total Energy-Preserving Methods for Highly Oscillatory Hamiltonian Systems2022-05-27Paper
Energy-Preserving Continuous-Stage Exponential Runge--Kutta Integrators for Efficiently Solving Hamiltonian Systems2022-05-11Paper
A unified framework for the study of high-order energy-preserving integrators for solving Poisson systems2022-05-03Paper
Energy-preserving exponential integrators of arbitrarily high order for conservative or dissipative systems with highly oscillatory solutions2022-04-25Paper
Reproducing kernel function-based Filon and Levin methods for solving highly oscillatory integral2021-11-09Paper
Reproducing kernel functions based univariate spline interpolation2021-10-26Paper
An Essential Extension of the Finite-Energy Condition for Extended Runge-Kutta-Nyström Integrators when Applied to Nonlinear Wave Equations2021-10-26Paper
Geometric Integrators for Differential Equations with Highly Oscillatory Solutions2021-08-24Paper
A long-term numerical energy-preserving analysis of symmetric and/or symplectic extended RKN integrators for efficiently solving highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems2021-08-12Paper
Continuous trigonometric collocation polynomial approximations with geometric and superconvergence analysis for efficiently solving semi-linear highly oscillatory hyperbolic systems2021-06-25Paper
Volume-preserving exponential integrators and their applications2021-01-27Paper
Oscillation-preserving algorithms for efficiently solving highly oscillatory second-order ODEs2021-01-25Paper
A Continuous-Stage Modified Leap-Frog Scheme for High-Dimensional Semi-Linear Hamiltonian Wave Equations2021-01-14Paper
A two-step symmetric method for charged-particle dynamics in a normal or strong magnetic field2020-09-29Paper
Nonlinear stability and convergence of ERKN integrators for solving nonlinear multi-frequency highly oscillatory second-order ODEs with applications to semi-linear wave equations2020-04-07Paper
Long-time momentum and actions behaviour of energy-preserving methods for semi-linear wave equations via spatial spectral semi-discretisations2020-03-11Paper
Efficient implementation of the ARKN and ERKN integrators for multi-frequency oscillatory systems with multiple time scales2020-02-24Paper
New energy-preserving algorithms for nonlinear Hamiltonian wave equation equipped with Neumann boundary conditions2019-11-22Paper
The formulation and analysis of energy-preserving schemes for solving high-dimensional nonlinear Klein–Gordon equations2019-11-18Paper
Energy-preserving continuous stage extended Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for oscillatory Hamiltonian systems2019-09-18Paper
Global error bounds of one-stage extended RKN integrators for semilinear wave equations2019-08-06Paper
Explicit Gautschi-type integrators for nonlinear multi-frequency oscillatory second-order initial value problems2019-08-06Paper
Exponential collocation methods for conservative or dissipative systems2019-07-26Paper
A symplectic approximation with nonlinear stability and convergence analysis for efficiently solving semi-linear Klein-Gordon equations2019-07-04Paper
The construction of arbitrary order ERKN methods based on group theory for solving oscillatory Hamiltonian systems with applications2019-06-24Paper
Symplectic exponential Runge-Kutta methods for solving nonlinear Hamiltonian systems2019-06-24Paper
The existence of explicit symplectic ARKN methods with several stages and algebraic order greater than two2019-06-20Paper
Exponential Fourier Collocation Methods for Solving First-Order Differential Equations2018-10-22Paper
A Linearly-Fitted Conservative (Dissipative) Scheme for Efficiently Solving Conservative (Dissipative) Nonlinear Wave PDEs2018-10-22Paper
Effective integrators for nonlinear second-order oscillatory systems with a time-dependent frequency matrix2018-10-08Paper
Functionally-fitted energy-preserving integrators for Poisson systems2018-08-10Paper
Long-term analysis of symplectic or symmetric extended RKN methods for nonlinear wave equations2018-05-17Paper
Recent Developments in Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations2018-04-24Paper
Symmetric and arbitrarily high-order Birkhoff-Hermite time integrators and their long-time behaviour for solving nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations2018-02-22Paper
An energy-preserving algorithm for nonlinear Hamiltonian wave equations with Neumann boundary conditions2018-02-15Paper
Exponential collocation methods for the cubic Schr\"{o}dinger equation2018-02-08Paper
Extended phase properties and stability analysis of RKN-type integrators for solving general oscillatory second-order initial value problems2018-01-19Paper
Arbitrarily high-order time-stepping schemes based on the operator spectrum theory for high-dimensional nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations2017-12-15Paper
The boundness of the operator-valued functions for multidimensional nonlinear wave equations with applications2017-10-20Paper
An improved tri-coloured rooted-tree theory and order conditions for ERKN methods for general multi-frequency oscillatory systems2017-10-06Paper
Multidimensional ARKN methods for general oscillatory second-order initial value problems2016-12-12Paper
ERKN methods for long-term integration of multidimensional orbital problems2016-12-05Paper
A Filon-type asymptotic approach to solving highly oscillatory second-order initial value problems2016-12-05Paper
Improved filon-type asymptotic methods for highly oscillatory differential equations with multiple time scales2016-12-05Paper
General local energy-preserving integrators for solving multi-symplectic Hamiltonian PDEs2016-12-05Paper
A note on stability of multidimensional adapted Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for oscillatory systems2016-12-02Paper
Trigonometric collocation methods based on Lagrange basis polynomials for multi-frequency oscillatory second-order differential equations2016-11-22Paper
A note on symplectic and symmetric ARKN methods2016-11-11Paper
A simplified Nyström-tree theory for extended Runge-Kutta-Nyström integrators solving multi-frequency oscillatory systems2016-11-10Paper
Functionally Fitted Energy-Preserving Methods for Solving Oscillatory Nonlinear Hamiltonian Systems2016-07-07Paper
Exponential Integrators Preserving First Integrals or Lyapunov Functions for Conservative or Dissipative Systems2016-06-30Paper
An efficient high-order explicit scheme for solving Hamiltonian nonlinear wave equations2016-06-17Paper
An energy-preserving and symmetric scheme for nonlinear Hamiltonian wave equations2016-04-18Paper
Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations II2016-04-11Paper
An integral formula adapted to different boundary conditions for arbitrarily high-dimensional nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations with its applications2016-03-21Paper
Arbitrary-order trigonometric Fourier collocation methods for multi-frequency oscillatory systems2016-03-04Paper
A new framework for solving partial differential equations using semi-analytical explicit RK(N)-type integrators2016-03-03Paper
High-Order Symplectic and Symmetric Composition Methods for Multi-Frequency and Multi-Dimensional Oscillatory Hamiltonian Systems2016-01-15Paper
Explicit multi-frequency symmetric extended RKN integrators for solving multi-frequency and multidimensional oscillatory reversible systems2015-07-22Paper
An analytical expression of solutions to nonlinear wave equations in higher dimensions with Robin boundary conditions2015-03-19Paper
Novel improved multidimensional Störmer-Verlet formulas with applications to four aspects in scientific computation2015-02-19Paper
Efficient energy-preserving integrators for oscillatory Hamiltonian systems2014-07-01Paper
Error analysis of explicit TSERKN methods for highly oscillatory systems2014-06-13Paper
A highly accurate explicit symplectic ERKN method for multi-frequency and multidimensional oscillatory Hamiltonian systems2014-06-13Paper
Order conditions for RKN methods solving general second-order oscillatory systems2014-06-06Paper
Error bounds for explicit ERKN integrators for systems of multi-frequency oscillatory second-order differential equations2014-04-30Paper
Explicit multi-symplectic extended leap-frog methods for Hamiltonian wave equations2014-04-22Paper
An extended discrete gradient formula for oscillatory Hamiltonian systems2013-05-24Paper
On symplectic and symmetric ARKN methods2013-04-18Paper
Adapted Falkner-type methods solving oscillatory second-order differential equations2013-03-27Paper
Two-step extended RKN methods for oscillatory systems2013-03-15Paper
A new high precision energy-preserving integrator for system of oscillatory second-order differential equations2013-01-22Paper
Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations2013-01-15Paper
Explicit symplectic multidimensional exponential fitting modified Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods2012-11-21Paper
On extended RKN integrators for multidimensional perturbed oscillators with applications2012-07-20Paper
A new iterative refinement with roundoff error analysis2012-06-07Paper
New embedded pairs of explicit Runge-Kutta methods with FSAL properties adapted to the numerical integration of oscillatory problems2011-11-02Paper
ERKN integrators for systems of oscillatory second-order differential equations2011-06-30Paper
Multidimensional adapted Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for oscillatory systems2011-06-30Paper
Extended RKN methods with FSAL property for oscillatory systems2011-05-31Paper
Erratum to ``Extended RKN-type methods for numerical integration of perturbed oscillators2011-05-31Paper
A note on Wilkinson's iterative refinement of solution with automatic step-size control2011-04-21Paper
Extended RKN-type methods with minimal dispersion error for perturbed oscillators2011-01-05Paper
Comments on ``Embedded pair of extended Runge-Kutta-Nyström type methods for perturbed oscillators2010-12-14Paper
Order conditions for ARKN methods solving oscillatory systems2010-10-28Paper
Extended RKN-type methods for numerical integration of perturbed oscillators2010-10-28Paper
Trigonometrically fitted explicit Numerov-type method for periodic IVPs with two frequencies2010-10-25Paper
Wilkinson's iterative refinement of solution with automatic step-size control for linear system of equations2010-09-01Paper
A semi-local convergence theorem for a robust revised Newton's method2010-06-28Paper
Extended version with the analysis of dynamic system for iterative refinement of solution2010-06-11Paper
On energy conservation and \(P\)-stability2010-04-24Paper
On Multidimensional ARKN methods for Systems of Perturbed Oscillators2010-01-22Paper
Multi-Symplectic Exponentially Fitted RKN Methods for Wave Equations2010-01-22Paper
Piecewise Integration of Differential Variational Inequality2010-01-22Paper
Iterative refinement of computing inverse matrix2009-07-27Paper
A robust trigonometrically fitted embedded pair for perturbed oscillators2009-03-17Paper
Trigonometrically-fitted ARKN methods for perturbed oscillators2008-09-01Paper
A trigonometrically fitted explicit Numerov-type method for second-order initial value problems with oscillating solutions2008-03-26Paper
Study of general Taylor-like explicit methods in solving stiff ordinary differential equations2007-12-12Paper
Note on the improvement of Newton's method for system of nonlinear equations2007-09-19Paper
A trigonometrically fitted explicit hybrid method for the numerical integration of orbital problems2007-09-17Paper
Order conditions for integrators and mappings with applications2007-08-23Paper
Newton-like method with some remarks2007-07-04Paper
A note on computational algorithm for the inverse of a square matrix2007-06-12Paper
Error analysis for the predictor-corrector process relating to ill-conditioned linear system of equations2007-04-26Paper
A new pair of explicit ARKN methods for the numerical integration of general perturbed oscillators2007-03-12Paper
Note on predictor-corrector process for ill-conditioned linear system of equations2007-02-13Paper
A two-step explicit \(P\)-stable method of high phase-lag order for linear periodic IVPs2007-01-22Paper
Some substantial modifications and improvements for derivative-free iterative methods and derivative-free transformation for multiple zeros2006-12-07Paper
Extended Runge-Kutta-like formulae2006-11-15Paper
An effective predictor-corrector process for large scale linear system of equations2006-11-15Paper
The recursions of order conditions for some Runge-Kutta-like methods2006-09-28Paper
A class of two-step explicit methods for periodic IVPs2006-05-18Paper
Improved Muller method and bisection method with global and asymptotic superlinear convergence of both point and interval for solving nonlinear equations2005-08-05Paper
Recursive algorithm without extra function evaluations for the Jacobian matrix of Viéta's polynomial system with applications2005-02-23Paper
Point monotonicity of maps and its applications in numerical computation2005-01-17Paper
Two-step Runge-Kutta methods of order over five with reduced function evaluations2004-10-13Paper
Error analysis of a new transformation for multiple zeros finding free from derivative evalua\-tions2004-08-06Paper
A two-step explicit \(P\)-stable method of high phase-lag order for second order IVPs.2004-03-29Paper
New iterative improvement of a solution for an ill-conditioned system of linear equations based on a linear dynamic system.2003-12-14Paper
A class of Runge-Kutta formulae of order three and four with reduced evaluations of function2003-11-25Paper
New vector forms of elemental functions with Taylor series.2003-09-15Paper
A free-derivative iteration method of order three having convergence of both point and interval for nonlinear equations2003-09-09Paper
A two-step explicit \(P\)-stable method for solving second order initial value problems.2003-09-09Paper
An improved regula falsi method with quadratic convergence of both diameter and point for enclosing simple zeros of nonlinear equations2003-08-25Paper
On zeros of polynomial and vector solutions of associated polynomial system from Viëta theorem2003-03-10Paper
Two low accuracy methods for stiff systems2003-01-28Paper
Note on global convergence of ODE methods for unconstrained optimization2003-01-28Paper
Iterative refinement of solution with biparameter for solving ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations.2003-01-28Paper
A dynamic method for weighted linear least squares problems2002-09-25Paper
A sixth-order \(A\)-stable explicit one-step method for stiff systems2002-08-06Paper
New high-order convergence iteration methods without employing derivatives for solving nonlinear equations2001-11-12Paper
Quadratically convergent multiple roots finding method without derivatives2001-11-12Paper
The vector form of a sixth-order \(A\)-stable explicit one-step method for stiff problems2001-01-25Paper
An explicit two-step method exact for the scalar test equation \(y'= \lambda y\)2000-12-06Paper
A significant improvement on Newton's iterative method2000-07-10Paper
On a class of quadratic convergence iteration formulae without derivatives2000-06-25Paper
A new continuation Newton-like method and its deformation2000-06-25Paper

Research outcomes over time

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