Hélène Esnault

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zbMath Open esnault.heleneWikidataQ104173 ScholiaQ104173MaRDI QIDQ215998

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Local systems in algebraic-arithmetic geometry2023-11-29Paper
Cristallinity of rigid flat connections revisited2023-09-27Paper
Rational points over C1 fields2023-08-15Paper
An obstruction to lifting to characteristic 02023-05-15Paper
Some Arithmetic Properties of Complex Local Systems2023-05-09Paper
Bounding ramification by covers and curves2023-04-05Paper
Lectures on Local Systems in Algebraic-Arithmetic Geometry2023-03-10Paper
Divisibility of Frobenius eigenvalues on \({\ell}\)-adic cohomology2022-10-24Paper
On the Universal Extensions in Tannakian Categories2022-09-29Paper
Rigid non-cohomologically rigid local systems2022-06-07Paper
Density of Arithmetic Representations of Function Fields2022-05-13Paper
Finite presentation of the tame fundamental group2022-01-31Paper
Cohomological Dimension in Pro-p Towers2021-09-21Paper
Canonical Heights on Shimura Varieties and the Andr\'e-Oort Conjecture2021-09-17Paper
Étale cohomology of rank one \(\ell \)-adic local systems in positive characteristic2021-08-19Paper
Rigid connections and \(F\)-isocrystals2021-04-19Paper
Local systems with quasi-unipotent monodromy at infinity are dense2021-01-02Paper
Some fundamental groups in arithmetic geometry2020-11-10Paper
Arithmetic subspaces of moduli spaces of rank one local systems2020-11-05Paper
On the universal extensions in Tannakian categories2020-09-29Paper
A Lefschetz theorem for overconvergent isocrystals with Frobenius structure2020-05-18Paper
Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles, II2020-03-11Paper
A Relative Version of Gieseker’s Problem on Stratifications in Characteristic $\boldsymbol{p>0}$2019-12-18Paper
Survey on special subloci of the moduli spaces of local systems on complex varieties2019-10-28Paper
A note on fierce ramification2019-05-17Paper
Good lattices of algebraic connections (with an appendix by Claude Sabbah)2019-04-30Paper
A Remark on Deligne's Finiteness Theorem2019-01-22Paper
Convergent isocrystals on simply connected varieties2019-01-15Paper
Chern classes of crystals2018-12-13Paper
Cohomologically rigid local systems and integrality2018-11-13Paper
Chern classes of automorphic vector bundles2018-10-19Paper
\(D\)-modules and finite monodromy2018-04-10Paper
Survey on some aspects of Lefschetz theorems in algebraic geometry2017-11-02Paper
\(E_1\)-degeneration of the irregular Hodge filtration2017-08-21Paper
Automorphisms of Elliptic K3 surfaces and Salem numbers of maximal degree2017-07-10Paper
On flat bundles in characteristic 0 and $p > 0$2017-06-08Paper
Lefschetz theorems for tamely ramified coverings2016-10-19Paper
A restriction isomorphism for cycles of relative dimension zero2016-09-07Paper
Simply connected varieties in characteristic2016-04-05Paper
Non-liftability of automorphism groups of a \(K3\) surface in positive characteristic2015-11-09Paper
Deformation of algebraic cycle classes in characteristic zero2015-10-13Paper
Index of varieties over Henselian fields and Euler characteristic of coherent sheaves2015-10-12Paper
Stratified bundles and étale fundamental group2015-04-21Paper
\(p\)-adic deformation of algebraic cycle classes2014-05-12Paper
Algebraic versus topological entropy for surfaces over finite fields2013-11-08Paper
On the cycle class map for zero-cycles over local fields2013-05-06Paper
On a positive equicharacteristic variant of the \(p\)-curvature conjecture2013-04-17Paper
A finiteness theorem for Galois representations of function fields over finite fields (after Deligne)2013-01-31Paper
Finite group actions, rational fixed points and weak Néron models2012-11-15Paper
Rational points over finite fields for regular models of algebraic varieties of Hodge type \(\geq 1\)2012-08-30Paper
On the algebraic fundamental group of smooth varieties in characteristic $p>0$2012-04-27Paper
Stratified bundles and \'etale fundamental group (new version)2011-12-20Paper
Weak Density of the Fundamental Group Scheme2011-07-26Paper
Two small remarks on Nori fundamental group scheme2011-05-18Paper
Surface singularities dominated by smooth varieties2011-01-06Paper
Simply connected projective manifolds in characteristic \(p>0\) have no nontrivial stratified bundles2010-09-10Paper
On abelian birational sections2010-08-27Paper
On a rationality question in the Grothendieck ring of varieties2010-06-18Paper
Algebraic Differential Characters of Flat Connections with Nilpotent Residues2009-12-11Paper
Remarks on cycle classes of sections of the arithmetic fundamental group2009-12-04Paper
Hodge cohomology of invertible sheaves2009-11-18Paper
On the homotopy exact sequence for Nori's fundamental group2009-08-04Paper
Congruence for rational points over finite fields and coniveau over local fields2009-05-05Paper
The fundamental groupoid scheme and applications2009-02-10Paper
Rational singularities and rational points2009-02-09Paper
Packets in Grothendieck's section conjecture2008-04-28Paper
Tate motives and the fundamental group2007-08-29Paper
Coniveau over \(\mathfrak p\)-adic fields and points over finite fields2007-08-23Paper
On Witt vector cohomology for singular varieties2007-05-08Paper
On motives associated to graph polynomials2007-02-13Paper
Deligne's integrality theorem in unequal characteristic and rational points over finite fields2007-02-05Paper
Partial connection for $p$-torsion line bundles in charateristic $p>0$2006-08-08Paper
The Gauss-Manin connection and Tannaka duality2006-07-10Paper
Variation on Artin's vanishing theorem2005-12-29Paper
Appendix to ``Congruences for rational points on varieties over finite fields by N. Fakhruddin and C. S. Rajan2005-12-06Paper
Local Fourier transforms and rigidity for \({\mathcal D}\)-modules2005-08-03Paper
Homology for irregular connections2005-07-26Paper
A remark on higher congruences for the number of rational points of varieties defined over a finite field2005-07-16Paper
Cohomological divisibility and point count divisibility2005-03-21Paper
Decomposition of the diagonal and eigenvalues of Frobenius for Fano hypersurfaces2005-03-07Paper
Algebraic Differential Characters2004-10-05Paper
Appendix to ``Deligne's integrality theorem in unequal characteristic and rational points over finite fields by H\'el\`ene Esnault2004-09-16Paper
Deligne's integrality theorem in unequal characteristic and rational points over finite fields; and Appendix (w/Pierre Deligne)2004-05-17Paper
The additive dilogarithm2004-01-19Paper
Eigenvalues of Frobenius acting on the \(\ell\)-adic cohomology of complete intersections of low degree2003-10-22Paper
An additive version of higher Chow groups2003-08-19Paper
Varieties over a finite field with trivial Chow group of 0-cycles have a rational point2003-08-17Paper
Chern classes of Gauss-Manin bundles of weight 1 vanish2003-03-13Paper
Hodge type of the exotic cohomology of complete intersections.2003-01-01Paper
Gauß-Manin determinants for rank 1 irregular connections on curves; appendix: Letter to J.-P. Serre, by P. Deligne2002-02-12Paper
A Riemann-Roch theorem for flat bundles, with values in the algebraic Chern-Simons theory2001-02-20Paper
The Steinberg curve2000-12-21Paper
Determinant bundle in a family of curves, after A. Beilinson and V. Schechtman2000-10-08Paper
A formula for Gau{\ss}-Manin determinants2000-04-12Paper
The universal regular quotient of the Chow group of points on projective varieties1999-09-29Paper
Chow groups of projective varieties of very small degree1999-07-20Paper
A remark on an algebraic Riemann-Roch formula for flat bundles1999-06-07Paper
Germs of de Rham cohomology classes which vanish at the generic point1999-03-09Paper
The Arason invariant and mod 2 algebraic cycles1998-03-24Paper
The universal regular quotient of the Chow group of 0-cycles on a singular projective variety1997-12-15Paper
Algebraic Chern-Simons theory1997-11-06Paper
The coniveau filtration and non-divisibility for algebraic cycles1997-08-24Paper
Recent developments on characteristic classes of flat bundles on complex algebraic manifolds1996-11-21Paper
Coniveau of classes of flat bundles trivialized on a finite smooth covering of a complex manifold1995-06-06Paper
Higher Kodaira-Spencer classes1994-11-09Paper
Erratum: Cohomology of local systems on the complement of hyperplanes1993-12-15Paper
Cohomology of local systems on the complement of hyperplanes1993-06-29Paper
Characteristic classes of flat bundles. II1993-04-01Paper
Hodge type of projective varieties of low degree1993-03-03Paper
Chern classes of vector bundles with holomorphic connections on a complete smooth complex variety1992-06-25Paper
Une remarque sur la cohomologie du faisceau de Zariski de la \(K\)- théorie de Milnor sur une variété lisse complexe. (A remark on the cohomology of the Zariski bundle of the Milnor \(K\)-theory on a complex smooth variety.)1992-06-25Paper
Hodge type of subvarieties of \(\mathbb{P}^ n\) of small degrees1992-06-25Paper
A regulator map for singular varieties1990-01-01Paper
A note on the cycle map.1990-01-01Paper
On the Loday symbol in the Deligne-Beilinson cohomology1989-01-01Paper
Characteristic classes of flat bundles1988-01-01Paper
Logarithmic de Rham complexes and vanishing theorems1986-01-01Paper
Reflexive modules over rational double points1985-01-01Paper
Two dimensional quotient singularities deform to quotient singularities1985-01-01Paper
Reflexive modules on quotient surface singularities.1985-01-01Paper
Dyson's lemma for polynomials in several variables (and the theorem of Roth)1984-01-01Paper
Sur une minoration du degré d'hypersurfaces s'annulant en certains points1983-01-01Paper
Fibre de Milnor d'un cône sur une courbe plane singulière1982-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

Doctoral students

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