Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Optical angular momentum in atomic transitions: a paradox | 2022-11-16 | Paper |
Generalized ray optics and orbital angular momentum carrying beams | 2021-01-14 | Paper |
Optical Dirac equation | 2021-01-12 | Paper |
Quantum probability rule: a generalization of the theorems of Gleason and Busch | 2021-01-11 | Paper |
Maxwellian theory of gravitational waves and their mechanical properties | 2021-01-08 | Paper |
Corrigendum to ``Grassmann phase space methods for fermions. II. Field theory | 2020-12-04 | Paper |
Optical helicity, optical spin and related quantities in electromagnetic theory | 2020-12-02 | Paper |
The simplest demonstrations of quantum nonlocality | 2020-12-02 | Paper |
Electric–magnetic symmetry and Noether's theorem | 2020-12-02 | Paper |
Directional correlations in quantum walks with two particles | 2020-11-24 | Paper |
Corrigendum to ``Grassmann phase space methods for fermions. I: Mode theory | 2019-11-07 | Paper |
Is coherence catalytic? | 2019-02-28 | Paper |
Chirality and the angular momentum of light | 2019-01-09 | Paper |
Grassmann phase space methods for fermions. I: Mode theory | 2018-02-20 | Paper |
Grassmann phase space theory for fermions | 2017-09-29 | Paper |
Grassmann phase space methods for fermions. II. Field theory | 2017-08-16 | Paper |
Optical helicity of interfering waves | 2017-02-17 | Paper |
Beyond Landauer erasure | 2016-05-10 | Paper |
Quantum Retrodiction | 2015-07-20 | Paper |
Phase Space Methods for Degenerate Quantum Gases | 2014-11-20 | Paper |
Grassmann phase space theory and the Jaynes-Cummings model | 2014-04-03 | Paper |
Information erasure without an energy cost | 2011-12-17 | Paper |
Rotation of electromagnetic fields and the nature of optical angular momentum | 2010-12-22 | Paper |
On the recoil and Doppler shifts | 2010-12-22 | Paper |
Interference of composite bosons | 2010-09-17 | Paper |
The enigma of optical momentum in a medium | 2010-08-05 | Paper |
Quantum state comparison and the universal-NOT operation | 2010-06-16 | Paper |
Random qubit-states and how best to measure them | 2010-06-16 | Paper |
Decision problems with quantum black boxes | 2010-06-16 | Paper | | 2009-09-08 | Paper | | 2009-08-17 | Paper |
Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and Applications | 2009-05-26 | Paper |
On the conditions for discrimination between quantum states with minimum error | 2009-02-25 | Paper |
On the quantum core of an optical vortex | 2008-12-04 | Paper |
Optical momentum in negative-index media | 2008-12-04 | Paper | | 2008-09-03 | Paper |
Quantum formulation of fractional orbital angular momentum | 2008-05-15 | Paper |
Linear transformations of quantum states | 2008-04-16 | Paper |
On the dragging of light by a rotating medium | 2008-01-23 | Paper |
The damped Jaynes–Cummings model | 2007-11-13 | Paper |
Frictional quantum decoherence | 2007-09-07 | Paper |
Entanglement and collective quantum operations | 2007-08-07 | Paper |
Resolution in rotation measurements | 2006-05-03 | Paper |
Momentum paradox in a vortex core | 2005-06-14 | Paper |
State vector approximations for the resonant two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model | 2004-09-21 | Paper |
Maximum fidelity for a mirror symmetric set of qubit states | 2004-06-10 | Paper |
Comparison of unitary transforms | 2004-06-09 | Paper |
Retrodiction as a tool for micromaser field measurements | 2004-05-27 | Paper |
On multiple soliton solutions of some simple differential-difference equations | 2003-10-21 | Paper |
Antisymmetric multi‐partite quantum states and their applications | 2003-04-10 | Paper |
Methods in Theoretical Quantum Optics | 2003-02-11 | Paper |
Comparison of two unknown pure quantum states | 2003-01-22 | Paper |
Bayes' theorem and quantum retrodiction | 2002-10-17 | Paper |
Spectral decomposition of the Lindblad operator | 2002-10-17 | Paper |
Retrodiction with two-level atoms: atomic previvals | 2002-10-17 | Paper |
CP violation, EPR correlations and quantum state discrimination | 2002-02-05 | Paper |
Fidelity and the communication of quantum information | 2002-01-27 | Paper | | 2001-01-01 | Paper |
Non-Markovian Quantum Optical Processes and Pseudomodes | 2001-01-01 | Paper |
Quantum state separation, unambiguous discrimination and exact cloning | 2000-12-17 | Paper |
Quasi mode theory of macroscopic canonical quantization in quantum optics and cavity quantum electrodynamics | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Macroscopic canonical quantization in quantum optics: Properties of quasi mode annihilation and creation operators | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
A quantum scattering theory approach to quantum-optical measurements | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Strategies for discriminating between non-orthogonal quantum states | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Quantum phase distribution by projection synthesis | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Quantum phase distribution by projection synthesis | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Reconstructing the Wavefunction in Quantum Optics | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Communication Using Quantum States | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Bell's Inequality and Rejected-data Protocols for Quantum Cryptography | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Optical state measurement by information transfer | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Macroscopic canonical quantization in quantum optics: Properties of quasi mode annihilation and creation operators | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Quantum theory of two-mode nonlinear directional couplers | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Squeezed Quantum Fluctuations and Noise Limits in Amplifiers and Attenuators | 2000-07-16 | Paper |
Squeezing in Correlated Quantum Systems | 2000-07-16 | Paper | | 2000-07-03 | Paper |
The problem with: The problem of the Pegg-Barnett phase operator by Yu. I. Vorontsov and Yu. A. Rembovsky. | 2000-03-08 | Paper |
Entanglement and unambiguous discrimination between non-orthogonal states | 2000-03-07 | Paper |
Diagonalisation of the Bell-CHSH operator. | 2000-03-07 | Paper |
Entropic uncertainty relations for canonically conjugate operators | 2000-02-08 | Paper |
Complementarity and Cirel'son's inequality | 1998-08-12 | Paper |
The principles of quantum cryptography | 1997-04-16 | Paper |
Secure optical communications systems using quantum cryptography | 1997-04-16 | Paper |