Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Towards a classification of permutation binomials of the form \(x^i+ax\) over \(\mathbb{F}_{2^n}\) | 2024-12-11 | Paper |
Neural network-based continuous finite-time tracking control for uncertain robotic systems with actuator saturation | 2024-07-25 | Paper |
A membership function-dependent \(L_\infty\) performance based output interval estimation method for discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems applied to fault detection | 2024-07-11 | Paper |
A second-order adaptive DLN algorithm with different subdomain variable time steps for the 3D closed-loop geothermal system | 2024-06-04 | Paper |
A second-order time parallel decoupled algorithm for the Stokes/Darcy model | 2024-04-29 | Paper |
Uncertainty analysis of excitation conditions on performance of nonlinear monostable energy harvesters | 2024-04-26 | Paper |
A modified local and parallel finite element method for the coupled Stokes-Darcy model with the Beavers-Joseph interface condition | 2023-05-11 | Paper |
Exponential synchronisation of nonlinear multi-agent systems via distributed self-triggered hybrid control with virtual linked agents | 2022-12-08 | Paper |
A note on regression kink model | 2022-11-09 | Paper |
Termination of Semi-algebraic Loop Programs | 2022-11-04 | Paper |
Capturing Stochastic and Real-Time Behavior in Reo Connectors | 2022-11-04 | Paper |
Synthesizing ranking functions for loop programs via SVM | 2022-10-14 | Paper |
A second order partitioned method with grad-div stabilization for the non-stationary dual-porosity-Stokes model | 2022-09-30 | Paper |
Study on the optimization of urban emergency supplies distribution paths for epidemic outbreaks | 2022-09-27 | Paper |
Finite-amplitude instability of the buoyancy boundary layer in a thermally stratified medium | 2022-09-02 | Paper |
Optimization on Content Spread in Social Network Studies | 2022-06-10 | Paper |
Formal analysis of composable DeFi protocols | 2022-06-01 | Paper |
Bayesian bent line quantile regression model | 2022-05-25 | Paper |
Adversarial Gaussian Process Regression in Sensor Networks | 2022-05-16 | Paper |
Bayesian survival analysis using gamma processes with adaptive time partition | 2022-03-23 | Paper |
A rumor spreading pairwise model on weighted networks | 2022-03-01 | Paper | | 2022-02-22 | Paper | | 2022-02-22 | Paper | | 2022-02-22 | Paper |
Salesforce contracting under model uncertainty | 2021-12-13 | Paper |
Local synchronization of nonlinear dynamical networks with hybrid impulsive saturation control inputs | 2021-11-12 | Paper |
OUP accepted manuscript | 2021-11-05 | Paper |
Analysis of the local and parallel space-time algorithm for the heat equation | 2021-10-19 | Paper |
Uniform augmented \(q\)-level designs | 2021-09-28 | Paper |
A Variable Stepsize, Variable Order Family of Low Complexity | 2021-06-29 | Paper |
Using Coq for Formal Modeling and Verification of Timed Connectors | 2021-05-26 | Paper |
Fluid-rigid-body interaction simulations and validations using a coupled stabilized ISPH-DEM incorporated with the energy-tracking impulse method for multiple-body contacts | 2021-04-27 | Paper |
Target users' activation probability maximization with different seed set constraints in social networks | 2020-09-01 | Paper | | 2020-08-12 | Paper |
A second-order artificial compression method for the evolutionary Stokes-Darcy system | 2020-06-15 | Paper |
Adaptive partitioned methods for the time-accurate approximation of the evolutionary Stokes-Darcy system | 2020-05-14 | Paper |
Numerical solutions of the forward and inverse problems arising in diffuse optical tomography | 2020-04-27 | Paper |
Error estimates of a second-order decoupled scheme for the evolutionary Stokes-Darcy system | 2020-04-27 | Paper |
Nonlinear vibration of a beam with asymmetric elastic supports | 2020-03-25 | Paper |
Activation probability maximization for target users under influence decay model | 2020-02-24 | Paper | | 2020-01-22 | Paper |
Small-scale reconstruction in three-dimensional Kolmogorov flows using four-dimensional variational data assimilation | 2020-01-13 | Paper |
A novel design of sparse prototype filter for nearly perfect reconstruction cosine-modulated filter banks | 2020-01-13 | Paper |
Data-dependent approximation in social computing | 2019-11-20 | Paper |
Apportioning indivisible damage and strategic diffusion of pollution abatement technology | 2019-10-07 | Paper | | 2019-09-20 | Paper |
Simulation analysis theory and experimental verification of air-cushion isolation control of high concrete dams | 2019-08-28 | Paper |
Approximation of solutions to a general system of variational inclusions in Banach spaces and applications | 2019-07-22 | Paper |
Robust Tracking Control for Flexible Space End Effector | 2019-05-24 | Paper |
Enhanced biologically inspired model for image recognition based on a novel patch selection method with moment | 2019-04-26 | Paper |
Viscosity approximation methods for the implicit midpoint rule of asymptotically nonexpansive mapping in complete CAT(0) spaces | 2019-04-23 | Paper |
A stabilized finite volume method for the evolutionary Stokes-Darcy system | 2019-03-25 | Paper |
Three-dimensional free vibration analysis of gears with variable thickness using the Chebyshev-Ritz method | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
DeepTrack: Learning Discriminative Feature Representations Online for Robust Visual Tracking | 2019-02-04 | Paper |
Parameterized inequalities about a point in the plane of a triangle | 2019-02-01 | Paper |
A new embedded variable stepsize, variable order family of low computational complexity | 2018-10-15 | Paper |
All-loop Mondrian diagrammatics and 4-particle amplituhedron | 2018-09-07 | Paper |
Bifurcation analysis and solutions of a higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation | 2018-08-27 | Paper |
Numerical solution of an inverse boundary value problem for the heat equation with unknown inclusions | 2018-08-01 | Paper |
Higher spin Chern–Simons theory and the super Boussinesq hierarchy | 2018-05-31 | Paper |
A second‐order partitioned method with different subdomain time steps for the evolutionary Stokes‐Darcy system | 2018-05-30 | Paper | | 2018-04-17 | Paper |
Online Order Scheduling Problem with the Same Order Size on Two Identical Machines | 2017-08-10 | Paper |
Witness to non-termination of linear programs | 2017-06-13 | Paper |
Termination of Single-Path Polynomial Loop Programs | 2016-12-21 | Paper | | 2016-10-06 | Paper |
A recursive decision method for termination of linear programs | 2016-09-29 | Paper | | 2016-09-02 | Paper |
Strong convergence of hybrid Halpern iteration for Bregman totally quasi-asymptotically nonexpansive multi-valued mappings in reflexive Banach spaces with application | 2016-05-26 | Paper |
Strong convergence results of two-steps modifying Halpern's iteration for Bregman strongly nonexpansive multi-valued mappings in reflexive Banach spaces with application | 2016-03-17 | Paper | | 2016-03-15 | Paper |
The evolution towards the rod-like axisymmetric structure for turbulent stress tensor | 2015-12-10 | Paper |
Constrained multi-scale turnover Lagrangian map for anisotropic synthetic turbulence: A priori tests | 2015-10-28 | Paper | | 2015-02-11 | Paper | | 2015-02-11 | Paper |
Halpern's iteration for Bregman strongly nonexpansive multi-valued mappings in reflexive Banach spaces with application | 2014-07-25 | Paper |
Strong convergence theorems for modifying Halpern-Mann iterations for a quasi-\(\phi\)-asymptotically nonexpansive multi-valued mapping in Banach spaces | 2014-07-22 | Paper | | 2014-06-30 | Paper |
Model checking approach to automated planning | 2014-06-30 | Paper |
A Zero-attracting Quaternion-valued Least Mean Square Algorithm for Sparse System Identification | 2014-06-22 | Paper |
Symbolic optimization with SMT solvers | 2014-04-10 | Paper | | 2014-02-28 | Paper | | 2014-02-28 | Paper | | 2014-02-28 | Paper |
Strong convergence theorems for modifying Halpern iterations for a totally quasi-\(\phi \)-asymptotically nonexpansive multi-valued mapping in reflexive Banach spaces | 2014-01-31 | Paper |
A public turbulence database cluster and applications to study Lagrangian evolution of velocity increments in turbulence | 2013-10-17 | Paper |
Small-scale intermittency and local anisotropy in turbulent mixing with rotation | 2013-10-17 | Paper | | 2013-06-20 | Paper |
Real-time oriented behavior-driven 3D freehand tracking for direct interaction | 2012-11-13 | Paper |
Several semi-online scheduling problems on two identical machines with combined information | 2012-10-11 | Paper |
The Normal Meromorphic Functions Family Concerning Higher Order Derivative and Shared Set by One-Way | 2012-06-12 | Paper | | 2012-01-27 | Paper |
Anomalies and graded coisotropic branes | 2011-11-28 | Paper |
Features extraction from hand images based on new detection operators | 2011-03-25 | Paper | | 2011-02-02 | Paper |
Lagrangian evolution of velocity increments in rotating turbulence: the effects of rotation on non-Gaussian statistics | 2010-11-05 | Paper | | 2010-11-05 | Paper |
Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis on a two-neuron network with discrete and distributed delays | 2010-11-01 | Paper |
Adaptive control and synchronization of a new modified hyperchaotic Lü system with uncertain parameters | 2010-10-28 | Paper |
An effective algorithm of computing symbolic determinants with multivariate polynomial entries | 2010-09-01 | Paper |
Analysis of mean momentum flux in subgrid models of turbulence | 2010-04-22 | Paper |
Geometrical statistics and vortex structures in helical and nonhelical turbulences | 2010-04-22 | Paper |
Anyons emerging from fermions with conventional two-body interactions | 2010-03-30 | Paper |
The improved QV signature scheme based on conic curves over \(\mathbb Z_n\) | 2010-02-26 | Paper | | 2010-02-12 | Paper |
An effective hybrid algorithm for computing symbolic determinants | 2009-12-18 | Paper |
Dynamic authentication scheme using smart card | 2009-11-09 | Paper |
Two phase decision algorithm of replica allocation | 2009-11-06 | Paper |
From hedging to speculation -- an explanation based on prospect theory | 2009-10-15 | Paper |
Language identification for handwritten document images using a shape codebook | 2009-10-15 | Paper |
Using the doubling dimension to analyze the generalization of learning algorithms | 2009-07-24 | Paper | | 2009-07-22 | Paper |
Adaptive control and synchronization of a novel hyperchaotic system with uncertain parameters | 2009-01-16 | Paper | | 2008-11-24 | Paper |
Data fusion based on fuzzy measures | 2008-11-17 | Paper |
Material deformation in a restricted Euler model for turbulent flows: Analytic solution and numerical tests | 2008-11-03 | Paper |
Hopf bifurcation analysis of the Liu system | 2008-05-05 | Paper | | 2008-04-03 | Paper |
A cluster validity index for fuzzy clustering | 2008-03-12 | Paper |
Topological sigma-models with \(H\)-flux and twisted generalized complex manifolds | 2008-02-15 | Paper |
Open-string BRST cohomology for generalized complex branes | 2007-09-05 | Paper | | 2007-08-22 | Paper | | 2007-06-26 | Paper |
Performance evaluation of multi-fiber optical packet switches | 2007-02-20 | Paper |
Direct contact condensation in packed beds | 2007-02-20 | Paper | | 2006-11-20 | Paper |
Static hedging with uncertain quantity and departure from the cost-of-carry valuation | 2006-10-24 | Paper |
Intermittency trends and Lagrangian evolution of non-Gaussian statistics in turbulent flow and scalar transport | 2006-08-10 | Paper |
Hopf bifurcation analysis of a tabu learning two-neuron model | 2006-08-04 | Paper |
Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2005 | 2005-11-23 | Paper | | 2005-11-16 | Paper | | 2005-10-27 | Paper |
Topological correlators in Landau-Ginzburg models with boundaries | 2004-11-11 | Paper | | 2003-09-18 | Paper |
The one-inclusion graph algorithm is near-optimal for the prediction model of learning | 2002-08-04 | Paper | | 2002-06-16 | Paper |
The relaxed online maximum margin algorithm | 2002-04-11 | Paper | | 2001-10-21 | Paper |
Improved bounds on the sample complexity of learning | 2001-09-09 | Paper | | 2000-09-04 | Paper | | 2000-05-10 | Paper |
Soliton collisions in the ion acoustic plasma equations | 2000-04-02 | Paper | | 1998-11-08 | Paper | | 1996-07-17 | Paper |
On Bendixson's criterion | 1994-05-10 | Paper |
Four-point explicit difference schemes for the dispersive equation | 1993-08-23 | Paper | | 1993-01-17 | Paper | | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
A free boundary problem for quasilinear degenerate parabolic equations with general degeneracy | 1990-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1986-01-01 | Paper |