Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Dynamical system analysis in modified Galileon cosmology | 2024-11-20 | Paper |
New class of cosmological solutions for a self-interacting scalar field | 2024-07-05 | Paper |
Propagation of light and retarded time of radiation in a strong gravitational wave | 2024-02-28 | Paper |
Solutions of Maxwell equations for admissible electromagnetic fields, in spaces with simply transitive four-parameter groups of motions | 2023-11-08 | Paper |
Cosmological solutions and qualitative analysis in the generalized scalar-tensor theory of gravity with the Higgs potential | 2023-10-24 | Paper |
Spherically symmetric solutions of a chiral self-gravitating model in \(f(R,\square R)\) gravity | 2022-10-12 | Paper |
New method of exponential potentials reconstruction based on given scale factor in phantonical two-field models | 2022-08-31 | Paper |
Black holes and wormholes in f(R) gravity with a kinetic curvature scalar | 2021-11-03 | Paper |
Cosmological solutions in the tensor-multi-scalar theory of gravity with the Higgs potential | 2020-12-11 | Paper |
Точные космологические решения для фантомных полей | 2020-04-08 | Paper |
Сферически-симметричная нелинейная сигма-модель: точные решения, найденные с использованием метода изометрических погружений | 2020-04-07 | Paper |
Chiral cosmological model of \(f(R)\) gravity with a kinetic curvature scalar | 2020-02-20 | Paper |
Scalar Field Cosmology | 2019-08-07 | Paper |
Superpotential method for chiral cosmological models connected with modified gravity | 2019-04-25 | Paper |
A new look at the Schrödinger equation in exact scalar field cosmology | 2019-02-22 | Paper |
Kinetic scalar curvature extended \(f(R)\) gravity | 2018-11-05 | Paper |
Inflation with explicit parametric connection between general relativity and scalar–tensor gravity | 2018-10-05 | Paper |
Exact inflation in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity | 2018-03-20 | Paper |
New exact solutions for a chiral cosmological model in 5D EGB gravity | 2018-03-20 | Paper |
Exact and approximate solutions in the Friedmann cosmology | 2018-02-07 | Paper |
Exact solutions for scalar field cosmology in f(R) gravity | 2017-12-06 | Paper |
A new approach to exact solutions construction in scalar cosmology with a Gauss–Bonnet term | 2017-10-02 | Paper |
The effect of universe inhomogeneities on cosmological distance measurements | 2016-11-01 | Paper |
Dynamics of chiral cosmological fields in the phantom-canonical model | 2016-02-26 | Paper |
σCDM coupled to radiation: Dark energy and Universe acceleration | 2015-09-16 | Paper |
Exact inflationary solutions inspired by the emergent universe scenario | 2015-07-08 | Paper |
Emergent Universe supported by chiral cosmological fields in 5D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity | 2015-03-25 | Paper |
Mathematical Physics : Problems and Solutions of The Students Training Contest Olympiad in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (May 21st - 24th, 2010) | 2011-10-21 | Paper |
Wormholes supported by chiral fields | 2009-10-19 | Paper |
An emergent universe supported by a nonlinear sigma model | 2009-05-12 | Paper |
On calculation of the cosmological parameters in exact models of inflation | 2008-09-17 | Paper |
Harmonic maps and isometric embeddings of the spacetime | 2008-03-26 | Paper |
2D solutions of SO(3)-invariant non-linear sigma model on the cosmic string background | 2006-12-11 | Paper |
Inflationary cosmological models without restrictions on a scalar field potential | 2005-01-19 | Paper |
Inflaton and non-inflaton perturbations in a two-component chiral cosmological model | 2004-11-16 | Paper |
Comparative analysis of approximate and exact models in inflationary cosmology | 2004-09-21 | Paper |
New exact solutions in a chiral model for a planar-symmetry gravitational field | 2001-11-05 | Paper |
New exact solutions for nonlinear scalar fields in \((1+1)\) dimensions | 2001-04-17 | Paper |
Gravitational field of the early universe. I: A nonlinear scalar field as a source | 2001-04-17 | Paper |
Chiral nonlinear sigma models and cosmological inflation | 2001-04-01 | Paper |
Effective chiral model of a plane-symmetric gravitational field: Properties and exact solutions | 2000-11-21 | Paper |
A plane-symmetric gravitational field with matter as a generalized nonlinear sigma model | 2000-09-17 | Paper |
On the chiral model of cosmological inflation | 2000-08-24 | Paper |
Inhomogeneous cosmologies with gravitating Yang-Mills-Higgs fields | 2000-08-24 | Paper |
Cosmological perturbations in two-component nonlinear sigma model | 2000-08-24 | Paper |
Exact inhomogeneous cosmological models with Yang-Mills fields | 2000-05-17 | Paper |