Sergei D. Silvestrov

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zbMath Open silvestrov.sergei-dWikidataQ6176267 ScholiaQ6176267MaRDI QIDQ219199

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Classification, centroids and derivations of two-dimensional Hom-Leibniz algebras2024-03-22Paper
Color hom-Lie algebras, color hom-Leibniz algebras and color omni-hom-Lie algebras2024-03-22Paper
On \((\sigma, \tau)\)-derivations of group algebra as category characters2024-03-22Paper
Decomposition of complete color hom-Lie algebras2024-03-22Paper
Hom-prealternative superalgebras2024-03-22Paper
Construction and characterization of \(n\)-ary hom-bialgebras and \(n\)-ary infinitesimal hom-bialgebras2024-03-22Paper
Double constructions of biHom-Frobenius algebras2024-03-22Paper
On classification of \((n+1)\)-dimensional \(n\)-Hom-Lie algebras with nilpotent twisting maps2024-03-22Paper
On classification of (\(n +1\))-dimensional \(n\)-Hom-Lie algebras for \(n =4,5,6\) and nilpotent twisting map with 2-dimensional kernel2024-03-22Paper
The Wishart distribution on symmetric cones2024-03-22Paper
Induced ternary Hom-Nambu-Lie algebras2024-03-22Paper
Commutants in crossed products for piecewise constant function algebras related to multiresolution analysis2024-03-22Paper
Wallis type formula and a few versions of the number \(\pi\) in \(q\)-calculus2024-03-22Paper
On \((\lambda,\mu,\gamma)\)-derivations of BiHom-Lie algebras2024-03-22Paper
HNN-extension of involutive multiplicative Hom-Lie algebras2024-03-22Paper
Multiplication and linear integral operators on \(L_p\) spaces representing polynomial covariant type commutation relations2024-03-22Paper
Representations of polynomial covariance type commutation relations by piecewise function multiplication and composition operators2024-03-22Paper
Nearly associative and nearly Hom-associative algebras and bialgebras2024-03-22Paper
Divisibility in Hom-algebras, single-element properties in non-associative algebras and twisted derivations2024-03-22Paper
On Lie-type constructions over twisted derivations2024-03-22Paper
Admissible Hom-Novikov-Poisson and Hom-Gelfand-Dorfman color Hom-algebras2024-03-22Paper
On ideals and derived and central descending series of \(n\)-ary Hom-algebras2024-03-22Paper
Linear integral operators on \(L_p\) spaces representing polynomial covariance type commutation relations2024-03-21Paper
An improved asymptotics of implied volatility in the gatheral model2024-03-16Paper
Representations of polynomial covariance type commutation relations by linear integral operators on \(L_p\) over measure spaces2024-03-16Paper
Algorithms for recalculating alpha and eigenvector centrality measures using graph partitioning techniques2024-03-16Paper
Connections between the extreme points for Vandermonde determinants and minimizing risk measure in financial mathematics2024-03-16Paper
Fixed point results of generalized cyclic contractive mappings in multiplicative metric spaces2024-03-16Paper
Fixed points of T-Hardy Rogers type mappings and coupled fixed point results in multiplicative metric spaces2024-03-16Paper
Some periodic point and fixed point results in multiplicative metric spaces2024-03-16Paper
Bochner integrability of the random fixed point of a generalized random operator and almost sure stability of some faster random iterative processes2024-03-16Paper
Extreme points of the Vandermonde determinant and Wishart ensemble on symmetric cones2024-03-16Paper
Effect of electromagnetic field on mixed convection of two immiscible conducting fluids in a vertical channel2024-03-16Paper
Kupershmidt operators on Hom-Malcev algebras and their deformation2024-01-11Paper
Fixed point results for set-contractions on semi-metric space with a directed graph2023-08-01Paper
Fixed point results for set-contractions on dislocated metric space with a directed graph2023-07-31Paper
Fixed point results for Pre\v{s}i\'c type contractive mappings in $b$-metric spaces2023-07-24Paper
Unique common fixed point results for four weakly commuting maps in $G$-metric spaces2023-07-20Paper
Differential and linear integral operators representing polynomial covariance commutation relations in $C^\infty$2023-07-16Paper
Hom-Leibniz bialgebras and BiHom-Leibniz dendriform algebras2023-06-05Paper
Volterra integral operators and general linear integral operators representing polynomial covariance type commutation relations on $L_p$ spaces2023-05-22Paper
Convergence of commutator of linear integral operators with separable kernel representing monomial covariance type commutation relations in $L_p$2023-05-16Paper
Common end points of multivalued mappings in ordered metric spaces2023-05-14Paper
Representations of polynomial covariance type commutation relations by linear integral operators with separable kernels in $L_p$2023-05-06Paper
Generalized Iterated Function System and Common Attractors of Generalized Hutchinson Operators in Dislocated Metric Spaces2023-05-01Paper
On properties and classification of a class of $4$-dimensional $3$-Hom-Lie algebras with a nilpotent twisting map2023-04-20Paper
Averaging operators on $q$-deformed Witt and $q$-deformed $W(2,2)$ algebras2023-04-02Paper
Pseudo-Euclidean Hom-alternative superalgebras and Hom-post-alternative superalgebras2023-03-11Paper
Simply complete Hom-Lie superalgebras and decomposition of complete Hom-Lie superalgebras2023-03-09Paper
Derivation problem for quandle algebras2022-06-24Paper
Malcev Yang-Baxter equation, weighted $\mathcal{O}$-operators on Malcev algebras and post-Malcev algebras2022-06-07Paper
Dendrification of Hom-Malcev algebras2022-05-22Paper
Perturbed Markov chains with damping component2021-11-09Paper
Structure and cohomology of 3-Lie-Rinehart superalgebras2021-10-28Paper
Hom-left-symmetric color dialgebras, Hom-tridendriform color algebras and Yau's twisting generalizations2021-09-13Paper
Extensions of hom-Lie color algebras2021-09-10Paper
On \(n\)-ary generalization of BiHom-Lie algebras and BiHom-associative algebras2021-09-08Paper
On solvability and nilpotency for \(n\)-Hom-Lie algebras and \((n+1)\)-Hom-Lie algebras induced by \(n\)-Hom-Lie algebras2021-09-08Paper
Multiplicative \(n\)-Hom-Lie color algebras2021-09-08Paper
Classification of low-dimensional Hom-Lie algebras2021-09-08Paper
Enveloping algebras of certain types of color Hom-Lie algebras2021-09-08Paper
A review on Hom-Gerstenhaber algebras and Hom-Lie algebroids2021-09-08Paper
On Hom-Yetter-Drinfeld category2021-09-08Paper
Commutants in crossed product algebras for piecewise constant functions on the real line2021-09-08Paper
Ore extensions of function algebras2021-09-08Paper
Centralizers in PBW extensions2021-09-08Paper
Reordering, centralizers and centers in an algebra with three generators and Lie type relations2021-09-08Paper
Reordering in noncommutative algebras associated with iterated function systems2021-09-08Paper
Twisted difference operator representations of deformed Lie type commutation relations2021-09-08Paper
Torsion-type \(q\)-deformed Heisenberg algebra and its Lie polynomials2021-09-08Paper
Lie polynomial characterization problems2021-09-08Paper
Relations between the fractional operators in \(q\)-calculus2021-09-08Paper
Isomorphism theorems for basic constructive algebraic structures with special emphasize on constructive semigroups with apartness -- an overview2021-09-08Paper
Semilatice decompositions of semigroups. Hereditariness and periodicity -- an overview2021-09-08Paper
Common fixed point for integral type contractive mappings in multiplicative metric spaces2021-09-08Paper
Cyclic contractions and common fixed point results of integral type contractions in multiplicative metric spaces2021-09-08Paper
Extreme points of the Vandermonde determinant on the sphere and some limits involving the generalized Vandermonde determinant2021-09-08Paper
Extreme points of the Vandermonde determinant on surfaces implicitly determined by a univariate polynomial2021-09-08Paper
Optimization of the Wishart joint eigenvalue probability density distribution based on the Vandermonde determinant2021-09-08Paper
An algebraic method for pricing financial instruments on post-crisis market2021-09-08Paper
Advanced Monte Carlo pricing of European options in a market model with two stochastic volatilities2021-09-08Paper
Perturbation analysis for stationary distributions of Markov chains with damping component2021-09-08Paper
Eigenvector Centrality and Uniform Dominant Eigenvalue of Graph Components2021-07-19Paper
The derivation problem for quandle algebras2021-06-15Paper
Transposed Hom-Poisson and Hom-pre-Lie Poisson algebras and bialgebras2021-06-06Paper
Generalized derivations and Rota-Baxter operators of \(n\)-ary Hom-Nambu superalgebras2021-06-04Paper
Simply complete hom-Lie superalgebras and decomposition of complete hom-Lie superalgebras2021-05-19Paper
Rota–Baxter cosystems and coquasitriangular mixed bialgebras2021-05-12Paper
Hom-pre-Malcev and Hom-M-Dendriform algebras2021-05-02Paper
Coupling and ergodic theorems for Markov chains with damping component2021-01-08Paper
Non-degenerate Killing forms on Hom-Lie superalgebras2020-10-05Paper
3-Hom-Lie algebras based on \(\sigma\)-derivation and involution2020-08-25Paper
Generalized Derivations and Rota-Baxter Operators of $n$-ary Hom-Nambu Superalgebras2020-03-02Paper
Asymptotic expansions for stationary distributions of nonlinearly perturbed semi-Markov processes. I.2020-01-13Paper
Asymptotic expansions for stationary distributions of nonlinearly perturbed semi-Markov processes. II.2020-01-13Paper
On generalized Walsh bases2019-11-07Paper
Dmitrii S. Silvestrov2019-10-17Paper
PageRank in evolving tree graphs2019-10-17Paper
Traditional and Lazy PageRanks for a line of nodes connected with complete graphs2019-10-17Paper
Wavelet Representations and Their Commutant2019-09-17Paper
Interpolation of Normed Abelian Groups and Non-Commutative Integration2019-09-17Paper
Enveloping algebras of color hom-Lie algebras2019-05-08Paper
Optimization of the determinant of the Vandermonde matrix and related matrices2019-04-26Paper
Asymptotic expansions for power-exponential moments of hitting times for nonlinearly perturbed semi-Markov processes2019-03-05Paper
Fractals of generalized F-Hutchinson operator2019-02-01Paper
Common fixed point results of four mappings in ordered partial metric spaces2019-02-01Paper
Common fixed point and periodic point results in multiplicative metric spaces2019-02-01Paper
Perturbed Markov Chains and Information Networks2019-01-31Paper
PageRank for networks, graphs, and Markov chains2018-10-10Paper
Analytical and numerical studies on the second-order asymptotic expansion method for European option pricing under two-factor stochastic volatilities2018-04-11Paper
Numerical studies on asymptotics of European option under multiscale stochastic volatility2018-02-02Paper
Loss of conservation of graph centralities in reverse-engineered transcriptional regulatory networks2018-02-02Paper
Estimation of parameters for the multi-peaked AEF current functions2018-02-02Paper
Rota-Baxter bisystems and covariant bialgebras2017-10-14Paper
Curved O-operator systems2017-10-14Paper
Fractals of generalized \(F\)-Hutchinson operator in \(b\)-metric spaces2017-09-26Paper
Extensions of hom-Lie color algebras2017-09-23Paper
Nonlinearly Perturbed Semi-Markov Processes2017-06-30Paper
Lax Matrices for Yang-Baxter Maps2017-05-30Paper
Computing Burchnall–Chaundy Polynomials with Determinants2017-04-10Paper
Crossed Product Algebras for Piece-Wise Constant Functions2017-04-10Paper
Commutants in Crossed Product Algebras for Piece-Wise Constant Functions2017-04-10Paper
Asymptotic Expansions for Stationary Distributions of Perturbed Semi-Markov Processes2017-04-10Paper
PageRank, a Look at Small Changes in a Line of Nodes and the Complete Graph2017-04-10Paper
PageRank, Connecting a Line of Nodes with a Complete Graph2017-04-10Paper
Graph Centrality Based Prediction of Cancer Genes2017-04-10Paper
Output Rate Variation Problem: Some Heuristic Paradigms and Dynamic Programming2017-04-10Paper
Fractional-Wavelet Analysis of Positive definite Distributions and Wavelets on $$\varvec{\mathscr {D'}}(\mathbb {C})$$ D ′ ( C )2017-04-10Paper
Linear Classification of Data with Support Vector Machines and Generalized Support Vector Machines2017-04-10Paper
Linear and Nonlinear Classifiers of Data with Support Vector Machines and Generalized Support Vector Machines2017-04-10Paper
Common Fixed Points of Weakly Commuting Multivalued Mappings on a Domain of Sets Endowed with Directed Graph2017-04-10Paper
Common Fixed Point Results for Family of Generalized Multivalued F-Contraction Mappings in Ordered Metric Spaces2017-04-10Paper
Analysis of Horizontal Thin-Wire Conductor Buried in Lossy Ground: New Model for Sommerfeld Type Integral2017-02-17Paper
Comparison of TL, Point-Matching and Hybrid Circuit Method Analysis of a Horizontal Dipole Antenna Immersed in Lossy Soil2017-02-17Paper
On Some Properties of the Multi-peaked Analytically Extended Function for Approximation of Lightning Discharge Currents2017-02-17Paper
Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in MHD Non-Darcian Flow Due to an Exponential Stretching Sheet Embedded in a Porous Medium in Presence of Non-uniform Heat Source/Sink2017-02-17Paper
Heat and Mass Transfer in MHD Boundary Layer Flow over a Nonlinear Stretching Sheet in a Nanofluid with Convective Boundary Condition and Viscous Dissipation2017-02-17Paper
Effect of Time-Periodic Boundary Temperature Modulations on the Onset of Convection in a Maxwell Fluid–Nanofluid Saturated Porous Layer2017-02-17Paper
Effect of First Order Chemical Reaction on Magneto Convection in a Vertical Double Passage Channel2017-02-17Paper
Pricing European Options Under Stochastic Volatilities Models2017-02-17Paper
Brackets with \((\tau,\sigma)\)-derivations and \((p,q)\)-deformations of Witt and Virasoro algebras2016-07-05Paper
On \((n+1)\)-Hom-Lie algebras induced by \(n\)-Hom-Lie algebras2016-03-09Paper
Generalization of n-ary Nambu algebras and beyond2016-01-08Paper
Generalisation of the Damping Factor in PageRank for Weighted Networks2015-10-15Paper
Commutants and Centers in a 6-Parameter Family of Quadratically Linked Quantum Plane Algebras2015-06-24Paper
Structure and Cohomology of 3-Lie Algebras Induced by Lie Algebras2015-06-24Paper
Universal Algebra Applied to Hom-Associative Algebras, and More2015-06-24Paper
Ternary Hom–Nambu–Lie algebras induced by Hom–Lie algebras2015-04-29Paper
Dynamics, Wavelets, Commutants and Transfer Operators Satisfying Crossed Product Type Commutation Relations2015-03-27Paper
PageRank for evolving link structures2013-12-20Paper
Direct and Inverse Computational Methods for Electromagnetic Scattering in Biological Diagnostics2013-12-16Paper
Construction of n-Lie algebras and n-ary Hom-Nambu-Lie algebras2013-10-16Paper
Commuting Operators for Representations of Commutation Relations Defined by Dynamical Systems2012-10-23Paper
Decomposition of wavelet representations and Martin boundaries2012-03-05Paper
Reducibility of the wavelet representation associated to the Cantor set2011-10-17Paper
Irreducible wavelet representations and ergodic automorphisms on solenoids2011-06-28Paper
On theK-theory of theC*-algebra associated with a one-sided shift space2011-02-02Paper
Notes on 1-parameter formal deformations of Hom-associative and Hom-Lie algebras2010-08-13Paper
Operator convex functions overC *-algebras2010-07-29Paper
Ternaryq-Virasoro–Witt Hom–Nambu–Lie algebras2010-07-19Paper
Affine transformation crossed product like algebras and noncommutative surfaces2010-03-10Paper
Unital algebras of Hom-associative type and surjective or injective twistings2010-01-27Paper
On algebraic curves for commuting elements in \(q\)-Heisenberg algebras.2010-01-27Paper
Matrix bosonic realizations of a Lie colour algebra with three generators and five relations of Heisenberg Lie type2010-01-27Paper
On the Exel crossed product of topological covering maps2010-01-18Paper
Commutativity and ideals in pre-crystalline graded rings.2010-01-18Paper
Commutativity and ideals in strongly graded rings.2010-01-18Paper
Dynamical systems associated with crossed products2010-01-18Paper
On Generalized N-Complexes Coming from Twisted Derivations2009-05-13Paper
Hom-Lie Admissible Hom-Coalgebras and Hom-Hopf Algebras2009-05-13Paper
Lie Color and Hom-Lie Algebras of Witt Type and Their Central Extensions2009-05-13Paper
A Note on Quasi-Lie and Hom-Lie Structures of σ-Derivations of C=[Z 1 ±1 ,…,Z n ±1 ]2009-05-13Paper
Algebraic Dependence of Commuting Elements in Algebras2009-05-13Paper
Crossed Product-Like and Pre-Crystalline Graded Rings2009-05-13Paper
Algebraic curves for commuting elements in the \(q\)-deformed Heisenberg algebra2009-04-29Paper
The mathematics of internet search engines2009-04-29Paper
Hom-algebra structures2009-01-20Paper
Quasi-Lie deformations on the algebra \(\mathbb F[t/(t^N)\)]2009-01-20Paper
On a correspondence between ideals and commutativity in algebraic crossed products.2009-01-20Paper
Commutativity and ideals in algebraic crossed products.2009-01-20Paper
On Some Almost Quadratic Algebras Coming from Twisted Derivations2009-01-05Paper
Bosonic Realizations of the Colour Heisenberg Lie Algebra2009-01-05Paper
Monotone operator functions, gaps and power moment problem2008-11-04Paper
\(C^*\)-crossed products and shift spaces2008-03-11Paper
Quasi-Lie structure of \(\sigma \)-derivations of \(\mathbb C[t^{\pm 1}\)]2008-03-10Paper
Quasi-Deformations of 𝔰𝔩2(𝔽) Using Twisted Derivations2008-01-14Paper
Cohomology of 3-dimensional color Lie algebras2007-12-21Paper
Ergodipotent maps and commutativity of elements in noncommutative rings and algebras with twisted intertwining.2007-10-05Paper
Quasi-deformations of \(\mathfrak{sl}_2(\mathbb F)\) with base \(\mathbb R[t,t^{-1}\)]2007-03-27Paper
Graded quasi-Lie algebras of Witt type2007-03-27Paper
Representations and cocycle twists of color Lie algebras2006-12-20Paper
On Hom-algebra structures2006-09-18Paper
An invariant for unbounded operators2006-05-17Paper
Deformations of Lie algebras using \(\sigma\)-derivations2006-04-28Paper
Twisted Volterra equation2006-02-17Paper
Quasi-hom-Lie algebras, central extensions and 2-cocycle-like identities2005-08-25Paper
Two-sided ideals in \(q\)-deformed Heisenberg algebras.2005-08-05Paper
A new kind of two-parameter deformation of Heisenberg and parabose algebras and related deformed derivative2005-03-14Paper
Topological dynamical systems of type I2002-11-03Paper
Canonical involutions in three-dimensional generalised Lie algebras2001-12-17Paper
Central elements of the second order in three-dimensional generalised Lie algebras2000-08-14Paper
On centralisers in \(q\)-deformed Heisenberg algebras2000-08-14Paper
On rings generalizing commutativity2000-08-14Paper
Representations of Algebras Associated with a Möbius Transformation2000-05-08Paper
Representations of the \(q\)-deformed Lie algebra of the group of motions of the Euclidean plane1999-06-03Paper
Hilbert space representations of the graded analogue of the Lie algebra of the group of plane motions1996-02-04Paper

Research outcomes over time

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